From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Single User: Password or Certificate Newsgroups: Date: Sun, 05 Dec 2004 13:35:10 -0700re:
for a little more topic drift, i recently saw a demo of the lexus smartkey, basically if you have it in your pocket ... it lets you open a (locked) door and turn the ignition. basically it is as much a form of
• something you have
authentication ... as a regular key. one issue is that it is a lot larger (and integrated into the remote unlock token). i have no idea if it is easier or harder to counterfeit than regular key.
basically passwords have been form of
• something you know
authentication and also a shared-secret
where every unique security domain has requiremetns about unique shared-secrets for every unique environment (avoiding cross-security domain contamination ... like between local garage ISP and your online banking or employee access).
the issue with real hardware tokens & shared-secrets is that the concept of perpetuating a unique hardware token per environment occurs.
I once went around a smartcard show and commented to people in the booths that if the current smartcard approach (institutional-centric with unique cards to every individual by every institution) ever became successful ... it might be a return to the mid-80s copy-protection scheme of requiring a unique floppy disk inserted in the floppy drive for every application (the prospect of being faced with scores of cards).
the public/private key issue with hardware tokens has a number of issues:
a hardware token with a public/private key implementation (which is totally orthogonal to the issue of whether the paradigm has certificates or totally certificate-less operation) can
with respect to SSH and public key authentication ... the same protocol can work whether
• the private key is software-based (and the relying party can only assume non-shared-secret, but secret pin-based, something you know authentication by validating a digital signature) or
• two-factor authentication and the private key is hardware token based.
the public/private key protocol part of ssh can address exploit issues like things related to shared-secret vis-a-vis non-shared-secret and evesdroping and replay attacks. what the protocol doesn't tell the relying party is what does the validation of the digital signature with the public key actually imply with regard to 3-factor authentication issues.
the trust and assurance that a relying party can place in the validation of a digital signature ... requires the relying party having some knowledge of the environment that originated the digital signature.
just validating a digital signature with a public key, by itself,
doesn't establish whether it represents one-factor, two-factor or
possibly even three-factor authentication and/or what of the
• something you have
• something you know
• something you are
might be involved.
so i'm wondering if i can have a single individual-centric smartkey someday ... where the same smartkey will let me open all possible doors that i might need to open (vehicle, home, office), use my pc, perform electronic commerce transactions, etc, ... and possibly even ssh?
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Systems software versus applications software definitions Newsgroups:,comp.lang.c,comp.programming,alt.os.development,comp.arch,alt.folklore.computers Date: Sun, 05 Dec 2004 13:57:41 -0700ref:
another dimension of assurance is this stuff:
something like 2167a can increase the straight-forward application development costs by a factor of ten times ... and frequently this sort of stuff can't be retrofitted after the fact (has to be done up front before coding ever starts)
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Tue, 07 Dec 2004 20:32:10 -0700"Douglas A. Gwyn" writes:
as of approx. 1999, the majority of (programming exploits) were C-related buffer overflows.
as of approx. two years ago ... the exploits were something like
1/3rd c-related buffer overlows
1/3rd automatic scripting
1/3rd social engineering
(not so much that the c-related buffer overflows declined ... but that
the other exploits increased significantly).
there is the multics security review paper .... which cliams that multics had no known cases of length related exploits. part of this is the different length related semantics in its implementation language PLI; PLI implementation typically had buffers with max & current lengths in a header field. copy/move/io library routines honored the explicit lengths. It wasn't impossible to write bad code with length-related problems ... but you had to work much, much harder at doing it (than is typical in c).
this isn't a situation of PLI catching mistakes ... it is that c library semantics provide more opportunities to make mistakes compared to other languages where the semantics make it much less likely to make mistakes.
past reference to the multics review Thirty Years Later: Lessons from the Multics Security Evaluation Thirty Years Later: Lessons from the Multics Security Evaluation
lots of past posts discussing buffer overflows
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2004 10:46:06 -0700"Douglas A. Gwyn" writes:
another kind of buffer overrun not mentioned (as frequently) is incoming characters from some hardware device ... where the rate of the incoming characters exceed the capacity of the system to allocate space for them. this buffer overrun/overflow situation usually results in dropped data ... as opposed to move/copy of data past the end of an allocated buffer. this kind of buffer overrun strays into the area of windowing algorithms and rate-based pacing
another buffer management problem can be allocation/deallocation of the buffers. this is frequently an infrastructure serialization problem ... with things like dangling pointers still being in use after dynamic buffer had been de-allocated (or serialization process trying to play and safe and creating zombie process type problems trying to make sure a process doesn't go away since there might be some orphan activity left around which wakes up in the future and crashes the kernel).
long ago and far away when i was doing kernel stuff ... i got to
release the resource manager
as part of that, developed some sophisticated testing and benchmarking tools. besides using the benchmarking to validate extremely fine-grain deterministic scheduling for the fair share scheduler ... i also used it for severe stress testing ... which, when i started was guaranteed to crash the kernel. before the release of the resource manager ... i redesigned and rewrote the kernel serialization infrastructure eliminating all known cases of kernel crashes because of dangling/orphan buffer pointers as well as all cases of zombie/hung process.
I then went on to do a automated kernel problem/crash analysis and
determination tool ... which at one time was used by all corporate
PSRs responsible for analysis of customer kernel problems.
as part of doing this tool ... i gathered extensive data on all
customer reported problems.
About the same time, i also got involved with the disk engineering lab
.. responsible for developing new disks ... at the time, they were
operating with stand-alone computers ... because attempting to operate
operating system with engineering disks had a MTBF of 15 minutes.. I
redesigned and rewrote the io subsystem so that disk engineering could
concurrently operate with multiple engineering disks in an operating
system environment w/o system crashes.
so when my wife and I got around to starting the HA/CMP project ...
we did a detailed vulnerability analysis of the environment ....
one of the conclusions was that there would be a hundred fold increase in the incidents of buffer length related problems and exploits ... that what we had been familiar with in other environments (because of the common length handling paradigm in C).
minor topic drift post related to ha/cmp, parallel oracle
and the relationship to ssl and electronic commerce
and recent thread on what is necessary for industrial and business
strength programming and applications Systems software versus applications software definitions Systems software versus applications software definitions Systems software versus applications software definitions Systems software versus applications software definitions Systems software versus applications software definitions Systems software versus applications software definitions
in any case, our resulting experience was that there was, in fact,
something like a hundred fold increase in buffer length related
problems (compared to other environments and paradigms that we were
familiar with, based on some experience having looked in some detail
at customer and other reported operating system failures and problems
and done detail analysis over the years on the causes) ... previous
reference to collected postings on buffer length problems
one specific posting from 1999, referencing a published buffer overflow
study Study says buffer overflow is most common security bug
I also have done some analysis of the cve vulnerability & exploit
database ... some summary of the analysis
from prior posting [Lit.] Buffer overruns
last year, i was on panel discussion with somebody from one of the
anti-virus companies and a somebody heading up fbi cyber forensic
... he presented the 1/3rd, 1/3rd, 1/3rd statistics. you can actually
see our picture buried some place on this page:
and mention of the air force security audit and evaluation of multics (from section 2.3 No Buffer Overflows) that there were no buffer overflows.
random past references to the air force multics security evaluation: An attack on paypal NCipher Takes Hardware Security To Network Level FAQ: e-Signatures and Payments example: secure computing kernel needed Thirty Years Later: Lessons from the Multics Security Evaluation Thirty Years Later: Lessons from the Multics Security Evaluation Thirty Years Later: Lessons from the Multics Security Evaluation Backdoor in AES ? Backdoor in AES ? The next big things that weren't Newsgroup cliques? unix permissions Disk drives as commodities. Was Re: Yamhill grey-haired assembler programmers (Ritchie's C) A Dark Day Ping: Anne & Lynn Wheeler Who said DAT? Secure OS Thoughts Password / access rights check perfomance vs. key size Using Old OS for Security Why does Windows allow Worms? Adventure game (was:PL/? History (was Hercules)) Vintage computers are better than modern crap ! Vintage computers are better than modern crap ! "Perfect" or "Provable" security both crypto and non-crypto? Shipwrecks RISCs too close to hardware? [Lit.] Buffer overruns
some random topic drift regarding the other kind of buffer
overrun/overflow having to do with pacing algorithms: Log Structured filesystems -- think twice CP spooling & programming technology why is there an "@" key? "Mainframe" Usage Wired News :The Grid: The Next-Gen Internet? Buffer overflow CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it? CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it? Moore law Western Union data communications? Western Union data communications? filesystem structure, was tape format (long post) Rewrite TCP/IP UT200 (CDC RJE) Software for TOPS-10? Cluster and I/O Interconnect: Infiniband, PCI-Express, Gibat Cluster and I/O Interconnect: Infiniband, PCI-Express, Gibat FAST - Shame On You Caltech!!! tcp time out for idle sessions Fast TCP packetloss bad for sliding window protocol ? Why doesn't Infiniband supports RDMA multicast FAST TCP makes dialup faster than broadband? FAST TCP makes dialup faster than broadband? FAST TCP makes dialup faster than broadband? FAST TCP makes dialup faster than broadband? CDC STAR-100 Shipwrecks 360 longevity, was RISCs too close to hardware?
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2004 10:52:26 -0700"Arnaud Carré" writes:
there are a number of operating system examples that use the same buffer length conventions as mentioned for PLI ... i.e. buffers have headers with max/current lengths and strings have headers with current lengths ... and the various string libraries that manipulate buffers and strings ... honor the header lengths.
the combination of NULL-terminated strings w/o explicit lengths and the string library implementation that frequently assumes implied lengths or that the programmer must know what he is doing ... result in the majority of buffer overrun/overflow problems.
In the past, I dealt extensively with assembler kernel code that used the same buffer & string conventions as mentioned for PLI ... and the environment had far lower incidence of buffer overflow/overrun problems as C-language environment.
misc. past buffer related posts
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2004 13:59:21 -0700"Douglas A. Gwyn" writes:
buffer overruns/overflows with respect to discarding characters when things are arriving to fast ... and typically involve characters arriving faster than the software is prepared to handle
buffer overruns/overflows involving buffer length management issues and common exploits/vulnerabilities ... frequently associated with the c programming language environment
dangling/orphan pointers involving buffer allocation management
issues and frequently system failures .... or hung/zombie processes
associated with over zeolous attempts to avoid danglin/orphan
pointers: {Lit.] Buffer overruns
I guess that i was hoping that the context of the post would provide the ability to distrinquish buffer management as being buffer length management as opposed to buffer allocation managerment.
the issue in the original post and mentioned in the subsequent post {Lit.] Buffer overruns
was default c programming conventions compared to some other environments. all the PLI language implementations that i'm aware of have explicit headers with max & current lengths ... and all the library routines honor and maintain these header fields consistently. in an environment where buffers don't carry their own explicit lengths, then it is frequently pushed on to the programmer's responsbility to perform the administrative-like tasks associated with buffer length management operation. for infrastructures where the length is managed as part of the infrastructure ... it is one less mistake for the programmer to make.
note that infrastructures that maintain such explicit length paradigms are not just limited to PLI language environment. There are some number of system infrastructures where the default buffer length management is with explicit headers ... and all the library rourtines tend to conform to the system convention ... regardless of the language ... even low-level assembler and machine languages. For these environments, when dropping below the library level ... the recommended coding conventions also explicitly specify managing the buffer header length fields (if nothing else to maintain compatibility with the rest of the environment). again, while it is possible to make coding mistakes in such environments ... length mistakes are significantly less common (compared to typical c language coding).
there is one other genre not previously mentioned ... the apl/lisp type environment where the (language&operational) environment manages both the allocation and the lengths.
long ago and far away apl\360 had real small workstaces (16k-32k bytes) in real memory. On every allocation, new storage was allocated from unallocated storage (but previous allocation was not discarded). when all unallocated storage ran out, garbage collection was run to reclaim storage not currently in use by assigned variable. the amount of actual storage touched was proportional to the number of assignments and the aggregate size of all variables (where it was possible for the number of assignments to dominate over the actual aggregate size of all variables).
when the science center ported apl\360 to cms for cms\apl ...
it moved it into a (relatively) large virtual memory environment (1mbyte to 16mbytes ... typically running on 512kbytes to 1mbyte real machines). the original apl\360 buffer allocation management tended to touch all available virtual memory pages ... which could cause severe virtual memory paging characteristics (even for relatively small programs that otherwise did a large number of assignments).
random past postings, some including apl references:
so i have an example of a buffer length coding error. Besides inventing fair share scheduling as an undergraduate (and getting it deployed in commercial products), i had also done tty/ascii terminal support which was also shipped in commercial operating system.
Here is tale from somebody that modified the code to support
a non-standard tty/ascii device ... about middle of the page,
referencing the system crashing 27 times in a single day.
The way i had remembered what had happened was since tty/ascii terminal hardware was limited, i had used one-byte arithmetic to calculate size of incoming data (and all max lengths were well under 255). Somebody at the MIT urban lab(?) had changed their system to support a non-standard tty/ascii terminal located some place over at harvard ... which involved changing max. allowed length to something like 1200. Since the base implementation calculation was using one-byte arithmetic (0..255) and was not changed ... the length calculations got messed up.
random other references to the even ... Internet and/or ARPANET? Internet and/or ARPANET? Life-Advancing Work of Timothy Berners-Lee Computer of the century write rings 360 Architecture, Multics, ... was (Re: X86 ultimate CISC? No.) TSS ancient history, was X86 ultimate CISC? designs) virtualizable 360, was TSS ancient history How Commercial-Off-The-Shelf Systems make society vulnerable HMC . . . does anyone out there like it ? Compaq kills Alpha IBM OS Timeline? Playing Cards was Re: looking for information on the IBM DCAS [Was: Re: 'atomic' memops?] 10 choices that were critical to the Net's success Card Columns Any DEC 340 Display System Doco ? S/360 IPL from 7 track tape 1960s images of IBM 360 mainframes Vintage computers are better than modern crap ! Vintage computers are better than modern crap ! FW: Looking for Disk Calc program/Exec Shipwrecks
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: XML Data Model Newsgroups: comp.databases.theory Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2004 15:20:08 -0700Tom Hester writes:
and the initials GML are actually the three people at the
science center
involved inventing in 1969. They took "G", "M", and "L" ... and had to come up with something other than the people's last names.
it was part of an infrastructure for document formating .... and common reference at the time was markup languages to refer to rules for formating documents.
however, relatively early in the '70s ... GML tags started taking on the characteristics of attribute tags as opposed to markup tags (with some indirection where attribute tags where then given markup rules ... as opposed to giving markup rules directly to contents of a documents).
so a typically attribute tags was ":address." (original gml tag format, you see the transition to <address> brackets, later in the 70s with ISO standardization of SGML).
The issue was the original 1969 invention started out as a formating markup language ... but by the early '70s, the tags were in common use as information descriptors ... independent of the formating of the information.
... so something like 4th floor, 545 technology sq, cambridge mass then in XML semantics is formated like
:address.4th floor, 545 Tech. Sq, Cambridge, Mass,
and the semantics becomes
"4th floor, 545 Tech. Sq, Cambrdige, Mass" IsA "address".
So, the analogy in typical RDBMS, is possibly the data dictionary giving the field/column characteristic.
The ML-genre allows for hierarchy of constructs ... so there can be a large file where the whole thing might be a <document> and their are individual fields that are subsections of <document> ... like <address> ... where there is a relationship between a thing that is a <document> and has a characteristic of <address>.
The RDBMS analogy could be considered a single level hierarchy where there is a primary field that has relationships to other fields in the same table.
Lets say you have a RDBMS "document" column as the primary field/key ... in RDBMS ... the contents of the field is some identifier that might be used to distinguish a specific document from some other document. In the ML paradigm ... what follows the field <document> ... is the actually document ... as opposed to an identifier for selecting the document (which you might find in a RDBMS paradigm). In both ML and RDBMS ... the contents of "address" tends to be the actual address.
So one might claim that in ML ... the contents of the thing marked by the tags are the actual things (i.e. the actual document, the actual address, etc). In RDBMS ... the fields might be something that represents the actual thing (i.e. a document sequence number that might be used to finding the document someplace) or it might be the actual thing (like an address).
So ... lets take an XML document that starts with a tag <document> and in the hierarchy, it might have other tags <address>, <document serial number>, etc ... all as sub-items in a document hierarchy.
Map that to RDBMS ... you could have one large table ... with the primary field being the <document serial number>, and an <address> field and a (very large) <document contents> field.
One could characterize such a RDBMS table as have a one level hierarchy ... with a primary field (document serial number) and all the other fields related to the primary field.
In the ML world, the top of the hierarchy would be the actual document (contents) and all the other fields would be related to (or are attributes of) the actual contents.
So one might claim that in a RDBMS world ... the document serial number is the unique thing ... with everything else as attributes of (or having relationship to) the document serial number. In the ML world ... the document could be considered the unique thing ... and everything else (including the document serial number) are attributes/characteristics of the document (lower down in the hierarchy).
some of the confusioin is that the same document might contain both markup tags and attribute tags aka "<br>" ... is a formating, markup tag ... while "<address>" is a data schema tag. So ... a "<br>" embedded in a document isn't likely to be considered as part of the data schema of a document ... while "<address>" may in fact be considered part of the document data schema.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2004 15:32:51 -0700"karl malbrain" writes:
the comment was that the standard C-language environment doesn't (as a default), carry explicit length fields for all strings and buffers ... and that the standard c-language library routines don't (by default) check the maximum length in the header of a buffer target ... and make sure that it doesn't move more data than is allowed by what is specified in the buffer header (and therefor overflow the buffer).
The issue was that all of the PLI language implementations (that i'm aware of) implemented buffers with length headers and the library routines all made sure that they didn't violate the buffer lengths (aka an explicit attribute of a buffer ... in the header of the buffer ... is the maximum length of that buffer). While it is not impossible to violate the buffer length ... it is much hardere to accidentally violate buffer lengths compared to the standard C-language environemnt.
Futhermore, there are a number of systems where the default system infrastructure (regardless of the language used) have paradigm that implements buffer lengths in header fields ... and that all languages and library routines that exist in that system environment tend to have coding conventions that consistently use and maintain such buffer header length fields. Again, it isn't impossibly to write assembler code in such environments that violate buffer lengths ... but since the default system coding conventions and operations observes the buffer header length fields ... it tends to be a significantly lower frequency mistake than occurs in most typical c-language environments (where it isn't common to find all coding conventions and all library routines that involve buffers ... implementing, maintaining, and consistently observing buffer lengths specified in buffer header fields).
past pieces of this thread [Lib.] Buffer overruns [Lib.] Buffer overruns [Lib.] Buffer overruns [Lib.] Buffer overruns
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2004 16:07:27 -0700i've heard various stories about the null terminating by unix (say compared to multics pli and buffer headers with lengths that were common at the time).
one was a minimum string header tended to be two bytes (two byte fixed length) or possibly four bytes (variable length buffer, two byte max length, two byte current buffer contents length). Having null termination saved one byte (compared to two byte length header on fixed string) and saved three bytes compared by keeping track of every buffers maximum length (aka do nothing and push it up to the programmer and hopes he does it correctly).
this is the sort of thing from the period of saving every byte possible in constrained real storage and resource limited environment. This type of approach also contributed heavily to the y2k problem ... where years were only implemented as two digit numbers (there was actually scenario in the past where there one digit years and problems showed up on decade roll-over ... there was situation from rolling from the 60s to the 70s).
The other scenario is the addresses/pointers in a string processing loop becomes a little more expensive. With null-termination ... you pick up the start of the string and keep processing bytes until you find a null characters (and only need the pointer to the current character). In the byte-header scenario ... you have to have both the current character address and the last character address (and loop compares whether it has moved past the last character address). It can also be done with a current character pointer and counter of remaining characters to process (in either case, the generated machine language tends to require an additional register).
The startup tends to be slightly more expensive ... say when copying data or even appending data. If this is a string library appending data to a buffer ... it has to pick up the source length from the source string header, it has to pick up the length of the current destination buffer contents (from the destination buffer header) and the destination buffer maximum length (from the destination buffer header). The append library routine then has to have an api semantics giving either the number of characters actually appended ... or the inverse ... the number of characters that it was unable to append.
If the api semantics is purely defined as returning characters not copied/appended ... then the calling code has to
So, if i'm using a standard C-programming library routine to append one string to another ... what is the fail-safe programming required?
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2004 16:21:46 -0700"karl malbrain" writes:
the tendancy at the time of multics pli ... and some number of other operating systems of the era ... was more like a 16bit max, a 16bit length followed by the actual data (predating unix and c). You got a pointer to the actual data ... and could backup two bytes to get the length of the current data ... or backup two more bytes and get the maximum length of the buffer.
There were some fixed length constant strings that were only used as source (and never destination) ... and so you only needed the actual length (and the implementation didn't have to waste the maximum buffer length ... because it was a constant string the current and maximum were known to be the same).
Variable length strings/buffers had a four byte header. You got a pointer to the buffer/string ... and could backup two bytes and get the length of the current string or back up two more bytes and get the maximum length of the buffer.
the four byte headers were frequently the default infrastructure implementation for allocated and variable length buffers (two byte maximum length followed by two byte current length). You had to go to a different type to get larger lengths.
lots of standard libraries and infrastructures have supported this paradigm before either unix or c were created.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2004 16:39:01 -0700"karl malbrain" writes:
and predicted that the standard environment would have something like two orders of magnitude increase in buffer related problems that what we were used to.
part of ha/cmp was writing a core of code to manage assurance, availability, fall-over ... and to also provide high performance distributed lock manager. An objective was to be able to run on a standard platform and be able to offer fall-over services to a variety of applications, including off-the-shelf applications that might run on such platforms. As a result we didn't have control over all the code that might run on the machine ... either at the point in time when the code was originally shipped ... or possibly 10-15 years later when the customer might install any arbitrary application in the environment.
a big part of the detailed vulnerability and exploit investigation was to identify possible failure-modes over which we had little or no control. it identified things that we had to tightly control in our own code implementation ... but also identified vulnerability/exploits possibilities where there was going to be little, if any control.
for instance in this scenario ...
we weren't going to be able to control every line of database code.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2004 16:46:59 -0700"karl malbrain" writes:
in the pli/multics scenario ... if all of the kernel is implemented in pli and all of the kernel uses the pli header strings convention for both internal kernel constructs as well as constructs that cross the kernel/application api boundary ... if the standard kernel libraries all support/assume the standard kernel construct, if all the system libraries supplied for application support/assume the same standard header construct .... then this is one form of standard library.
another form of standard library ... is what is the default use by the largest number of programmers in the c language environment? ... and possibly a main source of reported buffer length exploits and vulnerabilities.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: 09 Dec 2004 00:48:55 -0700"Douglas A. Gwyn" writes:
the assertion is that programmers make signficantly fewer buffer length abuses/mistakes in environments where there are explicit buffer length headers ... compared to the frequency of buffer length abuses/mistakes using standard C language environments.
It is more than a theoritical mistake/abuse/vulnerability/exploit. It is like if you were getting 1000 fatalities per million miles driven in one specific kind of vehical ... and 10 fatalities per million miles driven in another specific kind of vehical ... that it might be worth consider changing vehicles. This is dispite somebody observing that it was possible for either vohicle to still go off a mountain road and kill everybody.
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: 09 Dec 2004 00:14:33 -0700"Douglas A. Gwyn" writes:
Using null terminated string might save 1-3 bytes compared to an explicit length implementation .... using two (or one) digit for year could conserv 2(-3) bytes compared to an implementation using 4 digits for years.
In the 60s and at least early 70s, there was a lot more effort to do implementations that conserved bytes ... potentially at the expensve of something else
the original statement from
wasn't intended to claim that all things might use null terminated string ... but that null terminated string was (possibly) justified because it used less storage (conserved 1-3 bytes possibly compared to explicit buffer header ... where the length of the buffer is now carried as an explicit attribute of the buffer) ... and that many of the Y2k problems arose from efforts in the same era attempting to also conserve real storage.
the statements had more to do with trade-offs made in one era with conserving/optimizing some resource ... and could have significant later repercusions. I would claim that the a lot of the efforts in the 60s to use two-byte year fields (rather than 4byte) were done to conserve storage ... and that optimization led to many of the y2k problems.
I would by analogy argue that the performance/conservation trade-off of using null terminated strings (based on trade-off choice that it used less storage than explicit length headers) contributes to the signficant difference in the number of buffer length vulnerabilities found in standard c language coding ... compared to the number/frequency of buffer length vulnerabilities found in infrastructures that utilize buffer headers with explicit length as standard coding convention
Again, the statement isn't about what the buffer length fail-safe way would be to write c language code ... but whether comparing two default, coding conventions ... one pervasive C coding conventions and say PLI coding conventions (with explicit lengths attributes carried with buffers) and the sigificant difference in the number of buffer length problems ... could the difference between explicit buffer length convention compared to the null-termination convention account for most of the difference
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: 08 Dec 2004 23:54:06 -0700"Douglas A. Gwyn" writes:
given either copy from source to destination buffer ... or append source to destination buffer ... the buffer header paradigm has the programmer specifying
the observation is that
the prediction was that because of the common C language programming conventions ... that C language inplemented infrastuctures would tend to have two orders greater buffer length related problems.
there was no claim that c language couldn't be used to implement buffer length safe implementations ... the claim was that buffer unsafe implementations were so much easier in C ... that it would contribute to a significant increase in buffer length related vulnerabilities/exploits.
I'm only observing that the air force pli/multics security study claimed that there were no buffer length related problems .... while there are significant number of buffer length related problems in C implementations.
My contention was that default/standard C programming conventiosn contribute to this significant number of buffer length related problems and by comparison there are other infrastructures with default/standard probramming conventions with signifantly lower buffer length related problems.
furthermore the default/standard library and programming conventions can be independent of the programming language ... where at least some environments have default/standard library and programming conventions the same for assembler, pli, and a number of other languages (being more a characteristic of the infrastructure rather than any specific language).
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Thu, 09 Dec 2004 10:36:43 -0700"Arnaud Carré" writes:
the claim is that null terminated convention is open to larger number of programmer mistakes (as opposed to purposeful abuses) compared to buffer/string explicit lengths (both current length and maximum buffer length).
i claim that there are infrastructures implemented in assembler (at a lower level than C) where there are significant fewer buffer overruns ... not because of the language characteristics but because of the standard infrastructure environment and coding conventions.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Announce] The Vintage Computer Forum Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Thu, 09 Dec 2004 11:04:36 -0700Morten Reistad writes:
misc. past comments on osi, gov. mandating eliminating the internet,
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Thu, 09 Dec 2004 13:50:05 -0700Bryan Olson writes:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: PR/SM Dynamic Time Slice calculation Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 09:45:46 -0700gdieh@ibm-main.lst (Diehl, Gary , MVSSupport) writes:
the original vm370 code had time-slice table at boot/ipl ... that basically had machine model number and time-slice ... at boot, it would do a store cpuid ... look it up in the table ... and set the time-slice to the corresponding value.
the vm370 code allowed for pre-empting dispatching ... so if an interrupt came in for a higher priority task ... there would be a task switch ... even if the current running task's time-slice hadn't completed. the time-slice was basically a catcher for recalculating dispatching task priority (allow multiple, concurrent computationally intensive tasks to all get periodic shots at the processor).
the processor model time-slice adjustment was to approximately let progress to be about the same per time-slice aka approximately the same number of instructions ... regardless of the machine model. part of this was to constrain the dispatching overhead for time-slice switch ... you knew the pathlength (number of instructions) for the dispatching process ... you would possibly like the ratio of dispatching overhead to productive task execution to exceed some level ... while at the same time allowing some reasonable dispatching control.
so when i released the resource manager
i made a change
eliminated the cpu processor table ... and substituted a short, timed compute bound loop done at boot/ipl time. the time-slice at boot was updated based on measured number rather than the processor table. The problem was that their were some non-linear effects. cache hit ratio for the loop was nearly 100percent ... so it wasn't representative of the actual difference in real-world mip rates between non-cache machines and cache machines. I was hoping for some code that could work on a wide range of different processors ... and dynamically adapt to new processors as they came out ... w/o having to constantly update the boot/ipl processor model table.
later i made some more changes
1) in the dispatcher ... i added some code that used SSM to temporarily enable for i/o interrupts and then immediately disable. this was done prior to going to the overhead of selecting and dispatching a new task. the idea was that if there was a pending interrupt ... all the dispatching overhead would be superfluous because the interrupt would immediately happen anyway ... and would have to repeat the process.
2) monitored the i/o interrupt rate ... and if the i/o interrupt went past a (a dynamically adjusted) limit ... it switched the dispatching task execution from enabled for i/o interrupts to disabled for i/o interrupts. the result would be that when a task was dispatched, it would continue to execute until either 1) it gave up processing or 2) reached time-slice end. i/o interrupt would then only occur in the dispatcher's i/o interrupt "window"
the issue was that asynchronous i/o interrupts had a very disruptive effect on cache hit ratios. if the i/o interrupt rate passed some high level ... you were loosing a large amount of your processing power to cache thrashing. you were better off slightly delaying i/o interrupts and then going thru interative cycle to drain all queued i/o interrupts before allowing task to dispatch. the processing of i/o interrupts tended to be more efficient because you would interative loop thru the interrupt handler for all pending i/o interrupts (improved cache hit rate) and then switch to task execution (improved cache hit rate). while slight delays in taking i/o interrupts might appear to decrease i/o thruput ... the slight delays of i/o handling could be more than offset by the improved thruput of the interrupt handler having a higher cache hit rate (handling multiple interrupts in sequence). the result could be both a higher aggregate i/o thruput plus a higher task thruput (because of the improved cache hit ratio).
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Tru64 and the DECSYSTEM 20 Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 13:16:09 -0700"Charlie Gibbs" writes:
one of the claims for the eventual large growth in PC sales was the business market segment and having combination of some PC-based software along with terminal emulation ... so businesses for about the same price and desk footprint as 3270 ... could get both mainframe connectivity and local computing (same screen and keyboard). I actually had this discussion/argument with some of the mac developers before the mac announced.
this however led to entrenced install base towards the late 80s which
inhibited the evolution of paradigms involving PC operation in
multi-tier mainframe/legacy business environments. misc. 3-tier & saa
one of the complaints of the disk division from the period ... was that w/o newer and better paradigms for letting distributed computers access legacy business data ... the legacy business data was going to leak out of the glass house (significantly cutting glass house disk growth and fueling demand for the new generations of commodity disks).
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Systems software versus applications software definitions Newsgroups:,comp.lang.c,comp.programming,alt.os.development,comp.arch,alt.folklore.comupters Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 13:35:28 -0700Joona I Palaste writes:
In the past I had made (the mistake of?) posts about the TSM lineage
from a file backup/archive program
that I had written for internal use that then went thru 3-4 (internal) releases, eventually packaged as customer product called workstation datasave facility, and then its morphing into ADSM and now TSM (tivoli storage manager).
so a couple days ago ... i get email from somebody trying to decode a TSM tape; included was hex dump of the first 1536 bytes off the tape ... asking me to tell them what TSM had on the tape.
well way back in the dark ages ... you could choose your physical tape block size ... and the "standard label" tape convention started with three 80-byte records; vol1, hdr1, hdr2.
so the first 1536 bytes was three 512byte records ... and i recognize the first 80 bytes of each (512byte) record as starting vol1, hdr1, hdr2.
the hex dump had included the hex->character translation ... but for ascii ... and of course the tsm heritage is from ebcdic mainframe ... not ascii (aka it was the ebcdic hex for vol1, hdr1, hdr2) It didn't even get to the TSM part of the tape data ... it was still all the os standard label convention.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Tru64 and the DECSYSTEM 20 Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 14:34:55 -0700some apple trivia dift ...
my brother was regional apple marketing rep ... he would periodically come into town and i sometimes got to tag along on apple business dinners. he said that he had the largest (physical/sq. miles) apple marketing region in continental us. he also had technical background and said that he was possibly the only apple marketing rep that knew how to really take apart and put back together an apple-ii. he believed he was one of only very few apple marketing reps that also knew how to setup apple-ii to dial-up the business computer at apple hdqtrs and directly get the production and delivery schedules.
so in much of the 80s ... what was the business computer in apple hdqtrs?
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Tru64 and the DECSYSTEM 20 Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2004 08:55:25 -0700Anne & Lynn Wheeler writes:
the folklore is that some number of afficionados of the canceled
FS project
went off to rochester to build it.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: 1GB Tables as Classes, or Tables as Types, and all that refuted Newsgroups: comp.databases.theory Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2004 09:13:51 -0700"Dawn M. Wolthuis" writes:
used indexes.
the argument was the trade-off between the human advministrative effort to maintain the physical pointers (which was subsumed in large part by system/r indexes) and the indexes typically doubling the physical disk spaced occupied by the database (because of the indexes) ... as well as the index lookup being slower than direct pointers. The issue was could you trade-off processing resources and disk space resources against the manual administrative efforts.
during the 70s and 80s, the manual resources became scarcer and more expensive while processing and disk space became much more plentiful and less expensive. also with large and less expensive real memories of the 80s, it was possible to cache some amount of the indexes, off-setting some amount of the index processing penalty.
however, physical pointers (used in the 60s) aren't necessarily intrinsicly a characteristic of the information organization ... just a characteristic of the resource trade-off implementation circumstances of the period.
there are still quite a few large, major ims installations still in
from above:
IBM's premier transactional and hierarchical database management
system for critical on-line operational and e-business applications
and data, enabling Information Integration, Management, and
When most mainframers hear Web-enabling a database, they think
connecting DB2 to the Web. But IMS, IBM's older database, is just as
Web worthy. To hear more about Webifying an IMS database, check out
this Webcast with Jim Keohane.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Tru64 and the DECSYSTEM 20 Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2004 09:17:15 -0700keith writes:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Question on internal/external IPs Newsgroups: Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2004 16:04:03 -0700ibuprofin@painkiller.example.tld (Moe Trin) writes:
at the moment it is up-to-date ... except the two RFCs listed in the rfc-editor announcement that went out today.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2004 09:29:22 -0700Bryan Olson writes:
one might then conclude that storage cancers are a relatively common problem across a large number of different environments (except for the apl/lisp/etc environments where storage allocation/deallocation responsibilities have been totally removed from the programmers's responsibility). given that programmers are going to be given the allocation/deallocation responsibility ... then it is probably going to be require some development methodology to address storage cancer type issues.
the buffer length scenario goes to a completely different level ... since the buffer length failure & mistake rate in significantly larger in c than lots of other environments (possibly by two orders of magnitude) ... there is some statement somewhare that given large enuf quantitative difference ... it can become a qualitative difference.
during much of the 90s ... i was told that it was simply just another programming development issue and better tools were going to eliminate the C language environment tendency towards buffer length mistakes. However, it seems like that the better tools still have had little effect on the buffer length mistakes ... new C application seems to have just as many buffer length mistakes as the code from the 80s.
i looked at the structural differences and observed
a) null termination convention appeared to encourage programmers to believe that length was an attribute of the data pattern
b) default buffer allocation/deallocation in C ... was having buffer construct being simply default to a C address/pointer construct ... with the responsibility being placed on the programmer for maintanence of the buffer length attribute. however, one could claim that the result of the null-convention encouraging programmers to think of length as an attribute of the data pattern rather than and attribute of the structure containing the data ... programmers would frequently forgot to enforce lengths about the length attributes of buffers (which was their responsibility by the convention of mapping buffer constructs to simply pointers and leaving programmers to manage the length attribute).
so, i was aware of numerous infrastructures during the 60s which took the approach that length was an attribute of the structures ... rather than the data. a simple example is buffer structures which had used a pointer convention to the start of the data portion of the buffer ... but if you backed up two bytes, it had the length of the data in the buffer ... and if you backed up two more bytes, it had the (max) length of the buffer (buffers explicitly carried their length attribute, it was not the responsibility of the programmer to carry it around in their heads). Furthermore, the length attribute of data was carriend by the structure that contained that data ... rather than an attribute implicit in the pattern of the data.
long ago and far away ... when i asked why the null data pattern methodology was chosen and not the length header convention (common in the 60s) ... i was told that they specifically chose the C approach because it saved a couple bytes of storage per structure, an instruction or two in loops ... and possibly a register.
so i claim that there is an intersection of characteristics ... somewhat unique to C (as compared to many other environments that have radically lower frequency of buffer length problems); the null pattern convention for length ... which encourages programmers to think of length as an attribute of the pattern of the data (and something that don't need to explicitly manage) and buffer allocation/deallocation construct is mapped to simple pointer with implicity requirement that the programmer is (now manually) responsible for the length attribute of the buffer constructs. Buffers are real constructs in C environments with both an pointer attribute and a length attribute ... however only the pointer attribute is mapped to explicit C language construct, a pointer ... and the length attribute is carried implicitly ... forcing programmers to manage it ... and the null terminating convention is encouraging programmers to think of length as an attribute of the data pattern ... as opposed to an attribute of the structures that contain the data.
so switching roles ... i'm an attacker ... i'm looking at typical environment where C programmers frequently are assuming that length is an attribute of some pattern in well-behaved data. so it seems that besides just old-fashion, run-of-the-mill program failures because the programmer made a mistake ... the bad guys can frequently and successfully attack C-language environments by sending ill-behaved data.
that makes common c-language implemented environments ... not only subject to failures because of large increase in buffer related programmer mistakes (compared to other environments) .... but these failure characteristics also represent explicit attack vulnerabilities.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: 1GB Tables as Classes, or Tables as Types, and all that refuted Newsgroups: comp.databases.theory Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 10:13:33 (Alfredo Novoa) writes:
dbms has tended to refer to infrastructures (somewhat associated with online) that managed concurrent access by multiple different programs/applications ... providing locking, transaction consistency, acid properties, etc. ... aka dbms tended to represent concurrency control for databases.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 09:47:31 (David Wagner) writes:
there are environments where the buffer construct carries both the address and the length ... but don't actually enforce array bounds checking ... but with the length readily available and most library routines taking advantage of buffer constructs carrying their own lengths ... programmers have to work much, much harder to make mistakes and violate the bounds.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Two Fedora Core 2 problems Newsgroups: linux.redhat Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 10:03:47 -0700bushwah writes:
i also recently did upgrade of two machines from fc2 to fc3 ... old dell precision 410 with motherboard CS chip, and a dell dimension 8300 with (bios) disabled motherboard ac97 chip and a soundblaster card.
all three systems are at the (same) most current fc3 maintenance
hardware detection finds all three chips ... but on the 8300, the soundblaster doesn't show up in /proc/asound/cards so alsamixer doesn't recognize it. on the other two machines (vaio and 410), i've sent alsamixer values to non-mute and maximum volume.
the vaio bios plays a couple notes on startup ... so the hardware works ... but w/fc3 nothing is heard.
the 410 is dual-boot machine and the sound works fine under windows, also indicating the hardware works; also during fc3 boot, there are a couple scratchy poping sounds (so it appears to be trying to do something).
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: High Level Assembler for MVS & VM & VSE Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 21:26:41 -0700bblack@ibm-main.lst (Bruce Black) writes:
C-A-S was chosen because they are charlie's initials ... and then we had to come up with an opcode mneumonic that matched his initials. at the time, the only atomic instruction was test-and-set.
trying to get the instruction into 370 architecture ... the push back from architecture (padegs and smith, mostly smith), was that a new SMP-only instruction couldn't be justified ... and some non-SMP (single processor) justification had to be supplied for compare&swap in order to get it into 370 architecture.
that was the origin of the original write-up that was included with the compare&swap instruction programming notes in the principles of operation (but since moved to the appendix) ... describing the use of compare&swap for multi-thread application code ... where the application code might be interrupted in the middle of some operation and another thread resumed. note that the immediate-modify instructions do a non-atomic fetch/store ... however interruptions only occur on instruction boundaries (at least for these instructions) ... so it isn't an issue in a single-processor environment ... but concurrent operation in a multiple processor environment can lead to unpredictable results
multiprogramming/multiprocessing appendix from esa/390 pop:
from above:
When two or more programs sharing common storage locations are
being executed concurrently in a multiprogramming or
multiprocessing environment, one program may, for example, set a
flag bit in the common-storage area for testing by another program.
It should be noted that the instructions AND (NI or NC), EXCLUSIVE
OR (XI or XC), and OR (OI or OC) could be used to set flag bits in
a multiprogramming environment; but the same instructions may cause
program logic errors in a multiprocessing configuration where two
or more CPUs can fetch, modify, and store data in the same storage
locations simultaneously.
... snip ...
the above appendix reference also contains latest version of the write ups.
random other compare&swap and/or smp posts:
a current page for padegs:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Integer types for 128-bit addressing Newsgroups: comp.arch Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 07:30:23 (Nick Maclaren) writes:
started a little bit after system/r (original rdbms)
in bldg28/sjr ... idea was a semantic network database done by the vlsi tools group in bldg29/lsg.
part of *idea* was an attempt to integrate logical and physical chip design. the low-level implementation used bidirectional links emulating content addressable relationships (as opposed to the physical pointers that characteristic of network databases of the 60s).
i happened to get to work on both.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Amusing acronym Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 09:09:15 -0700edjaffe@ibm-main.lst (Edward E. Jaffe) writes:
minor reference: Computers in movies
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Listserv for TCPIP Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 10:25:44 -0700eugene.muszak@ibm-main.lst (Gene Muszak) writes:
note that there was a precursor on the internal network
products from this vendor
another mail list server (written in perl):
so did you want a listserv that supports tcpip ... or a tcpip mailing list? many of the original bitnet lists are gatewayed to newsgroups in the bit.listserv hierarchy ... aka a couple tcp mailing lists are gatewayed as: bit.listserv.tcpip-l bit.listserv.ibmtcp-l
tcpip-l seems to be defunct.
pointer to ibmtcp-l mailing list
ibmtcp-l archive page:
other lists at
the "official" catalog of listserv lists:
other archaeological references:
some topic drift: rfc 1044 support for mainframe tcpip (originally
done in vm370 using vs/pascal ... and later ported to mvs with
a thin vm370 emulation layer between tcp and mvs)
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 10:49:18 -0700"karl malbrain" writes:
x3s3.3 rejected hsp because:
• lan/mac violates OSI ... in part, because the interface sits in
the middle of OSI layer3/networking ... and therefor any protocol
that talks to lan/mac interface violates the OSI model
• going directly from transport to lan/mac ... bypassed the
osi model layer3/layer4 interface and therefor violated the
OSI model
• hsp would support internetworking ... aka IP; internetworking
is non-existent in the OSI model ... and therefor supporting
internetworking violates OSI model.
random refs:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 14:30:55 -0700ref:
when osi comes up ... i frequently claim it should be taught as
something that seems so terribly perfect ... and yet so horribly wrong
... and iso compounded the problem by mandating it couldn't be
besides the prediction about the enormous increase in buffer
length problems ... we did uncover some number of other things
crawling thru lots of c-code ... including tahoe/reno tcpip code
for ha/cmp
a simple one was trying to do fall-over and ip-address take-over (simply) with servers. it turns out that in client/server environment with tahoe/reno clients ... there was a performance feature of the tahoe/reno arp code. the ip layer saved the last response from calling arp-cache code ... and the next time thru ... if the ip-address was the same ... it used the previous arp-cache response. this value never timed out. in a heavily client/server oriented environment ... a client might always use a local gateway ip address and therefor the client could go for hrs w/o changing the ip address that it was talking to (and never get around to actually recalling the arp-cache code ... which had timed-out the mac address hrs earlier).
i had done rfc 1044 support ... random recent reference Listserv for TCPIP
the base code had been done in vs/pascal ... and could consume a 3090 processor getting about 43kbytes/sec aggregate thruput using an 8232 controller.
i had extended the standard tcpip product with rfc1044 suppoert (also in vs/pascal) and done some tuning at cray research (on a scheduled flight to Minneapolis to do some of the work, wheels lifted from sfo 20 minutes late ... and five minutes before the earthquake hit). We finally got performance up to 1mbyte/sec thruput between a 4341-clone and a cray ... using only about 20% of the 4341-clone (which was maybe 1/10th the mip rate of a 3090 processor ... aka nearly 25times the bytes/sec using about 1/50th as much cpu).
vs/pascal had started at bldg.29/lsg vlsi lab ... by P & W. at the time, bldg.29/lsg was using DeRemer's TWS stuff for a lot of specialized grammers associated with vlsi design (and other stuff). W then left to do a 3274-clone startup, then VP of software development at mips and then general manager at sun of a group that included JAVA. P stayed around for several years and then left to join DeRemor at metaware (i was trying to talk P into doing a C-frontend for vs/pascal ... and i left for a six week lecture tour in europe and when I got back he was over in santa cruz). I did talk the company into subcontracting to metaware for a c-compiler ... that is why aos (bsd port) on the pc/rt was done w/metaware c-compiler.
note however, I know of no buffer length exploit in any of the vs/pascal implemented stuff ... and it was possible to tune vs/pascal for pretty high performance (rfc 1044 support as simple example) ... note however, vs/pascal had a number of significant extensions. I found this out several years later porting a 60k instruction vs/pascal application (at the time, ran on both mainframes and rs/6000s) to another platform. This appeared to be a vanilla pascal implementation possibly never been used for anything other than student projects (they had also outsourced their pascal support to some place on the opposite side of the planet ... which met a lot of delay in turning around bugs).
totally unrelated recent bldg.29/lsg reference (although it also
involved vs/pascal): Integer types for 128-bit addressing
far away reference to the (really old) tws manual: What terminology reflects the "first" computer language ?
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: CAS and LL/SC Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 15:44:24 -0700Eric Smith <> writes:
perform locked operation eventually shows up in mainframe
i remember some early somerset hardware architecture meetings designing perform lock like hardware semantics ... i don't remember any details of where it originated. a big issue for risc was not having a single instruction that did possibly more than one thing ... &/or did both load & store. so the lock & store separate instructions would have tended to be a risc-oriented smp thing. it would have been unlikely to have originated in the 801 affiliated groups since they were so zealously anti-smp and anti cache consistency.
doing a little search engine turns up this discussion (power/pc aka
somerset compared w/ia32):
this mentions compare&swap for sparc
and off-the-wall mention of compare&swap instruction in
tcp/ip history thread
misc. past reference to mainframe perform lock instruction. What is MVS/ESA? Minimalist design (was Re: Parity - why even or odd) Everything you wanted to know about z900 from IBM atomic memory-operation question PLO instruction [OT] Microsoft aggressive search plans revealed August 23, 1957 Access to AMD 64 bit developer centre
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: A Glimpse into PC Development Philosophy Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 15:59:41 -0700howard@ibm-main.lst (Howard Brazee) writes:
one of the (big) issues with both uts & aix/370 (a port of ucla locus) running under vm ... was that there was a bunch of mainframe specific processor and i/o device erep recovery, diagnostic, and recording support ... which was expensive to duplicate.
I knew people in both the aspen and uts groups and suggested that too bad they couldn't get together and do a uts layer to aspen ... in much the same way that bell had done unix to ssup-layer on tss/370. I have vague memories of there being some differences of opinion between dallas and sunnyvale.
for random drift, collection of past postings mentioning hasp:
past mention of RASP (project before simpson going to dallas/Amdahl)
and aspen (project after simpson going to dallas/Amdahl): TSS ancient history, was X86 ultimate CISC? designs) TSS ancient history, was X86 ultimate CISC? designs) TSS ancient history, was X86 ultimate CISC? designs) Did AT&T offer Unix to Digital Equipment in the 70s? Blade architectures Hercules and System/390 - do we need it?
past mention of the tss/unix work John Hartmann's Birthday Party VM (not VMS or Virtual Machine, the IBM sort) IBM Linux TSS ancient history, was X86 ultimate CISC? designs) TSS ancient history, was X86 ultimate CISC? designs) distributed locking patents Ux's good points. Pentium 4 Prefetch engine? SIMTICS VM-CMS emulator Early AIX including AIX/370 MERT Operating System & Microkernels mainframe question mainframe question Original K & R C Compilers Original K & R C Compilers HASP assembly: What the heck is an MVT ABEND 422? Filesystems UltraSPARC-IIIi Lisp Machines Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters vm/370 smp support and shared segment protection hack
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: CAS and LL/SC Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 09:13:28 -0700Brian Inglis writes:
core displaywriter replacement was built on CPr and written in PL.8. with retargeting the product to the unix workstation market, the PL.8 programmers were given the task of writing something called the VRM ... creating an abstract virtual machine layer ... and the unix port to the VRM layer was outsourced to the company that had done the PC/IX port.
after PC/RT was out, the palo alto acis group, which had been working
on a bsd port to 370 ... got retarged to pc/rt ... and they quickly
built "aos" running on the bare metal. recent "aos" references in
thread in sci.crypt: [Lit.] Buffer overruns
in the above, there is discussion of choice of metaware for 370 c-compiler ... but they kept the same compiler when "aos" was retargeted to pc/rt & ROMP.
random past 801, romp, rios, somerset, etc. posts
and other recent unix-related topic drift: A Glimpse into PC Development Philosphy
aix/370 mentioned in the above ... was done by palo alto acis ...
after the "aos" work ... however ... rather than bsd ... it was
ucla locus. it was sort of unix saa ... random drifts related to
where ucla locus was ported to both aix/370 and aix/ps2 ... supposedly providing transparent file & process migration across 370 and ps2 boundary.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: CAS and LL/SC Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 09:13:28 -0700Brian Inglis writes:
core displaywriter replacement was built on CPr and written in PL.8. with retargeting the product to the unix workstation market, the PL.8 programmers were given the task of writing something called the VRM ... creating an abstract virtual machine layer ... and the unix port to the VRM layer was outsourced to the company that had done the PC/IX port.
after PC/RT was out, the palo alto acis group, which had been working
on a bsd port to 370 ... got retarged to pc/rt ... and they quickly
built "aos" running on the bare metal. recent "aos" references in
thread in sci.crypt: [Lit.] Buffer overruns
in the above, there is discussion of choice of metaware for 370 c-compiler ... but they kept the same compiler when "aos" was retargeted to pc/rt & ROMP.
random past 801, romp, rios, somerset, etc. posts
and other recent unix-related topic drift: A Glimpse into PC Development Philosphy
aix/370 mentioned in the above ... was done by palo alto acis ...
after the "aos" work ... however ... rather than bsd ... it was
ucla locus. it was sort of unix saa ... random drifts related to
where ucla locus was ported to both aix/370 and aix/ps2 ... supposedly providing transparent file & process migration across 370 and ps2 boundary.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Tru64 and the DECSYSTEM 20 Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 09:44:31 (Michael Wojcik) writes:
somerset was started with motorola and apple ... to do several things ... one was supporting cache consistency and smp. one might claim that part of power/pc by somerset sort of had 88k bus and cache consistency applied to an 801 infrastructure. these were the 601, 602, 602, 603, 610, 615, 620, 630, etc. original as/400 port to risc used some flavor of 6xx chip. 64-bit 620 design meetings had rochester demanding 65-bit (as opposed to 64-bit) ... where they needed the 65th bit for special tagging.
when we started ha/cmp (my wife had been manager, 6000 engineering
we reported to an executive that then went over to start somerset (he had originally came from motorola). he got somerset rolling and later left to become president of mips ... and turn out the 10k.
trusty search engine use turns up as/400 and apple using
power/pc chip
from above:
The chip used in a PowerMac and the IBM eServer pSeries (RS/6000). A
very close variant of PowerPc is also used in the IBM eServer iSeries
... snip ...
from above:
The IBM AS/400 will be reborn by the mid-1990s with a new 64-bit
reduced instruction set computing (Risc) microprocessor that will also
run IBM's Unix-based RS/6000 and next-generation Power PC personal
computers, according to a report issued byADM Consulting, Inc.,
... snip ...
from above:
If your move is a CISC-RISC, see the appropriate 'AS/400 Road Map for
Changing to Power PC Technology' manual for more information.
... snip ...
more trusty search engine use turns up random refs to as/400 power/pc
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: How many layers does TCP/IP architecture really have ? Newsgroups: comp.protocols.tcp-ip Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 10:28:58 -0700Tito writes:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: browser without "padlock" secure? Newsgroups: Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 14:00:36 -0700"dmorgan1-with-suffixed-\"1\"" <dmorgan-with-suffixed-"1"> writes:
this is countermeasure against evesdropping attacks and server impersonation attacks.
the original design point for SSL was that the URL you typed would be https/ssl and all subsequent web-pages at that site would be via SSL ... and you were sure that the webserver you contacted with the typed in URL was the same webserver that you are actually talking to.
the problem became that SSL placed a very heavy computational burden on the server ... and most places have since gone to only using SSL for the actual entry of the credit card. To get to the "pay now" web page you typically just click on a button (rather than actually typing the URL).
the situation is if you are dealing with a case of server impersonation and got there w/o having the original typed URL checked (via SSL) and all further interactions with that webserver were via clicking buttons ... then ann impersonating webserver could create a "pay now" button that is guaranteed to have a URL that exactly matches what is encoding into the SSL certificate.
since the person never looks at the actual certificate and never typed in the actual URL ... and the only thing the browser does is attempt to match what is specified in the current URL against what is in the provided certificate ... some number of impersonation attacks aren't actually very hard.
as a result of the way SSL is typically deployed .... it is now primiarly a countermeasure for evesdropping attacks and not particularly effective against impersonation attacks.
misc. past ssl certificate postings
misc. archeological references to e-commerce on the internet
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 16:27:06 (David Wagner) writes:
from an old thread in comp.arch ... real programmers don't eat quiche High Level Language Systems was Re: computer books/authors
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: How many layers does TCP/IP architecture really have ? Newsgroups: comp.protocols.tcp-ip Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 17:21:08 (Al Dykes) writes:
iso had a rule that iso and iso chartered standards organizations couldn't standardize networking protocols that violated the osi model.
trying to get ansi x3s3.3 (us chartered organization responsible for networking protcol) to accept work on HSP ... they rejected it as violating the OSI model. HSP would go directly from the transport/layer4 interface to the lan/mac interface:
random past osi, hsp, gosip, etc postings
note that the great switch-over to IP (internetworking) occurred on 1/1/83 ... in the same time frame ISO finally passed some standard(s) regarding the OSI model.
I've frequently observed that the internal network
was larger than the arpanet thru most of the 70s and up until about mid-85 ... was that the internal network nodes contained gateway-like capability from just about the beginning.
i've claimed that the lack of internetworking/gateways in the arpanet ... prior to 1/1/83 was an inhibitor to its growth ... and that the 1/1/83 conversion to internetworking w/gateways was a big factor in the growth of the internet and it overtaking the internal network in number of nodes approx. mid-85.
random other observations
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: C v. Ada Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 18:51:20 -0700BRG writes:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 07:03:31 (David Wagner) writes:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2004 07:25:52 (David Wagner) writes:
as mentioned several times, C is flexible enuf that anybody could define their own private environment where there is a new buffer paradigm that keeps track of both the buffer start address as well as the buffer length ... eliminating numerous failure modes that happen because of lapses in programmer memory.
the obvious is that since these types of buffer overrun exploits continue to occur frequently spanning a period of decades ... that possibly the default paradigm should be changed to have both the buffer origin and buffer length be tracked ... and instead allow programmers to change the default C semantics so that the default operation only tracks the buffer origina address and requires the programmer to keep track of the length.
in the 90s, several of the early firewalls were application firewalls, that explicitly checked the length of incoming data and discarded it if the length exceeded some known buffer length value for the associated application.
when we were doing the original payment gateway for electronic
we had such firewalls ... as an extra precaution layer (as well as port & ip-address filtering routers).
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2004 13:47:38 -0700"karl malbrain" writes:
to the extent that there was (network) protocol involved ... it was because the applications & programs had been placed on an isolated machine where all input/output was carefully restricted to just a network interface (aka it wasn't that the applications were specifically related to any network protocol layer ... it was that the configuration was arrainged so that was the major remaining unhandled vulnerability point ... and all other interfaces had been removed via administrative configuration).
the problem was that some number of the programs/applications were known to perform traditional and common c-related mismanagement of strings and buffers ... and that some amoount of this mismanagmenet could be compensated for via administrative configuration.
the remaining vulnerability for which administrative configuration wasn't a countermeasure (or compensating procued .... to traditional and common c-related mismanagement of strings and buffers) ... was the networking interface. for this remaining networking-related vulnerability (that wasn't addrssed via administrative configuration countermeasures), an explicit incoming filter was created to specifically eliminate various kinds of mal-formed strings (at least from the standpoint of correct application operation).
somewhat the observation at the time was that we could have every application implemented twice ... the base application using traditional c-programming techniques that were known to be highly prone to buffer length mismanagement ... and a 2nd version of each application that just did network related validation of expected properly formed input .... and that a relatively simple paradigm change could be made which would only need to have a single implementation.
it is somewhat analogous to having highway guardrails and center meridian barriers ... because you know that every car on the highway was guaraneteed to be technically faulty and it would be impossible for any car to transverse the highway even once safely ... as opposed to the majority of the cars negotiating the highway safely but still there are sporadic problems where the additional safeguards might be considered beneficial (somewhat protection in depth). in such a protection in depth scenario ... if some specific kind of failure characteristic reaches even a couple percent of all failures and is found to be associated with a specific feature ... there would be remediation efforts to rework that feature to minimize such commoningly occurring failures in the future.
the claim is that there is specific feature of c environment that accounts for possibly 25-33 percent of common failures ... and there has been little or no successful remediation of the feature.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: creat Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2004 07:39:49 -0700jmfbahciv writes:
the original interface for commands was svc202 (0xCA ... aka cambridge) ... and command lookup then would search the file systems for an "EXEC" file (i.e. command scripting file) with that file name and then a "MODULE" file (i.e. binary executable) with that file name ... and finally search the (core) name table of kernel services (along the way it would also try alternative values suggested by synonym and abbreviation tables).
it was possibly somebody at perkin-elmer(?) that first did an enhancement to the filesystem that sorted the filenames (and left a bit laying around whether the filenames were still sorted ... certain operations would turn the bit off). for some systems with really large number of files ... the sorted structure would improve general filename lookup ... but it would also have a significant impact on all command lookup (since even high frequency calls for kernel services went thru the command lookup process).
eventually there was enhancement that applications could use for calling known kernel services with SVC203 (for things like read the next file record) which passed an index to table of well-known kernel services (instead of doing the extensive command search operation).
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2004 08:58:32 -0700"karl malbrain" writes:
was that the ISO standards for protocols implementing the OSI model were the stuff defined for implementations that went from the different interface boundaries (and the side note that iso directive about violating osi model extended to skipping a boundary layer).
however, possibly 90 percent of the correct operation of an ISO/OSI standard environment wasn't in the protocols defined going between the layers ... it is all the out-of-band administrative and operational stuff that keep the environment going (and the administrative and operational stuff could have organization that is almost totally unrelated to the definition of the protocol between the boundary/layers).
layered architecture with protocols have tended to provide fault isolation as an aid to helping correctness (fault isolation contributes to fault diagnoses and remediation). the protocols tend to define formal interface between the layers ... which then becomes part of forming the barriers between different layers and isolating faults.
there is also some characteristic of KISS to layered implementation with formal interfaces ... the complexity of the problem that the programmer has to deal with tends to be bounded ... and the number of things that the programmer has to carry in their head concurrently is also bounded. reducing complexity and number of tasks tends to be also a characteristic of layered implementations (along with interface specification between the layers) in addition to fault isolation.
the observation that carrying the buffer length in addition to the buffer origin as part of the buffer construct and move/copy libraries by default using the buffer length in move/copy operations is more of a fault avoidance (correct operation) technique as opposed to a fault isolation technique.
the observation with respect to guardrails and median barriers was that while they are a fault isolation technique ... they are also part of an infrastructure that stresses fault remediation ... including correcting infrastructure characteristics that appear to contribute to faults happening in the first place ... aka fault avoidance as opposed to fault isolation (both can be characteristics of protection/defense in depth).
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2004 13:40:33 -0700"Karl Malbrain" writes:
minor topic drift with two RAS (reliability, availability and servicability) examples:
1) long ago and far away, I wrote this driver that supported remoting
over telco link locally bus attached devices. the driver had a bunch
of diagnostics and recovery ... but if it wasn't successful ... it
simulated a bus (channel check) error back to the standard operating
system ... which then went thru some amount of additional recovery,
rety and recording operations. so there is this industry service that
captures large amounts of the EREP (error recording) data directly
from customer installationas and publishes reports. There is a lot of
clone device, controller and processor products in this market place,
so the industry service stats is one way of comparing different vendor
products. There was this new processor being developed with greatly
improved RAS characteristics ... and after it had been at customer
sites for a year ... one of the product owners contacted with an
enormous problem they had. The channel i/o interface had a a design
point of 5 channel checks per year ... and the industry service was
reporting 15 channel checks the first year (this wasn't 5 channel
checks per year per processor ... this was five channel checks per
year across the all processors that existed). Well it turned out that
the additional channel checks were from installations running the
remote device driver software that simulated channel check errors for
unrecoverable telco errors. So after quiet a bit of investigation of
the standard operating system error recovery operations ... i figured
out that I could report a simulated IFCC (interface control check)
error (for unrecoverable telco errors) ... and basically get the same
error retry and recovery operations (which would make the processor
product owner a lot happier that his product wasn't being so
completely disparaged by having 15 channel checks per year across all
processors in existance). some random refs:
2) i had previously referenced the original payment gateway work
it had basically started before we got involved ... they had tken the payment message protocol specification and remapped it from a circuit-based infrastructure to a packet based infrastructure ... w/o realizing that there was an enormous amount of service-based stuff associated with having circuit-based infrastructure ... which was totally lacking in the internet packet-based operation (it is only relatively recently that ISPs would even talk about providing service level agreements ... level as in degree of service).
so at the time, a call to the trouble desk (about problem with payment transaction) had a standard of five minute mean-time to first level problem determination. this was, in part possible because there is quite a bit of infrastructure associated with the service of an end-to-end (circuit) infrastructure ... totally unrelated to the protocols that run over those circuits. the first trouble ticket opened associated with transaction thru the payment gateway was closed after three hrs as NTF (no trouble found).
so one of the things we had to do was to crawl through the characteristics of a circuit-based service ... and try to invent equivalent operations for a packet-based service. one of the things we also created was a failure-mode matrix ... for something like 20-40 failure modes and 4-6 states ... the software had to demonstrate either 1) automatic recovery or 2) sufficient information to result in 5 minute mean-time first level problem determination. almost none of this stuff was in anyway associated with protocol ... as used in the common definition of protocol associated with the bits that pass boundary interfaces. then there had to be a diagnostic manual for what to do when a payment transaction problem is reported (which had to do with the operation of the service and had nothing about the payment protocol).
in this particular situation ... there was existing software in existing operating systems and tcp/ip stacks running on client machines all over the world ... as well as existing software running at the major ISPs around the world.
going back to the origins of the ha/cmp project going on nearly 20
years ago
it was slightly hoped that some small improvements might have been made over a period of the last 20 years ... however it seems that rate/frequency that programmers made mistakes associated with copying a string into buffer is as frequent today as it was 20 years ago (which turns out to possibly have been the original subject of this thread ... as opposed to some possible types of other buffer related mistakes).
general random comments about assurance:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2004 16:51:53 -0700"Karl Malbrain" writes:
we also did some of the telco provisioning stuff with no single point of failure ... facility that has connections coming into tha bldg. from opposite physical directions, that went to different physical access pointes via totally different routes, chosing isp that was co-located in central exchange type facility with 48v equipment and on the same backup power infastructure as other stuff in the phone faclity.
in the circuit-based infrastructure there are some with leased-lines that have modems and the modems are frequently probed for availability (aka the keep-alive packet stuff) .... it is when it is found to not be available that the trouble desk starts its procedures ... the keep-alive stuff is just the tip of the iceburg.
for instance what is the connection between the client and the merchant server ... and was there some failure in that part of the transaction or is it in the merchant server and the payment gateway. if the merchant server isn't talking to the payment gateway (the keep-alive isn't getting thru) ... where is the fault ... and what are the diagnostic procedures that determine the fault in the infrastructure between the merchant web server and the payment gateway.
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2004 16:27:36 -0700and to bring it slightly back to crypto ...
this organization had come up with this stuff called https/ssl.
the stuff was in place for the clients/browsers to authenticate the webservers as part of the https/ssl protocol.
the idea was to use this new thing called https/ssl also for the interface between the webservers and the payment gateway ... so the details of something new called mutual authentication had to be worked out within this thing called https/ssl (it hadn't been done yet).
the payment gateway into the payment infrastructure used a traditional leased line circuit based operation and the trouble desk could do loopback to the modem at the payment gateway ... and setup procedure to do emulated loopback between a machine at the trouble desk and the actual payment gateway machine (standard bootstrap diagnostic process). traditional circuit based can do something akin to incremental traceroute ... but at a low-level hardware level .. say you had smnp visiability into every hardware box in the world).
the next was to trace possible service interruptions between the payment gateway and then possible webservers at random locations around the world ... and problem determiniation on what components were working and what components might not be working.
this organization that had come up with this stuff called https/ssl was dependent on this things called certificates from various other vendors. so as part of the financial integrity stuff ... we had to go perform detailed audits on the primary vendors providing this things called certificates and write-up a vulnerability and exposure report on possible problems (a business vulnerability and exposure analysis ... which wasn't just limited to things like protocols). some of the stuff we recommended got accepted and other stuff didn't.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: FC3 sound Newsgroups: linux.redhat Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2004 07:28:40 -0700Anne & Lynn Wheeler writes:
still no success with the two dells.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: 21 Dec 2004 21:55:39 -0800 Subject: Re: creatCharlie Gibbs wrote:
before that ... early 80s, the human factors group in san jose had somewhat half egg shape cord keyboards ... one for each hand. there were depressions for the fingertips with rocker switches ... for the cords. numerous people claimed to easily hit 80wpm (after getting used to the patterns). the shape was conducive to being a mouse ... and your hands never had to leave the device.
this was more hand form fitting cord keyboard than the one used for augment.
couple augment & cord keyboard posts: stupid user stories markup vs wysiwyg (was: Re: learning how to use a computer)
misc. other past posts mentioning augment: No more innovation? Get serious Who Owns the HyperLink? XML, AI, Cyc, psych, and literature
From: Newsgroups: comp.arch, alt.folklore.computers Date: 24 Dec 2004 16:39:08 -0800 Subject: Re: CAS and LL/SC (was Re: High Level Assembler for MVS & VM & VSE)Dan Koren wrote:
(besides virtual machines, gml, interactive stuff, early performance
and capacity planning work, etc) was the stuff for the internal
network. the internal network was larger than the arpanet/internet for
just about the whole period up to sometime mid-85 ... which I've
claimed was at least partially due because it had a gateway-like
function in most of the nodes (at least the real vnet nodes ... as
opposed to jes & other nodes):
... something that the arpanet/internet didn't get until the great switch-over on 1/1/83.
several years ago ... the author of the internal network implementation (original done in 360 assembler) commented that in working on one of the major real-time systems (implemented in C) ... he noticed something familiar ... and cross checked it with some assembler code he had written 25(?) years earlier. At least the real-time operating system task scheduling module appeared to be a line-for-line translation of his 360 code into C .... including faithfully preserving all his original comments.
From: Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: 24 Dec 2004 17:02:48 -0800 Subject: high speed network, cross-over from sci.cryptAnne & Lynn Wheeler writes:
even more drift ... my wife and I had done this high-speed backbone
for the internal network
the internal network was larger than the arpanet/internet from just
about the beginning up until about mid-85. we were not allowed to bid
on the original nsfnet1 for whatever reason ... but my wife did talk
the nsf director into getting a technical audit of what we had running
... which resulted in a letter that said it was a least five years
ahead of all bid submissions
so we were attempting to create a noc-like environment for the high-speed backbone. we had multiplexors on every =|>T1 link and was using subchannel to constantly run BER testers. The output of the BER testers was pulled off their terminal serial rs232 interface into some software that mapped into administrative monitoring operation. We were also building IEEE 488 interfaces data collection to all the hardware that happened to support it.
now the internal network required that all links leaving facility be encrypted .... and the claim was that for extended period that the internal network had over half of all the link encryptors in the world.
during this period ... the telcos started demanded that they would no longer support clear-channel ... and that ones-density had to be supported. since the data-channel was encrypted ... and the link encryptors wouldn't guarantee ones-density ... we eventually had to reconfigure the multiplexor to have two side-channels ... one for the BER boxes ... and one that constantly transmitted pattern that then would guarantee the required ones-density.
the other problem i had was paying something like $16k for link encryptors (these are pretty standard T1, not earlier custom designed T3 bulk link encryptors) ... so started work on a encryptor board that i wanted to be able to easily support multi-megabytes/sec and have sufficient keying agility to possibly change key on every minimum-sized packet ... and manufacture for under well under $100 (some combination of which seemed to bring the MIB around).
so we eventually get up to interop '88
this was start of the period where ISO/OSI was going to completely
replace TCP/IP ... and the big network montoring standards ... which
were going to completely role over SNMP (there were a lot of OSI
products at interop 88). collection of past comments on gosip,
iso/osi, etc
Case had snmp demo at the end of a booth that was at the end of a row ... immediately at right angles to a booth where we had a couple workstations. During the course of the show, Case installed snmp on one of these workstations.
from my rfc index
rfc 1067 snmp
1067 -
Simple Network Management Protocol, Case J., Davin J., Fedor M.,
Schoffstall M., 1988/08/01 (33pp) (.txt=67742) (Obsoleted by 1098)
(See Also 1065, 1066) (Refs 768, 1028, 1052) (Ref'ed By 1089,
1095, 1156, 1704)
.. cut ...
as always clicking on the ".txt=" field in the rfc summary retrieves the actual rfc.
.. little digression ... a lot of the burgeoning NOC-stuff for our high-speed backbone we were doing in early turbo pascal. a problem became accessing/contacting these distributed boxes. as always ... if you put the command&control channel thru the same data flow ... as it is intended to manage ... you have single point of failure. you need separate secure channel for command&control (which can become a snmp issue also).
so we have our NOC-like PCs ... concentrating the diagnostic information and diagnostic capability ... how do we utilize it via a secure channel.
well the company had started looking at needing encryption for home/travel/hotel access (I had gotten home terminal mar70, well before this period). a detailed vulnerability and threat study turned up hotel PBXs being one of the most vulnerable points around; which led to a requirement for all offsite dial-in lines to also be encrypted. As a result, a new hayes-compatible encrypting modem was designed and built ... had goo covering all the encryption parts (it did secure session key negotiation at initial startup ..akin to ... but different than what you found much later in ssl). so we get these to put in all the onsite NOC-PCs.
a little tale out of school. after the initial encrypting modem testings, all products from the company with phone jacks had deeply recessed contacts. one of the first testers for this home/travel/hotel encrypting modem was a corporate VP ... who apparently had been an EE in some prior lifetime. He was trying to test out the modem and stuck his tongue on the contacts to see if there was any current. unfornately, the phone decided to ring at that moment. the result was an edict that all phone jack contacts had to be recessed so that people (especially corporate VPs) were unable to touch them with their tongue.
and more topic drift; one of the things we had done was rate-based pacing ... and were later on the XTP technical advisery board ... where rate-based pacing was also specified .... recent news item ....
Packeteer's purchase of Mentat could boost XTP Protocol;jsessionid=NDC21Q0RT2AJQQSNDBCCKHSCJUMEKJVN?articleID=56200180
From: Newsgroups: comp.arch, alt.folklore.computers Date: 25 Dec 2004 11:42:35 -0800 Subject: Re: CAS and LL/SC (was Re: High Level Assembler for MVS & VM & VSE)Dan Koren wrote:
it is where virtual machine stuff and a lot of interactive stuff was
done ... aka some of the people on ctss went to 4th floor and the
science center and other people went to the 5th floor and worked on
multics. melinda has a much longer thing on some of this history
it is where gml and much of sgml was done ... precursor to html, xml,
etc (old location is a block or two from current w3c)
it is where i did a bunch of benchmarking and capacity planning stuff
it is where i did a lot of performance stuff (for the 2nd or 3rd time,
much of the original had been done and shipped when i was an
and it is where the original stuff for the internal network was done
this thread (compare&swap) had originally started in .. and i had x-posted to alt.folklore.computers
to include comments about charlie originally inventing
compare&swap and coming up with a mnemonic that were charlie's
initials. somebody else then subsequently x-posted to comp.arch
(dropping the original totally random past
postings about origin of bitnet and earn (where the origins of the
bit.listserv hierarchy originated ... with gateway from bitnet/earn
mailing lists to usenet)
note that original internal network stuff had effectively gateway-like
function built into every node with layered implementation and
effectively no limitation on node addressing. it ran on the majority
of the nodes on the internal network. the official mainline, strategic
batch operating system had something called jes2 and came up with a
kind of networking with driver commoningly referred to as nje/nji. the
folklore is that the jes nje/nji driver came in large part from its
hasp heritage ... and much of the original source code had the letters
"TUCC" in cols 68-71. HASP/JES had an implementation that used 256
entry table of virtual devices. A typical HASP/JES installation might
have 60-80 defined virtual devices ... and the "networking" support
scavanged the remaining entries for networking nodes (resulting in
typical max. practical number of defined nodes on the order of
180-200). random collection of hasp references (precursor to jes2):
by the time the jes nje/nji drivers were released, the intneral network was well over 256 nodes. in some sense this "other" internal network implementation had similar restrictions as some characteristics of arpanet ... which was alleviated (for arpanet) with the cut-over to internworking on 1/1/83 (when it had about 250 nodes)
about that time the internal network was nearing a 1000 nodes
... which it reached that summer ... minor reference
and the jes nji/nje was still stuck with its 255 entry table. the other problem was that the nji/nje implementation somewhat confused the networking layer and other characterstics. minor release-to-release changes in some totally unrelated field ... could cause incompatibilities between jes releases ... resulting in JES crashing and bringing down the whole mainframe system (caused by incoming networking traffic from other jes nodes w/mismatched release). aggravating all this, nji/nje drivers would also discard incoming &/or outgoing stuff that originated at and/or was destined for nodes not defined in the local table.
as a result jes nje/nji nodes had to be restricted to boundary nodes on the internal network behind standard vnet nodes 1) couldn't address all nodes, 2) had habit of discarding traffic when it didn't recognize either originating &/or destination node, and 3) had habit of crashing and bringing down the related operating system. so there was a whole family of nje/nji drivers developed for the native vnet nodes .... which would canonicalize the nje/nji header information and then translate to specific format expected by the release/version of specific jes boundary node that it happened to be talking directly to (to avoid the system failure scnearios). there was sort of infamous incidents involving changes to san jose jes systems crashing mainframes in Hursley.
jes nje/nji drivers did get enhanced to support 999 nodes well after the internal network had exceeded 1000 nodes ... and then was later enhanced to support 1999 nodes well after the internal network was over 2000 nodes. however, it was the vanilla nje/nji drivers that were shipped to customers in the bitnet/earn time-frame (by that time, the higher performance and more functional native drivers being restricted to internal corporate use only).
my wife and i did do a high performance backbone as part of hsdt
but weren't allowed to bid on the nsfnet backbone ... we did get a NSF
audit which stated what we had running was at least five years ahead
of all bid submissions for building new nsfnet backbone ... minor
also, minor recent x-post to a.f.c.from sci.crypt
From: Newsgroups: comp.arch, alt.folklore.computers Date: 25 Dec 2004 13:52:49 -0800 Subject: Re: CAS and LL/SC (was Re: High Level Assembler for MVS & VM & VSE)Dan Koren wrote:
From: Newsgroups: comp.arch Date: 26 Dec 2004 10:18:55 -0800 Subject: Re: Will multicore CPUs have identical cores?Dan Koren wrote:
last sigops held only at asilomar (had the midnight vote to alternate coasts and have it different places, something about descriminated against mit students who couldn't afford the trip to the alternate coast) ... '81?
the i432 presentation had some amount to say about the difficulty on applying bandaids to deployed silicon in the field.
although sigops made it back again in 91 ... with side trip to
monterey acquarium .... i remember having a running discussion about
whether it would be possible to build scalable, high-availability
systems out of commodity parts
random past posts menmtioning 432 iAPX-432 (was: 36 to 32 bit transition iAPX-432 (was: 36 to 32 bit transition Famous Machines and Software that didn't What was object oriented in iAPX432? Minimalist design (was Re: Parity - why even or odd) Number of combinations in five digit lock? (or: Help, my brain hurts) IBM Mainframe at home Computer Architectures computers and alcohol difference between itanium and alpha Reviving Multics Reviving Multics Reviving Multics rebirth rebirth Intel iAPX 432 Intel iAPX 432 Intel 860 and 960, was iAPX 432 hung/zombie users ... long boring, wandering story real multi-tasking, multi-programming
the i432 documentation makes some reference to s/38 ... which is
supposedly the remnants of the canceled FS project (with some FS
refugees retreating to rochester to build the s/38) ... random past FS
From: Newsgroups: comp.arch Date: 26 Dec 2004 11:03:35 -0800 Subject: Re: will there every be another commerically signficant new ISA?Rick Jones wrote:
note that later, the palo alto acis group (who had been working on a bsd->370 port using the metaware c-compiler) were redirected to doing pc/rt port (although building to the bare metal rather than the vrm layer).
random past 801, romp, rios, etc posts
From: Newsgroups: comp.arch Date: 26 Dec 2004 11:11:29 -0800 Subject: Re: will there every be another commerically signficant new ISA?Terje Mathisen wrote:
From: Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: 26 Dec 2004 16:32:46 -0800 Subject: Re: creatBrian Inglis wrote:
later, jim wyllie at sjr did a similar package for ibm/pc that was released under some software productivity program.
some random past refs: Theo Alkema Theo Alkema Theo Alkema
(apologize if this is dup, just had a connection glitch)
From: Newsgroups: comp.arch Date: 26 Dec 2004 17:08:10 -0800 Subject: Re: Will multicore CPUs have identical cores?Dan Koren wrote:
about the same time I was also working on a 5-way SMP ... where i had
a little more latitude in designing microcode features. I did a little
bit better effort of design a logical dispatch/scheduling metaphor for
abstracting execution of the multiple processors. I also got to do a
higher level abstraction for some of other common operating system
features to microcode. unfortunately this project called VAMPS was
canceled before the product shipped ... lots of random past posts
mentioning VAMPS and abstracting smp kernel support:
an issue here was that all of the machines loaded microcode from
floppy at power-up ... as opposed to having it etched in silicon and
reguiring physical stuff to be done to correct issues. a new floppy
could be just shipped out for corrections. minor digression ... floppy
had been invesnted by shugart originally for loading microcode into
370 disk controllers ... but it came to be used also for loading
microcode into lots of other boxes ... lots of past misc. posts about
work in bldg. 14&15, disk enginneering and product test labs:
the sigops i432 presentation had a lot to say about difficulty they had with complex operating system stuff embedded in silicon and the problems with fab'ing new silicon (with fixes) and getting the new generation of chips out into the running boxes. the smp abstraction that they had done in i432 was similar to the earlier stuff that i had done for VAMPS ... except if any problems showed up in VAMPS, i would have had a much easier time correcting it by shipping out new floppy disks.
This was done in the 138/148 ECPS case (and available on follow-on processors 4331 & 4341) ... not so much because of bugs found in ECPS ... but because ECPS was so tightly tied to specific operating system operation ... that sometimes you needed new ECPS load to go along with newer kernel changes. The kernel did have work around being able to query ECPS version load and disable specific ECPS features that were incompatible with the executing kernel.
list of past i432 posts including in the previous post
From: Newsgroups: comp.arch Date: 27 Dec 2004 11:16:06 -0800 Subject: Re: Will multicore CPUs have identical cores?Stephen Fuld wrote:
From: Newsgroups: comp.arch Date: 27 Dec 2004 13:31:29 -0800 Subject: Re: Will multicore CPUs have identical cores?Dan Koren wrote:
From: Newsgroups: comp.arch Date: 26 Dec 2004 11:34:30 -0800 Subject: Re: Integer types for 128-bit addressingdel cecchi wrote:
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Will multicore CPUs have identical cores? Newsgroups: comp.arch Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2004 13:06:15 -0700prep writes:
common i/o was simulated by having device controllers with multiple I/O (channel) attachments ... you configured the same controller at the same address on the different I/O (channel) interfaces for the different processors. basically the multi-interface device controllers used the same technology for providing common device addressability in smp ("tightly-coupled") configurations as well as availability and common access in cluster ("loosely-coupled") configurations. SMP i/o driver had to be capable of recognizing situation where a device controller was only available on a specific i/o interface for a specific processor as well as possibly available on i/o interfaces for all processors.
the exception was the 360/67 multiprocessor which had something called the channel controller ... which configurated both memory boxes and channel interfaces. with the channel cotnroller you could cleave an multiprocessor configuration into uniprocessor ... allocating specific memory boxes and channel interfaces to specific processors. in multiprocessor configuration, the channel controller provided configuration so that all processors could access all memory boxes (as found in rest of 360 & 370 multiprocessor operation) as well as access to all channel interfaces (not available in the other 360 & 370 multiprocessor configurations).
360/67 also supported both 24-bit and 32-bit addressing. it wasn't until you got to the 3081 dyadic ... that you again found configuration where all processors could access all i/o (channel) interfaces (and supported both 24-bit and 31-bit ... not 32-bit ... addressing). however, it wasn't possible to cleave a 3081 dyadic into two independent operating uniprocessors.
slight drift, my wife did her stint in pok in charge of
loosely-coupled (aka cluster) architecture ...
somewhat useful when we later started ha/cmp
minor specific reference
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Organizations with two or more Managers Newsgroups: microsoft.public.sqlserver.programming,comp.databases.theory Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2004 16:41:17 -0700"DBMS_Plumber" writes:
misc. reference:
lots of boyd references
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: CAS and LL/SC Newsgroups: comp.arch Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2004 17:19:12 -0700Rupert Pigott writes:
the issue in the non-clustered is that some form of fast commit could be done with the altered image written to log ... and lazy writes for record in the buffer migrating to disk. crossing processer boundary wasn't necessarily so much the message passing ... it was forcing the record(s) to transit to disk and back in (rather than effectively buffer to buffer copy).
the problem wasn't so much the buffer copy ... it was that fast commits for the same record might exist in several different logs and the problem of ordering records from multiple logs in recovery scenario.
lots of ha/cmp
random past posts about dlm KI-10 vs. IBM at Rutgers Block oriented I/O over IP OT - Internet Explorer V6.0 OT - Internet Explorer V6.0 Blade architectures Blade architectures Avoiding JCL Space Abends Hard disk architecture: are outer cylinders still faster than inner cylinders? Specifying all biz rules in relational data Tera
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: will there every be another commerically signficant new ISA? Newsgroups: comp.arch Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2004 19:47:32 -0700Lee Witten writes:
from thread in a.f.c. giving domestic & world-wide vax shipments by
year Computers in Science Fiction
for some drift .... the following post on vaxcluster dlm: Blade architectures
slightly related recent post CAS and LL/SC
one of the advantages that I had when I started DLM for HA/CMP ... was a lot of input from various RDBMS vendors that had done vax/cluster implementations and what they thot would be improvements.
in any case, back to a departmental server/computer market thread in
a.f.c departmental servers
marginally related thread: Alpha performance, why? Alpha performance, why?
the explosion in 4341 deployments also help fuel some of the early '80s growth in the internal network. part of the internet overtaking the internal network in number of nodes in mid-85 was that the internal network remained mainframe nodes ... and you started to see an big increase in workstation and PCs as internet nodes.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: IUCV in VM/CMS Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2004 09:17:52 -0700"David Wade" writes:
so i invented a "new" ckd ccw opcode ... which condensed the seek/search/read/write sequence into two ccws ... and furthermore the ccws were defined to always return CC=1, csw stored (aka from the virtual machine standpoint, the i/o was complete when the SIO instruction finished ... aka it became synchronous instead of asynchronous).
cambridge (primarily bob adair) were very emphatic about not violating the principles of operation ... and suggested instead that the implementation be done with a "diagnose" instruction (under the theory that the principles of operation defines the diagnose instruction as being machine/model dependent ... leaving an opening for cambridge to define a virtual machine model ... and free to define how diagnose instruction operates with a virtual machine model). the cms disk i/o was then remapped to effectively do the same thing that i had done with cc=1, csw stored ... but with a diagnose code.
cms was modified to test for running in a real machine or in a virtual machine at boot ... and set a flag. disk i/o routine then tested the flag and either used real machine SIO sequence ... or virtual machine diagnose sequence. later in the morphing from cp/67 to vm/370 ... and from cambridge monitor system to conversational monitor system ... the option for CMS to run on bare/real machine was eliminated.
later, at cmabridge, i had done a whole set of things for supporting
automated benchmarking, including something called the (cp) autolog
command. cp kernel at startup had some changes to simulate the
autolog command for a "autolog" virtual machine. You could then put
code in the autolog virtual machine to perform all sorts of startup
initialization ... as well as automatically autologging other virtual
there was starting to be a growing number of virtual machines that provided generalized services ... or service machines ... that on cp boot/ipl required the operator to login, start some application, and then "disconnect".
I had also done some stuff that i referred to as virtual memory
management ... a bunch of stuff having to do with shared segment
operation as well as a paged mapped file system. misc. vmm posts
there are actually two early cambridge scientific center reports titled "virtual memory management I" and "virtual memory management II".
at this time there was starting to be specialized code in shared segments ... but the only interface to the shared segment facilities was via the (virtual) ipl command (and being able to IPL named systems ... which could include shared segment definition). One facility that this was made available for was with APL ... the interpreter was a large body of code ... it was sort of packaged as part of the CMS kernel and a special named system was saved ... which then could be "IPL" where both the CMS kernel and the APL interpreter code was "shared".
Possibly the largest vm time-sharing service
was HONE
which was vm/cms service with heavy use of apl applications that supported world-wide branch office & field sales and marketing. the problem for hone was that it also had some number of applications written in fortran ... and while it was possible to automatigically put a salesman into the APL application environment as soon as they logged on ... it was rather gludgy to have a salesman perform "IPL CMS" and "IPL APL" to switch between some fortran-based applications and apl-based applications. besides the "VMM" as local modifications at cambridge and some number of other internal locations ... HONE was a big consumer of the "VMM" operations ... enabling them to automagically switch from APL and FORTRAN application environments (transparent to the sales and marketing people around the world).
So along comes VM/370 release 3 ... and they pick up the autolog command and a subset of the VMM stuff for product release (the vmm subset was called DCSS ... or discontiguous shared segments).
the other stuff included in VM/370 release 3 was vmcf and special message. standard environment had message command that users could send messages to other users on the system or send requests to the (human) operator to have something or other done. An issue was how to request stuff from the service virtual machines that had no human operator. vmcf/spm allowed a virtual machine to set option so that incoming messages were intercepted before physical display on the terminal and placed in a buffer that could be read by program. so one thing you could do was send messages to the network service machine ... which would parse it and do specific things.
network service machine then had list of privilege users that were allowed to send control commands. another use for general users was to send a message to the network service machine which would be forwarded to another node on the network and delivered in real time to remote user. so the standard system started out having "instant message" support as the default for users on the same system ... and the methodology using the network service machine extended this "instant messaging" paradigm to all users in the network.
up until this point ... most of the work was still being done by people in the cambridge area. the development group had broken off from the science center and moved into the 3rd floor and taken over the boston programming center ... and when the group outgrew that, it moved out into the vacated SBC (service bureau corporation) bldg in burlington mall.
also in this time-frame i was doing what became the resource
and working on ecps (relased in vm/370 release 3 time-frame, vm
microcode enhancement for 138/148) and VAMPS (5-way smp support
that was canceled before customer ship) ... recent post Will multicore CPUs have identical cores
general ecps & microcode posts
so with ecps, endicott was getting heavily into vm support for its product line. there was even a whole strategy that had been done for 138/148 to release the machine as vm/370 only machine ... with vm/370 preloaded as it came from the factory ... which got pre-empted before it actually was able to ship to customers (which would have made it almost like current day LPARs ... where effectively a stripped down subset version of VM as part of the microcode of all machines).
in any case, what i remember of IUCV was that it came out of people with engineering background in the endicott lab ... as opposed to the vmcf/spm oriented stuff that. Folklore has the guilty party as Tom DeForrest ... who long ago and far way had email address of EG16TNDC@GDLS2. In theory, IUCV was going to be able to map directly into the microcode of the real machine w/o needing to be handled via the DIAGNOSE code support in the cp kernel.
some drift ... the resource manager was first scp charged-for kernel/SCP code. previously application code was licensed/charged-for ... but all kernel code was still free. the resource manager got to be the guinea pig for kernel priced software (in theory kernel code that was needed for direct hardware support, device drivers, etc ... was still free ... but other kernel code could be charged for). i got to spend six months off & on with the business people mapping out the business strategy for the change to charging for kernel code.
the other opportunity was as part of ecps ... was putting together the strategy for 138/148 w/ECPS and possibility as vm/370 only machine. At the time, the domain for the higher end machines 158/168 was primarily the US ... but 138/148 had much more of a world-wide market. Putting together the ECPS & VM/370 business strategy for 138/148 ... required various one week meetings with not only US business planning people ... but EMEA and AFE business planning people was well as business planning people from the larger world trade companies (england, germany, france, japan, etc).
I had interacted with some of the organizations ... but at a different level ... as part of deploying and propagating HONE-clones world-wide (but this was in support of the sales, marketing, and business planning people ... as opposed to directly working with them on projects).
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Athlon cache question. Newsgroups: comp.arch,alt.folklore.computers Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2004 11:35:18 -0700"Dan Koren" writes:
.. jim introduced me to a co-worker at tandem that was having
trouble getting his stanford phd ... so it must have been after
jim had left sjr for tandem .... random sjr/systemr posts
the problem was that the thesis was basically on global LRU replacement strategy and stanford was getting a lot of pushback from strong advocate of local LRU replacement.
in the late 60s there was some academic literature on local LRU replacement and working sets. at that time i was an undergraduate and doing lots of operating system changes ... including having come up with this global LRU idea, implemented it and it had shipped in products.
the problem at hand was to show global LRU replacement significantly better than local LRU.
much of the 70s, i was at the cambridge science center ... and in the early 70s the grenoble science center had done a study using the same operating system and the same hardware and the same type of workload ... but implementing a "working set dispatcher" and even gotten a paper published in the cacm. they had come by cambridge and left me with rough draft ... as well as a lot of the detailed backup study information. The primary difference between cambridge and grenoble was that grenoble had a 1mbyte real storage 360/67 (154 4k "pageable pages" after fixed memory requirements) and were running 35 concurrent users while cambridge had a 768k real storage 360/67 (104 4k "pageable pages" after fixed memory requirements) and 75-80 users. Cambridge with approx. twice the load and significantly smaller real storage using a lobal LRU replacment strategy was getting about the same performance as the Grenoble "working set dispatcher" and local LRU (with half the users and 50 percent more effective paging storage).
In any case, all the backup material showing local LRU significantly outperforming global LRU on directly comparable hardware, software, and workload help tip the balance in getting the Phd approved.
Not including in the comparison ... but about that time in the early 70s, I was also playing with some coding tricks with global LRU implementation. Normally any sort of LRU-like implementation effectively degrades to FIFO when there isn't sufficient information to otherwise distinguish reference patterns between pages (except in some rare cases, FIFO isn't a particularly good replacement strategy). I had this slight of hand coding tricks for global LRU ... which continued to look, smell and taste like standard global LRU replacement ... but had the unusual characteristic of degradding to random replacement (instead of FIFO ... in lots of detailed simulation studies it was shown to out-perform true LRU across wide-variety of conditions ... as compared to the LRU-approximation implementations which strived just to be nearly as good as true LRU).
lots of past replacement algorithm postings
some specific past references to the thesis (as well as grenoble paper): 360/67, was Re: IBM's Project F/S ? Multitasking question Old Computers Memory management - Page replacement Swapper was Re: History of Login Names
for some topic drift mention of jim leaving sjr and going to tandem: Vnet : Unbelievable They Got Mail: Not-So-Fond Farewells They Got Mail: Not-So-Fond Farewells If there had been no MS-DOS Shipwrecks
some of the cambridge detailed trace and simulation work was eventually released as a product called vs/repack in the mid-70s (i.e. took detailed trace of application and attempted semi-reorg of large application to minimize paging). it was also used by a number of corporate products that were making the transition from real stroage environment to virtual memory (compilers, database managers, etc) .. as well as starting to study cache-sensitivity issues ...
random past vs/repack references: IBM 7090 (360s, 370s, apl, etc) The Melissa Virus or War on Microsoft? Could CDR-coding be on the way back? Z/90, S/390, 370/ESA (slightly off topic) database (or b-tree) page sizes database (or b-tree) page sizes Very CISC Instuctions (Was: why the machine word size ...) OS Workloads : Interactive etc cp/67 addenda (cross-post warning) cp/67 addenda (cross-post warning) Swapper was Re: History of Login Names IBM going after Strobe? Blade architectures Alpha performance, why? "Super-Cheap" Supercomputing Alpha performance, why? Disk capacity and backup solutions IBM says AMD dead in 5yrs ... -- Microsoft Monopoly vs. IBM Language semantics wrt exploits PSW Sampling Holee shit! 30 years ago! Lock-free algorithms Integer types for 128-bit addressing Integer types for 128-bit addressing
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2004 12:05:30 -0700Paul Rubin <> writes:
... there wasn't (although they've since come out and said that they will attempt to start doing classification). i did do word & word-pair frequency ... and "buffer <something>" (overflow, overrun, exploit, etc) showed up in approximately 1/5th of the exploit type descriptions in the vulnerability database (other vulnerabilities may have also involved buffer exploits ... it just was that the free-form description format didn't happen to explicitly call it out). the descriptions tended to slightly favor the description of the vulnerability (aka denial of service, gain root, etc) as opposed to description of the vulnerability cause.
in any case, the lower-bound seems to be at least 1/5th and the upper bound is possibly over half of exploits/vulnerabilities types are buffer overrun related.
post about cve entry analysis security taxonomy and CVE
with such a high percentage ... it seems to be a relatively large bang-for-the-buck if something relatively straight-forward could be done to address such a large percentage of failures.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2004 12:18:43 -0700BRG writes:
that failure modes had tipped from being hardware related to being primarily software &/or human related.
in the late 90s, looking at one of the large financial transaction operations ... they claimed to have 100percent availability for six year period ... and they attributed it primarily to
• ims hot standby (at three physically different sites)
• automated operator
i.e. people mistakes and logical redundancy.
my wife did her stint in pok in charge of loosely-coupled (aka
cluster) architecture for mainframes and had come up with peer-coupled
shared data architecture
and the ims hot standby people were one of her major customers at the time.
non-human rated systems (i.e. life isn't directly at stake) can still have high-availability requirements that can allow for error recovery as opposed to strictly error avoidance.
to some extent jim also pioneered a lot of transaction ACID
properaties for database transactions ... creating boundaries that
allowed roll-forward &/or roll-back error recovery techniques.
some stuff related to ACID properaties ... but mostly focused
on original relational database manager at sjr:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Athlon cache question. Newsgroups: comp.arch,alt.folklore.computers Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2004 14:35:54 -0700"Dan Koren" writes:
the very late 70s saw some looking more complex solutions as it looked
like more complex hardware might be available ... a lot of it being
done with some form of the vs/repack technology that we had done at
multics had an acm paper in the mid-70s about having 1-4bits of page reference information ... but it was orientated towards extending the lemgth of history .... i.e. more like shift register with one bit per cycle of the global LRU clock algorithm (as opposed to count of references). i did mention in the early 70s coming up with variation on standard global "wsclock" algorithm that would beat true/strick global LRU (because even with small memories, short residencies, and short term history, there was ways of beating global LRU).
the late 70s found some more detailed studies, many of them using the product released from the science center, which in its product version was primarily focused on re-organizing programs for better virtual memory characteristics ... but the detailed i & d traces were also used for other kinds of analysis (yes we could break out i & d information as well as changed & non-changed references).
going into the late 70s ... real storages were starting to get so big that virtual page lifetimes in real storage was far exceeding the recent reference history information that the earlier replacement algorithms had been oriented towards; in fact, the whole system resource balance was starting to significantly change ... I was making the comment that the relative disk system performance had declined by a factor of ten times over a period of 10-15 years. this initially upset the disk division so much that they assigned their performance organization to refute the statement. after a couple months they managed to come up with the fact that i had slightly understated the problem. this eventually turned into a presentation made to the share user group on recommendations to improve disk thruput.
the issue then for real storage management was using the excess capacity to offset the bottlenecks with disks ... i.e. more use of real storage for record caching, paging done in much larger blocks (in the 3380 case, transfer rate had increased by a factor of ten while arm access only increased by 3-4; ... so it was possible to do much larger transfers; possibly wasting real storage and transfer capacity ... if you could reduce the number of transfers).
as part of the resource manager in the mid-70s ... I had included done some tweaks to reduce cache thrashing under heavy load as well as some slight of hand in the smp support ... to improve cache affinity.
the "big" change in cache stuff made in that time-period was operating system changes for 3081. went thru the operating system and very carefully aligned kernel (and various other structures) on cache boundaries. there was stuff to get buffers aligned on cache boundaries and allocated in multiples of cache lines ... and attempts to make sure that different data structures that might be concurrently accessed by different processors didn't co-reside in the same cache line.
i had helped with the vs/repack stuff when i was at the cambridge science center ... and when i went out to SJR ... i did some work on a disk record trace. it was here that we really started to see effects of much more complicated longer term history ... than was useful in the smaller real memory & shorter lifetimes of the 60s and early 70s. it was initially used to establish that for a given amount real storage ... that a global cache was nearly always better than local caches aka ran detailed simulation with huge amounts of live trace data where there was a fixed amount of electronic cache ... and it could either be used for a single global cache ... or partitioned among the channels, or finer partitioning among the disk controllers ... or even much finer partitioning out to individual disks. This somewhat validated the earlier GLOBAL vis-a-vis LOCAL observations ... regardless of the exact pattern used for line management in the cache.
with various enhancements to the disk record tracing in the early 80s we started to see much longer lifetimes histories and started to identify other types of longer term reference pattern information (and program and applications "pages" were just another type of disk record). the short period access patterns involving LRU from the 60s & 70s ... starting looking more & more like background noise compared to the longer period and more complex real world use patterns that we were starting to identify.
minor references to the resource manager interrupt window that I
played with to reduce cache thrashing (aka the system would go from
completely asynchronous, anarchy I/O interrupts which could cause a lot
of cache thrashing to very controlled mechanism for periodicly
handling i/o interrupts) Do any architectures use instruction count instead of timer why does wait state exist? Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters PR/SM Dynamic Time Slice calculation
random past references to disk cache work and studies: talk to your I/O cache talk to your I/O cache OS with no distinction between RAM and HD ? 4341 was "Is a VAX a mainframe?" 4341 was "Is a VAX a mainframe?" database (or b-tree) page sizes Disk caching and file systems. Disk history...people forget Disk drive behavior mainframe question a.f.c history checkup... (was What specifications will the standard year 2001 PC have?) hollow files in unix filesystems? index searching Storage Virtualization Blade architectures EXCP Alpha performance, why? Alpha performance, why? IBM says AMD dead in 5yrs ... -- Microsoft Monopoly vs. IBM A few Z990 Gee-Wiz stats Cost of Message Passing ? origin of the UNIX dd command Relational Model and Search Engines? Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters Hard disk architecture: are outer cylinders still faster than Hard disk architecture: are outer cylinders still faster than inner cylinders? Vintage computers are better than modern crap ! FW: Looking for Disk Calc program/Exec Integer types for 128-bit addressing CAS and LL/SC
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Athlon cache question. Newsgroups: comp.arch,alt.folklore.computers Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2004 14:40:55 -0700Bernd Paysan writes:
i had done the original global LRU stuff in the 60s while i was an undergraduate ... and it was incorporated and shipped in products. in the early '70s while i was at the science center ... i came up with this efficient slight-of-hand to effectively ignore recent reference history information when it wasn't being much use.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2004 15:38:33 -0700"Douglas A. Gwyn" writes:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Athlon cache question. Newsgroups: comp.arch,alt.folklore.computers Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2004 17:00:10 -0700somewhat random aside ... we had the disk record cache trace stuff installed at sjr ... so we got to include a lot of system/r and later rdbms research stuff ... random refs:
.... at longer period history than they were doing themselves (besides just run of the mill data center use). we also got it installed at stl ... which was another type of development house ... lots of ims database development as well as use ... and then later db2 development and use ... course stl was doing other types of development ... languages like apl and pli and misc. other things. we also got some of the machines that were doing the disk division commercial data processing for the operation of the business ... so there was a variety of data processing type things ... some with cyclic daily, weekly and monthly operation (database, vsam, flat files, etc).
we were also able to get long term use traces out of some number of other sites around the silicon valley area,
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2004 22:46:19 -0700"Douglas A. Gwyn" writes:
there are about 460+ that have such a sentence someplace in the short free form description (this is fewer than the total number that mention overflow and/or might be overflow related ... but it seemed to be a representative sample because it included indicattion of broad occurance of the problem). this is out of approx 2600 total entries in the cve database at the time (as mentioned before about 1/5th of the entries in the cve database at least mentioned something with regard to overflow).
i sorted the list and truncated the sentences at 40 chars (to cut down on the posting size). they don't particularly seem to be BSD biased.
somewhat regardless of any opinions about the ease or difficulty of avoiding such problems ... they still seem to have a fairly wide occurance across a large number of different evironments.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2004 10:38:31 -0700infobahn writes:
so two possible conclusions 1) something specific to common c programming environment and/or 2) something specific to programmers who use c. there wasn't enuf data in the various studies to indicate whether common c programming environment is responsible or that people who program in c are unique.
it does verge into some of the other side threads ... that in other venues, if there is a high incidence of mistakes associated with specific environment ... whether it is the environments fault or the humans fault ... the nature of the mistakes are studied and frequently compensating changes are made in the environment to help reduce the tendency for mistakes to happen. in other venues, there is eventually a realization that it is helpful to make changes in the environment as a method of helping people avoid making frequent and common mistakes.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2004 11:46:38 -0700newstome writes:
in the distant past ... a low frequency kernel programming mistake (but becomming larger percentage of operating system failures as other mistakes were corrected) was using a zero pointer to overlay physical memory address zero ... a hardware feature was added to not allow any sort of normal instruction (privileged or non-previleged) to alter the first 512 bytes of storage (low storage protect).
for some drift ... there is slightly related side-thread in comp.arch
discussing manufacturing code in silicon where it can't physically be
changed (which doesn't directly issue of exploits involving modifying
jump addresses to middle of data areas .... which software in PROM
doesn't directly address either ... unless you also have the
modification that only instructions in PROM will be executed and it is
very, very hard to make changes to PROM) .... Will multicore CPUs have identical cores? Will multicore CPUs have identical cores? Will multicore CPUs have identical cores? Athlon cache question
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2004 14:03:08 -0700aka ... not being able to easily modify executable code AND not executing data ... precludes the attacker from supplying exploit code as part of a string ... and jumping into the supplied exploit code. it doesn't preclude eliminate the modification of the jump address ... just precludes setting the jump address to exploit code that was packaged as part of some string (and executing that exploit code).
you are still possibly stuck with denial of service jump modifications ... or if somebody was really cleaver being able to jump into the middle of some already existing code.
getting execution of delivered exploit code then pretty much becomes a social engineering attack ... rather than buffer overrun attack.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: [Lit.] Buffer overruns Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2004 14:46:51 -0700"Douglas A. Gwyn" writes:
that should normalize it for amount of use of specific kind of environment (both across the number of different applications ... as well as the frequency that such applications are used).
long ago and far away ... a large commercial mainframe environment routinely had customers sending detailed trace and memory image copies to the vendor as part of problem determination and resolution. the standard tool used by the vendor basically dealt with the information in hex and had the vendor employees doing problem determination (& resolution) performing manual examination of the trace and storage image(s).
I completely rewrote the tool ... minor random references
and added a bunch of programmable analysis features. I then did a detailed study of the reported types of failures and the failure signatures .... so i could automate much of the failure analysis process for the most common failure characteristics.
the vendor failure management and reporting structure (tried to) mapped all occurance of a specific failure cause to a single failure occurance (regardless of the number of times the same customer and/or different customers would report that specific failure).
in any case, at that time i got to have a pretty complete look at all customer reported failures and did a pretty detailed analysis of the structural characteristics related to the failure in order to build automated failure signature analysis.
the cve database effort appears to also be attempting to map all occurances of a specific failure cause to a single failure reporting entry (not taking into account the number of times that the related program might have been observed to have had that failure).
some more random drift ... earlier I had done a detailed analysis of
all kernel serialization related failures i.e. hung/zombie processes
and/or using pointers after the related operations had all be
completely and discarded ... which sometimes also involved pointers to
location zero ... minor reference to hardware guard rail from a
recent posting here (low storage protect) [Lit.] Buffer overruns
then as part of releasing the operating system resource manager
product ... i completely rewrote the kernel serialization primitives
to completely eliminated all instances of hung/zombie processes as
well as dangling pointer use. random past pointers to the resource
manager product
so when my wife and i started the project producing the ha/cmp
(High Availability Cluster Multi-Processing) product in the late 80s
... minor refs
we started with detailed failure and vulnerability study to try and identify all possible failure characteristics. it was then that we predicted that common c programming environments would have an order of magnitude (or more) increase in the percentage of failures that were buffer length related (compared to other environments that we had experience with).
and of course to slightly bring this back to crypto ... two people
at the mentioned meeting
were then at another company (that was doing this thing called
https/ssl) in charge of building something called commerce server.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: The TransRelational Model: Performance Concerns Newsgroups: comp.databases.theory Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2004 16:15:50 -0700pc writes:
i took some heat starting in the late '70s for claiming that the disk relative system performance had declined by a factor of ten over a 10-15 year period (disk performance had increased by 3-5 times but cpu & memory had increased by 50 times .,.. so the relative system disk performance declined by a factor of 10).
the disk division got annoyed and assigned their performance
organization to refute the statements. they took a couple months and
came back saying that i had slightly under stated the problem. this
eventually turned into a user group presentation on recommendations
about how to structure & use disks for better system
performance. random recent posting somewhat related to the topic
I've frequently claimed that the CKD architecture from the 60s was a
trade-off of i/o capacity vis-a-vis limited real memory ... aka it was
possible to put the index structure on disk and have the i/o subsystem
execute a program to find specific kinds of data and read only what
was necessary into storage. this avoided having to use any of real
storage for caching of either data and/or index pointers. by the
mid-70s the resource constraint was starting to shift from real memory
to i/o ... and CKD became the wrong trade-off in that environment.
random past postings related to the CKD trade-off (and the criteria
that assumptions were based on) totally reversing over a period of time
and slightly related posts on bdam &/or cics
in the early 90s ... one of the large airline res systems were complaining that they had applications with (at least) ten impossible things that they couldn't do in the existing infrastructure. I looked at one of the applications (routes) that accounted for approx. 25percent of total system load and rewrote it from scratch.
Much of the fundamental architecture and assumptions hadn't changed since the 60s .... so I reset to zero and re-examined the fundamental architecture assumptions that had been made and tried to determine if they still applied (and if not, what could i do if I was starting totally from scratch). I got about a 100-fold speed up AND was able to implement all ten impossible features (which when done resulted in only a net 10-fold speed up .. since it was doing a lot more).
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Organizations with two or more Managers Newsgroups: microsoft.public.sqlserver.programming,comp.databases.theory Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2004 17:48:26 -0700"Mikito Harakiri" writes:
in the early 80s, one of boyd's assertions was that modern corporate culture is reflection of many of the executives getting training on how to run large organizations as members of the US army during ww2.
basically he contrasted much of the experienced and professional german military with the US army at entry to the war ... large numbers of quickly recruited and quickly trained individuals and only a very small group of professionals to direct them. as a result much of the strategy was based on exceedingly heavy overwhelming resources with extremely rigid command & control structures (attempting to leverage scarce skill resource across massive amount of resources and large numbers of inexperienced/unqualified people) ... somewhat related to pushing all decisions as high as possible up the organization (as opposed to pushing decisions to the best qualified person on the spot).
boyd would contrast that with the blitzkrieg and Guderian's directive about verbal orders only. the scenario was that in times of heavy action ... that the only people that never make a mistake are the people that never do anything ... if you acting and especially having to act quickly ... there are going to be mistakes. Guderian's directive supposedly epitomized that he trusted his troops as professionals to make their own decisions ... and he didn't want to have any bureaucrats running around afterwards trying to blame them for possible mistakes; he wanted to encourage that the person on the spot was to make the best decision he deemed possible (and not have to constantly worry about having any sort of paper trail that bureaucrats might later use to play monday afternoon quarterback).
this is slightly related to the humorous definition of auditors as the
people that go around the battlefield, after the war, stabbing the
wounded ... a posting about a misunderstanding related to this and a
number of auditors: New IBM history book out
the other contrast might be a set of generals superbly qualified to make decisions about overall strategic issues ... but totally unqualified to make decisions about any moment-to-moment tactical issues. It sometimes shows up in the split between CEO and COO ... where the CEO is handling long-term strategic issues and may be totally unqualified to handle the day-to-day issues faced by the COO.
you also see something similar in some techno startups where the VCs may want to have somebody they select as vp of finance and possibly even vp of marketing.
my past boyd postings:
and numerous boyd references from around the web
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |