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I truly believe in there are no coincidences or chance.  When my family lost our old English Sheepdog (Daisy) last year (2017), my daughter Isabelle was distraught beyond words.  Daisy has been her companion and cuddle buddy since she was born.  I told Isabelle that was will get a pup for her (but it is not a replacement for Daisy) and didn’t want a replacement OES.  There is never going to be another Daisy.  Little did I know the search will end on the Sacrament Bee pet classified with the cutest Aussies from Bev and Tom at Golden Acres.  We were fortunate to have about 6 pups to choose from and one black tri sat next to Isabelle and will not leave her side.  I believe when that happens the pup choses you and is your forever dog.  We brought home this black tri and named him Dexter.  Dexter joined our 10-year-old Golden Retriever (Shelby) and a very sick German shorthair pointer (Carly, we had to put the pointer down within couple of weeks of Dexter’s entry into our family).


Dexter being a pup was too much for our golden and his litter mate (red merle female) was available still.  This red merle picked my spouse and so we purchased another Aussie.  We named her Ginger.  This pup loves to sing and serenades us with the cutest howls.  They are very smart and loving.  But like all Aussies, are curious and get into mischief.  But that goes with the territory. 


Bev and Tom have become close friends to my family and I joking said that I always wanted a blue merle.  One summer night, Bev called and said they have another litter with one blue merle male.  This pup looked like someone splattered black, grey, white and brown all over his tiny face and I knew at that time, he had to be mine.  We named him Tango.  It is a joy to have these dogs sharing our household and they know when we are having a bad day.  There is never a time that they will not sit beside you and offer a 3-dog sandwich.  They are the best companions and not a day goes by that I don’t thank God for bringing Bev and Tom into our lives. 


If you are fortunate to meet Bev and Tom, know you have met the kindest and most genuine people ever.  AND, if you get one of their pups, you will be treated with the smartest and funniest dogs ever.  Just be sure to give them plenty to do and take them for long walks.  Just be careful with you shoes and socks.


Ken, Carol and Isabelle

Sacramento, CA


Hi Bev,

I just want to send you a quick note to tell you how much we love Tucker!  He has just turned one and is such a great addition to our family.  Just this morning Tom and I watched him "wake up the kids".   He goes from one room to the next greeting each of the kids with a morning hug and kiss.  You have once again provided us with an exceptional Aussie!!!
