Staff Pictures


Those kids just suck the life right out of ya!


Billie and Joan check to make sure every child gets on the correct bus. Their watchful eyes scour the parking lot for wild drivers and wilder kids.

Roberta Anderson and Carol Hawkins search for a moment of sanity.



My mentor and source for many of my hairbrained ideas. Mrs. Graff is no longer with us. In spirit, I feel her presence daily.


Casual attire works for me. Mrs. Dukes and I were running late and it worked out fine, because it was pajama day at Spring Grove.






Those meetings go on and, hey has he got that stupid camera out again?





And, of course, we'll miss Chris Lompa's

quiet subdued personality.




And we'll miss Maggie and Hoa who fit in so well at SG.A few shots from a "Goin' Away" party.

Metta and JulieThe leftover gangMetta, Sandy, and Maggie

Rob started to have the same symptoms Whitney had. Thank goodness Mary finally came and Rob's symptoms have somewhat diminished.





Three teachers who are sorely missed, Genie, Maggie and Hoa. Genie, buy a helmet!

And after all that, I add an aura of dignity and authority to a much too sane staff.