Learning is a lot of fun.

(Many of the coolest learning sites on the internet)

This site is so cool. Chock full of real science. It is also sponsored by many of my heros in biology like Richard Dawkins and E. O. Wilson.

Any site titled bizarre stuff and it is science stuff is #1 in my book!


Have you ever seen a glowing pickle? But, don't try this at home!

This Skeptiseum will explain the seemingly unexplicable.

This is a great research site

Make up your own quizes or just take someone else's fun quiz (these can get goofy!)


You think you are a good speller. Try this site!

TESTSUPER SPELLING - or try this one!




Astronomy Sites. There are many more out there.

Let me know about your favorites and I'll add them.

(by the way this is a picture of a dying star NGC6543)


Cool site that will teach you about some astronomical misconceptions


Look out above! What's up there.

This company makes tornadoes!

Lavaland will make haiku for you.



The United States Geological Survey can help you find out how big that rockin' was this mornin'

A Site that teaches you to do many things you might need to know how to do!

Yeah, this is how stuff does work!


Lookin' for some family or historical pictures?

The Tech Museum




Dr. Sue, a veterinarian gives you tons of information about your favorite pets.







For the little ones (2-5yrs)


"Gravity cannot be held responsible for people falling in love." -- Albert Einstein

One of Mrs. McKenzie and my favorite books!

Interesting science geek site. Went there this summer and saw Galileo's index finger. If that isn't too weird for you, check it out!