List of Archived Posts

2025 Newsgroup Postings (01/01 - )

IBM Tape Archive
Dataprocessing Innovation
Dataprocessing Innovation
IBM 37x5
Dataprocessing Innovation
John Boyd and Deming
IBM 37x5
what's a segment, 80286 protected mode
Dataprocessing Innovation
Dataprocessing Innovation
On-demand Supercomputer
On-demand Supercomputer
Thin-film Disk Heads
Virtual Machine History
Virtual Machine History
Virtual Machine History
IBM Future System
IBM NY Buildings
IBM Mainframe Comparison
Virtual Machine History
Virtual Machine History
360/65 and 360/67
IBM 3090
IBM 3090
3270 Terminals
On-demand Supercomputer
IBM 3090
IBM ATM Protocol?
The Greatest Capitalist Who Ever Lived: Tom Watson Jr. and the Epic Story of How IBM Created the Digital Age
IBM ATM Protocol?
IBM ATM Protocol?
IBM Mainframe
Multics vs Unix
Multics vs Unix
Multics vs Unix
Multics vs Unix
Multics vs Unix
Multics vs Unix
vfork history, Multics vs Unix
Multics vs Unix
Multics vs Unix
Multics vs Unix
Multics vs Unix
Multics vs Unix
The Paging Game
The Paging Game
Canned Software and OCO-Wars
Canned Software and OCO-Wars
Multics vs Unix
IBM Management Briefings and Dictionary of Computing
Multics vs Unix
Multics vs Unix
Multics vs Unix
old pharts, Multics vs Unix
old pharts, Multics vs Unix
Grace Hopper, Jean Sammat, Cobol
old pharts, Multics vs Unix
old pharts, Multics vs Unix
old pharts, Multics vs Unix
Multics vs Unix
old pharts, Multics vs Unix
old pharts, Multics vs Unix
old pharts, Multics vs Unix
old pharts, Multics vs Unix
old pharts, Multics vs Unix vs mainframes
old pharts, Multics vs Unix vs mainframes
IBM Mainframe Terminals
old pharts, Multics vs Unix vs mainframes
IBM Mainframe Terminals
old pharts, Multics vs Unix vs mainframes
360/370 IPL
IBM Bus&TAG Cables
IBM Bus&TAG Cables
Online Social Media
Online Social Media
IBM Special Company 1989
Stress-testing of Mainframes (the HASP story)
Big Iron Throughput
Big Iron Throughput
Wang Terminals (Re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix)
Wang Terminals (Re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix)
Online Social Media
IBM Computers
IBM Suggestion Plan
Public Facebook Mainframe Group
old pharts, Multics vs Unix
IBM Token-Ring
IBM Token-Ring


Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM APPN
Date: 01 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

For awhile I reported to the same executive that the person
responsible for AWP164 (turns into APPN for AS/400) ... I would chide
him to come over and work on real networking (TCP/IP) because the SNA
organization would never appreciate him. Then SNA vetoes the original
AS/400 APPN 1986 announcement ... in the escalation process, the
announcement letter was carefully rewritten to not imply any
relationship between APPN and SNA.

trivia: back in the 70s period when SNA 1st appeared, my (future) wife
was co-author of AWP39, networking architecture ... they had to
qualify it "Peer-to-Peer Networking Architecture" because SNA had
misused the term "Network" (when it wasn't).  she was then con'ed into
going to POK to be responsible for loosely-coupled system architecture
where she did Peer-Coupled Shared Data Architecture".

She didn't remain long, in part because of little uptake (until much
later for SYSPLEX, except for IMS hot-standby) and in part because of
periodic battles with SNA group trying to force her into using VTAM
for loosely-coupled operation.

Peer-Coupled Shared Data Architecture posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM APPN
Date: 01 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook


My wife tells of asking Vern Watts who he was going to ask permission
to do IMS hot-standby, he says "nobody" ... he would just tell them
when it was all done.
The Tale of Vern Watts. The long, inspired career of an IBM
Distinguished Engineer and IMS inventor

SNA organization was fighting off release of mainframe TCP/IP support,
when they lost ... they changed their tactic and said that since they
had corporate responsibility for everything that cross datacenter
walls, it had to be released through them. What shipped got 44kbytes
aggregate using nearly whole 3090 processor. It was then released for
MVS by simulating VM370 diagnose API .... which further aggravated CPU
use (in MVS).

I then add RFC1044 support and in some tuning tests at Cray Research
between Cray and VM/4341, getting sustained 4341 channel throughput
using only modest amount of 4341 processor (something like 500 times
improvement in bytes moved per instruction executed).

A univ. did a study comparing MVS VTAM LU6.2 pathlength (160K
instructions and 15 buffer copies) compared to UNIX TCP pathlength (5k
instructions and five buffer copies). The SNA organization fought me
being on the XTP technical advisory board ... working on HSP
(high-speed protocol) standard that included direct TCP transfers
to/from application space (with no buffer copies), with scatter/gather
(unix "chained data").

Later in the 90s, SNA organization hires a silicon valley contractor
(former Amdahl employee that I had known from SHARE meetings since
early 70s, who recently passed) to implement TCP/IP directly in
VTAM. What he demo'ed had TCP/IP significantly higher throughput than
LU6.2. He was then told that everybody knows that a "proper" TCP/IP
implementation is much slower than LU6.2, and they would only be
paying for a "proper" implementation

RFC1044 posts
XTP/HSP posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM APPN
Date: 01 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook


Co-worker at science center was responsible for the CP67-based
wide-area network from 60s, that morphs into the corproate internal
network (larger than arpanet/internet from the beginning until
sometime mid/late 80s, about the time the SNA-org forced the internal
network to be converted to SNA/VTAM). Account by one of the inventors
of GML at the science center in 1969:

Actually, the law office application was the original motivation for
the project, something I was allowed to do part-time because of my
knowledge of the user requirements. My real job was to encourage the
staffs of the various scientific centers to make use of the
CP-67-based Wide Area Network that was centered in Cambridge.

... snip ...

Edson (passed Aug2020)

In June 1975, MIT Professor Jerry Saltzer accompanied Hendricks to
DARPA, where Hendricks described his innovations to the principal
scientist, Dr. Vinton Cerf. Later that year in September 15-19 of 75,
Cerf and Hendricks were the only two delegates from the United States,
to attend a workshop on Data Communications at the International
Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2361 Laxenburg Austria where
again, Hendricks spoke publicly about his innovative design which
paved the way to the Internet as we know it today.

... snip ...

We then transfer out to san jose research in 1977 and in early 80s, I
get HSDT, T1 and faster computer links, some amount of conflict with
SNA-org (note in 60s, IBM had 2701 telecommunication controller that
supported T1 links, however IBM's move to SNA in the mid-70s and
associated issues seem to have capped links at 56kbits/sec). Was
working with the NSF director and was suppose to get $20M to
interconnect the NSF Supercomputer centers. Then congress cuts the
budget, some other things happen and eventually an RFP is released (in
part based on what we already had running). NSF 28Mar1986 Preliminary

The OASC has initiated three programs: The Supercomputer Centers
Program to provide Supercomputer cycles; the New Technologies Program
to foster new supercomputer software and hardware developments; and
the Networking Program to build a National Supercomputer Access
Network - NSFnet.

... snip ...

IBM internal politics was not allowing us to bid (being blamed for
online computer conferencing inside IBM likely contributed). The NSF
director tried to help by writing the company a letter (3Apr1986, NSF
Director to IBM Chief Scientist and IBM Senior VP and director of
Research, copying IBM CEO) with support from other gov. agencies
... but that just made the internal politics worse (as did claims that
what we already had operational was at least 5yrs ahead of the winning
bid), as regional networks connect in, it becomes the NSFNET backbone,
precursor to modern internet.

INTERNET" (gone behind paywall but lives free at wayback machine),
Also from wayback machine, some additional (IBM missed) references
from Ed's website

trivia: HSDT first long-haul T1 link was between IBM Los Gatos lab (on
west coast) and Clementi's
E&S lab in Kingston, NY (on the east coast) ... where he had a
whole boat load of Floating Point Systems boxes

CSC posts
internal network posts
HSDT posts
NSFNET posts
internet posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM Tape Archive

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM Tape Archive
Date: 01 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

I had archive tape of files and email from time at univ in 60s through
1977 at IBM science center, starting with 800bpi, copied to 1600bpi,
then to 6250 and finally to 3480 cartridge ... triple replicated in
the IBM Almaden Research tape library. Mid-80s, Melinda asked if I had
the original implementation of multi-level CMS source update (done in
exec iterating using temp files and sequence of CMS update command). I
managed to pull it off tape and email it to her.

That was fortunate, shortly later Almaden started experiencing
operational problems mounting random tapes as scratch ... and
eventually found I lost nearly a dozen tapes (including all triple
replicated 60s&70s archive).

other Melinda email from the era (and I had learned to not keep
replicated copies in Almaden)

csc posts

posts mentioning almaden tape library CP67 And Source Update Email Archive CP67 & VM370 Source Maintenance IBM Tapes Card Sequence Numbers CP67 support for 370 virtual memory Mainframe Tapes Saving mainframe (EBCDIC) files Mainframe Assembler Enhanced Production Operating Systems VMworkshop.og 2022 CMSBACK VM/SP crashing all over the place IBM 370/155 Science Center History of Virtualization System recovered from Princeton/Melinda backup/archive tapes git, z/OS and COBOL The ICL 2900 System/360 celebration set for ten cities; 1964 pricing for oneweek the suckage of MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix! The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software 32760? Google Patents Staple of '70s Mainframe Computing The Invention of Email Congratulations, where was my invite? TSO Profile NUM and PACK If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company 1971PerformanceStudies - Typical OS/MFT 40/50/65s analysed Old EMAIL Index old email vmshare Why these original FORTRAN quirks?; Now : Programming practices

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Dataprocessing Innovation

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Dataprocessing Innovation
Date: 01 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

re: Dataprocessing Innovation Dataprocessing Innovation

some CICS history ... website gone 404, but lives on at the wayback

post about taking 2hr intro to fortran/computers, univ was getting
360/67 (for tss/360) replacing 709/1401 and within yr of taking intro
class, it comes in and I'm hired fulltime responsible for os/360
(tss/360 doesn't come to fruition) IBM 370 Virtual Storage
more reference in thread IBM 370 Virtual Storage IBM 370 Virtual Storage IBM 370 Virtual Storage

Univ. library gets ONR grant to do an online catalog, some of the
money goes for a 2321/datacell ... effort was also selected as
betatest for the CICS product and CICS was added to my tasks. One of
the 1st problems was CICS wouldn't come up ... eventually track to
CICS had some hard-coded BDAM options/features ... that weren't
documented/specified and the library had created BDAM files with
different set of options.

posts mentioning CICS and/or BDAM

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Dataprocessing Innovation

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Dataprocessing Innovation
Date: 02 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

re: Dataprocessing Innovation Dataprocessing Innovation Dataprocessing Innovation

some related CSC and virtual machine work ...

Some of the MIT CTSS/7094 people go to the 5th flr and Multics and
others go to the 4th flr and the IBM Cambridge Scientific Center. CSC
was expecting the MULTICS be awarded to IBM (CSC), but instead it goes
to GE.

Melinda Varian's history
from above, Les Comeau has written (about TSS/360):

Since the early time-sharing experiments used base and limit registers
for relocation, they had to roll in and roll out entire programs when
switching users....Virtual memory, with its paging technique, was
expected to reduce significantly the time spent waiting for an
exchange of user programs.

What was most significant was that the commitment to virtual memory
was backed with no successful experience. A system of that period that
had implemented virtual memory was the Ferranti Atlas computer, and
that was known not to be working well.  What was frightening is that
nobody who was setting this virtual memory direction at IBM knew why
Atlas didn't work.35

... snip ...

A motivation for CSC to do virtual memory hardware mods to 360/40 and
(virtual machine/memory) CP40/CMS, was to study virtual memory

Atlas  reference (gone 403?, but lives free at wayback):
from above:

Paging can be credited to the designers of the ATLAS computer, who
employed an associative memory for the address mapping [Kilburn, et
al., 1962]. For the ATLAS computer, |w| = 9 (resulting in 512 words
per page), |p| = 11 (resulting in 2024 pages), and f = 5 (resulting in
32 page frames). Thus a 220-word virtual memory was provided for a
214- word machine. But the original ATLAS operating system employed
paging solely as a means of implementing a large virtual memory;
multiprogramming of user processes was not attempted initially, and
thus no process id's had to be recorded in the associative memory. The
search for a match was performed only on the page number p.

... snip ...

... referencing ATLAS used paging for large virtual memory ... but not
multiprogramming (multiple concurrent address spaces). Cambridge had
modified 360/40 with virtual memory and associative lookup that
included both process-id and page number (aka both virtual memory and
multiple concurrent processes).

IBM does 360/67 standard with virtual memory for TSS/360. When 360/67
becomes available, CSC morphs CP40/CMS into CP67/CMS. At the time
TSS/360 was decomitted there were 1200 people involved with TSS/360
and 12 people in the CP67/CMS group.

As an undergraduate in 60s, I had been hired fulltime for OS/360
running on 360/67 (as 360/65, originally was suppose to be for
TSS/360). The univ shutdown datacenter on weekends and I would have it
dedicated (although 48hrs w/o sleep made Monday classes
difficult). CSC then came out to install CP/67 (3rd after CSC itself
and MIT Lincoln Labs) and I mostly played with it during my dedicated
time ... spent the 1st six months or so redoing pathlengths for
running OS/360 in virtual machine. OS/360 benchmark was 322secs on
bare machine, initially 856secs in virtual machine (CP67 CPU 534secs),
got CP67 CPU down to 113secs (from 534secs).

I redid (dynamic adaptive resource management) scheduling&paging
algorithms and added ordered seek for disk i/o and chained page
requests to maximize transfers/revolution (2301 fixed-head drum from
peak 70/sec to peak 270/sec). CP67 page replacement to global LRU
(at a time when academic literature was all about "local LRU"), which
I also deployed at Cambridge after graduating and joining IBM. IBM
Grenoble Scientific Center modified CP67 to implement "local" LRU
algorithm for their 1mbyte 360/67 (155 page'able pages after fixed
memory requirements). Grenoble had very similar workload as Cambridge
but their throughput for 35users (local LRU) was about the same as
Cambrige 768kbyte 360/67 (104 page'able pages) with 80 users (and
global LRU) ... aka global LRU outperformed "local LRU" with more
than twice the number of users and only 2/3rds the available real

other trivia: there were a couple of CP67 online commercial spinoffs
in the 60s (that specialized in services for financial industry) and
one of the Multic's people from 5th flr joins one as part of "First
Financial Language" offering on CP67/CMS (and later VM370/CMS). A
decade later he joins with another person to found Visicalc:

GML was invented at CSC in 1969 and a decade later morphs into SGML
and after another decade morphs into HTML at CERN and the first
webserver in the US is on the Stanford SLAC VM370 system:

Account by one of the GML inventors about CP67-based wide-area
network. Later mophs into the corporate internal network (larger than
arpanet/internet from the start until sometime mid/late 80s, about the
time the internal network was forced to convert to SNA/VTAM).

Actually, the law office application was the original motivation for
the project, something I was allowed to do part-time because of my
knowledge of the user requirements. My real job was to encourage the
staffs of the various scientific centers to make use of the
CP-67-based Wide Area Network that was centered in Cambridge.

... snip ...

Technology also used for the corporate sponsored univ. BITNET:

Person responsible (passes Aug2020):

In June 1975, MIT Professor Jerry Saltzer accompanied Hendricks to
DARPA, where Hendricks described his innovations to the principal
scientist, Dr. Vinton Cerf. Later that year in September 15-19 of 75,
Cerf and Hendricks were the only two delegates from the United States,
to attend a workshop on Data Communications at the International
Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2361 Laxenburg Austria where
again, Hendricks spoke publicly about his innovative design which
paved the way to the Internet as we know it today.

... snip ...

newspaper article about Edson's battles:
Also from wayback machine, some additional (IBM missed) references
from Ed's website

Previously mentioned in this post/thread, nearly the whole first
decade of SQL/relational System/R work was all done on VM370.

the first commercial relational (but not SQL) RDBMS was by the MULTICS
group on 5th flr (followed by Oracle, Ingres, etc), in part the IBM
System/R group faced enormous hurdles inside IBM. Was eventually able
to do tech transfer ("under the radar while company was focused on
IMS-followon "EAGLE") to Endicott for SQL/DS. When "EAGLE" implodes
there is request for how fast can System/R be ported to MVS
... eventually released as DB2 (initially for decision-support *ONLY*)

and finally ... before ms/dos
there was Seattle computer
before Seattle computer, there was CP/M
before developing CP/M, kildall worked on IBM CP/67 at npg

CSC posts
GML, SGML, HTML, XML, etc posts
Internal network posts
internet posts
online commercial (virtual machine) offerings
first sql/relational RDBMS, System/R
virtual memory and paging posts
bitnet posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM 37x5

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM 37x5
Date: 02 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

When I joined IBM science center ... person responsible for science
centers' CP67-based wide-area network, had been trying to convince CPD
that they should use the much more capable (Series/1) Peachtree
processor (rather than the really anemic UC) for 37xx boxes. Reference
by one of the inventors of GML at the science center in 1969:

Actually, the law office application was the original motivation for
the project, something I was allowed to do part-time because of my
knowledge of the user requirements. My real job was to encourage the
staffs of the various scientific centers to make use of the
CP-67-based Wide Area Network that was centered in Cambridge.

... snip ...

The CP67-based wide-area network then morphs into the corporate
internal network, larger than the arpanet/internet from the start
until sometime mid/late 80s (about the time it was forced to convert
to SNA/VTAM) ... technology had also been used for the corporate
sponsored univ BITNET

Edson (passed aug2020):

In June 1975, MIT Professor Jerry Saltzer accompanied Hendricks to
DARPA, where Hendricks described his innovations to the principal
scientist, Dr. Vinton Cerf. Later that year in September 15-19 of 75,
Cerf and Hendricks were the only two delegates from the United States,
to attend a workshop on Data Communications at the International
Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2361 Laxenburg Austria where
again, Hendricks spoke publicly about his innovative design which
paved the way to the Internet as we know it today.

... snip ...

CSC posts
internal network

We transfer from CSC out to San Jose Research on the west coast in
1977 ... and in the early 80s, I get HSDT project, T1 and faster
computer links (note in the 60s, IBM had 2701 telecommunication
controllers that supported T1, but in the transition to SNA/VTAM and
37xx boxes in the mid-70s, issues seemed to cap links at
56kbits/sec). Part of HSDT funding was based on being able to show
some IBM content and I eventually found the FSD Series/1 T1 Zirpel
card that was done for government customers that still had 2701
controllers (that were all in the process of failing apart). I then
went to order half dozen S/1 and was told that IBM had recently bought
ROLM (which was data general shop) and ROLM had made a large S/1 order
that created a year's backlog (I eventually cut a deal with ROLM for
some of their order positions, I would help them with some of their
testing operations).

HSDT posts

trivia: As undergraduate I had been hired fulltime responsible OS/360
(on 360/67 run as 360/65). Had 2741 & tty/ascii terminal support with
a hack for dynamically determining terminal type (using SAD CCW to
change line port scanner type). I then want to have a single dial-in
number ("hunt group"), but IBM had taken short-cut and hardwired line
speed. Then start univ project to build our own clone controller,
build channel interface board for Interdata/3 programmed to emulate
IBM controller with addition could do automatic line baud rate, then
upgraded to Interdata/4 for channel interface and clusters of
Inerdata/3s for port interfaces (Interdata and later Perkin-Elmer
sells as clone controller and four of use get written up responsible
for some part of clone controller business).

360 clone controller posts

Then before I graduate, I'm hired into a small group in the Boeing CFO
office to help with the formation of Boeing Computer Services,
consolidate all dataprocessing into an independent business unit. I
think Renton largest in the world, 360/65s arriving faster than could
be installed ... some joke that Boeing was installing 360/65s like
other companies installed keypunches.

When I graduate, I join IBM CSC (instead of staying with Boeing
CFO). One of my hobbies was enhanced production operating systems, and
the online sales&marketing support HONE systems was first (and
long time customer). With the announce of virtual memory for all 370s,
the decision was made to do CP67->VM370 morph ... which simplified
and/or dropped a lot of CP67 features. In 1974, I start moving a lot
of CP67 features to a VM370R2-base for my CSC/VM .... about the same
time all the US HONE datacenters were consolidated in 1501 California
(reconfigured into largest IBM single-system-image, loosely-coupled,
shared DASD operation with load-balancing and fall-over across the
complex). I then put SMP, tightly-coupled, multiprocessor support into
VM370R3-based CSC/VM, originally for HONE so they could add a 2nd
processor to each of systems. After transfer to SJR, I could easily
commute up to HONE a few times a month. As an aside, when FACEBOOK 1st
moved to silicon valley, it was into new bldg built next door to the
former US HONE complex.

CP67L, CSC/VM, SJR/VM, posts
HONE posts
SMP, tightly-coupled, shared-memory multiprocessor

Mid-80s, I was also coned into a project to take a VTAM/NCP emulator
that one of the baby bells had done on Series/1 and turn it into a
type-1 product. Part of the process was using HONE 3725 "configurator"
to size a 3725-operation compared to their live S/1 operation which I
presented at a Raleigh SNA ARB meeting ... parts of that presentation:
and part of baby bell presentation at IBM COMMON user group conference:

Raleigh would constantly claim that the comparison was invalid but
never were able to explain why. A significant amount of effort went
into walling the project off from Raleigh influence in corporate
politics, but what was done next to kill the project can only be
described as truth is stranger than fiction.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Dataprocessing Innovation

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Dataprocessing Innovation
Date: 03 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

re: Dataprocessing Innovation Dataprocessing Innovation Dataprocessing Innovation Dataprocessing Innovation

Jim was leaving for Tandem fall of 1980 and wanted to palm off some of
the system/r stuff on me. One was Bank of America System/R study
... which was getting 60 VM/4341s for putting out in branches running

This was part of the leading edge of coming distributed computing
tsunami ... large corporations were ordering hundreds of vm/4341s at a
time for putting out in departmental areas (inside IBM, conference
rooms were starting to be in short supply, having been converted to
vm/4341 rooms).

system/r posts

some recent posts mentioning coming distributed computing tsunami IBM 4300 and 3370FBA Creative Ways To Say How Old You Are Compute Farm and Distributed Computing Tsunami SHARE User Group Meeting October 1968 Film Restoration, IBM 360 The joy of FORTH (not) Distributed Computing VM4341/FBA3370 IBM 4300 Netscape 50 years ago, CP/M started the microcomputer revolution ATT/SUN and Open System Foundation Future System and S/38 Mid-Range Market architectural goals, Byte Addressability And Beyond IBM 4300 Gordon Bell Wondering Why DEC Is  The Most Popular Automated Operator Vintage Mainframe HA/CMP HA/CMP IBM Mainframes and Education Infrastructure IBM 4300s VAX MIPS whatever they were, indirection in old architectures Cluster and Distributed Computing Cloud and Megadatacenter PDS Directory Multi-track Search Future System, 115/125, 138/148, ECPS Vintage IBM 4300 Vintage IBM 3380s Vintage IBM 5100 Internet microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, supercomputers microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, supercomputers 801/RISC and Mid-range VM370/CMS Shared Segments DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia Typing, Keyboards, Computers The IBM mainframe: How it runs and why it survives Some 3033 (and other) Trivia IBM DASD IBM 158-3 (& 4341) IBM 4341 IBM 4341 IBM Change PROFS trivia IMS & DB2

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM OS/360 MFT HASP
Date: 04 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

SHARE history of HASP & JES2 (gone 404, but lives on at wayback

Meanwhile, the operating system weenies kept spinning their own
wheels, and so eventually MFT-II and MVT were released. These were
able to do multi-jobbing. Because such a large percentage of the
OS/MFT community was already dependent on HASP, the staff in
Washington adapted HASP to the new OS releases and introduced HASP-II
version 1.

... snip ...

Other trivia: HASP NJE (later morphing into JES2 NJE) originally had
"TUCC" in cols. 68-71 of the assembler source code ... part of the
issue was in used free entires in the 255 entry psuedo device table
for network node definition ... typicall 160-180 entries ... when the
internal (RSCS/VNET) network had long before passed 255 nodes. A NJE
emulation driver was done for RSCS/VNET allowing MVS nodes to be
connected, but they tended to be restriced to boundary nodes (behind
RSCS/VNET) since NJE would discard traffic when either the origin or
destination nodes weren't in local table. While RSCS/VNET had well
structured implementation, NJE had somewhat intermixed networking and
job control fields and NJE traffic from MVS/JES2 had a habit of
crashing destination MVS/JES2 at a different release level. As a
result a large library of code appeared for RSCS/VNET NJE emulation
that could transpose fields for traffic for a directly connected
MVS/JES2. There was infamous case of San Jose origin MVS/JES2 traffic
crashing a Hursley destination MVS/JES2 systems ... and it was blamed
on the Hursley RSCS/VNET (because its NJE emulator hadn't been updated
for the latest San Jose JES2 changes).

I was undergraduate in 60s and had taken a two credit intro to
fortran/computers. The univ. was getting 360/67 for tss/360, replacing
709/1401. The 360/67 arrived within a year of my taking the intro
class and I was hired fulltime responsible for os/360 (tss/360 never
came to fruition so ran as 360/65). Student Fortran had run under
second on 709 (tape->tape, 1401 unit record front-end), but over a
minute on 360/65 OS/360 MFTR9.5 (before first MVTR12). I install HASP
and it cuts time in half. Then I start redoing STAGE2 SYSGEN, to be
able to run in production HASP (instead of starter system) and
carefully place datasets and PDS members to optimize seeks and
multi-track searchers, cutting another 2/3rds to 12.9secs. Student
fortran was never better than 709 until I install Univ. of Waterloo

While MVT option was available, but next release sysgen did MFTR14. I
didn't do a MVT SYSGEN until combined MVTR15/16 ... which also
included being able to specify cylinder location of VTOC (to reduce
avg. arm seek).

CSC came out Jan1968 to install CP67 (3rd after CSC itself and MIT
Lincoln Labs) and I mostly got to play with it during my dedicated
weekend time (univ shutdown datacenter over the weekend and I had
place dedicated, although 48hrs w/o sleep made Monday classes hard). I
initially rewrite a lot of pathlengths to running OS/360 in virtual
machine. My OS/360 test stream ran 322secs on real machine but
initially 856secs virtually (CP67 CPU 534secs). with a couple months
had CP67 CPU down to 113secs). I was invited to Mar1868 SHARE meeting
for IBM CP67 annnounce (and also participated in 1st SHARE HASP

Related history, early last decade I had been asked to track down
decision to add virtual memory to all 370s and found staff member to
executive making decision, pieces of email exchange (including some
HASP/SPOOL history) in this archived post

For MVTR18, I remove 2780 RJE support out of HASP (to reduce real
storage) and put in 2741 and TTY/ASCII terminal support and editor
supporting CP67/CMS EDIT syntax (totaly different code since program
environments so different) for CRJE.

internal network posts
CSC posts

other trivia: posts mentioning Boeing Huntsville modify MVTR13 with
virtual memory support IBM 370 Virtual Storage SHARE User Group Meeting October 1968 Film Restoration, IBM 360 IBM 370 Virtual memory IBM 360/30, 360/65, 360/67 Work Public Facebook Mainframe Group 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory Vintage 2250 IBM CAD 360/67 Virtual Memory 370/195 Colours on screen (mainframe history question) Computer Terminal Design Over the Years

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

John Boyd and Deming

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: John Boyd and Deming
Date: 05 Jan, 2025
Blog: LinkedIn

re: John Boyd and Deming John Boyd and Deming John Boyd and Deming

80s, when foreign auto manufacturers were setting up factories in the
US heartland, they found that they had to require JR college degree in
order to get workers with high school level education. The finding was
possibly some of the motivation for states to start requiring
proficiency tests for high school diploma ... although there were
press coverage of state legislature battles over whether requiring 7th
grade level math&reading proficiency was too high a qualification for
high school diploma.

c4 task force posts

past posts mention literacy/competency OFF TOPIC: University of California, Irvine, revokes 500 admissions US Education Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards TARP Disbursements Through April 10th Republican accomplishments and Hoover Education ranking IBM Unionization Offshore IT

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM 37x5

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM 37x5
Date: 06 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

re: IBM 37x5

not assigned to Endicott ... cambridge had joint distributed project
w/endicott to add 370 virtual memory support to cp67 (for emulated 370
virtual machines) ... and then modifications that ran CP67 on 370
hardware (in regular use a year before 1st engineering 370/145 virtual
memory was operational ... and was used as test case for the machine).

also after FS implodes was asked to help with ECPS microcode assist
for 138/148 (also used later for 4300). select 6kbytes highest
executed VM370 kernel pathlengths for reWriting in microcode (for 10:1
speedup), archived post with initial analysis (6kbytes kernel
instructions 79.55% kernel execution time):

Then got coned into running around helping present 138/148 business
case to planners in US regions and World Trade countries.

Then tried to convince corporate to allow VM370 preinstall on every
138/148 (vetoed in part head of POK had recently convinced corporate
to kill vm370 product, shutdown development group and transfer all the
people to POK for MVS/XA ... Endicott did manage to save VM370 product
mission for midrange ... but had to recreate VM370 development group
from scratch)

one of the things going around presenting 138/148 business case
... was in WT, country forecasts turned into plant orders ... and
deliveries made to countries to sell (and held accountable) ... while
US regional forecasts tend to conform to corporate strategic positions
... and any problems fell back on plants (as a result, plants tend to
redo US regional forecasts since they could have little to do with
actual expected sales).

science center posts

posts mentioning CP67L (runs on real 360/67), CP67H (run in 360/67
virtual machine, added emulated 370 virtual machine), CP67I (runs on
370 machine), CP67SJ (CP67I with 3330 & 2305 device drivers) IBM 370 Virtual Storage Early Email IBM Email and PROFS CP67 And Source Update IBM 370 Virtual memory ARPANET & IBM Internal Network Virtual Machines CP67 support for 370 virtual memory Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers The IBM System/360 Revolution IBM 360/65 & 360/67 Multiprocessors IBM DASD, Virtual Memory IBM 4341 IBM 4341 370 virtual memory Enhanced Production Operating Systems IBM Quota CMS OS/360 Simulation Precursor to current virtual machines and containers Programming Skills MS/DOS for IBM/PC IBM Fan-fold cards IBM 370 IBM 370/155 Z/VM Science Center History of Virtualization The ICL 2900 Difference between MVS and z / OS systems New HD Boeing Plant 2 ... End of an Era Item on TPF Source code for s/360 old email when was MMU virtualization first considered practical? Is VIO mandatory? DASD Architecture of the future

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

what's a segment, 80286 protected mode

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: what's a segment, 80286 protected mode
Newsgroups: comp.arch
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2025 17:28:11 -1000

John Levine <> writes:

What you're describing is multi-level page tables. Every virtual
memory system has them. Sometimes the operating systems make the
higher level tables visible to applications, sometimes they don't. For
example, in IBM mainframes the second level page table entries, which
they call segments, can be shared between applications.

initial adding virtual memory to all IBM 370s was similar to 24bit
360/67 but had options for 16 1mbyte segments or 256 64kbyte segments
and either 4kbyte or 2kbyte pages. Initial mapping of 360 MVT to
VS2/SVS was single 16mbyte address space ... very similar to running
MVT in a CP/67 16mbyte virtual machine.

The upgrade to VS2/MVS gave each region its own 16mbyte virtual
address space. However, OS/360 MVT API heritage was pointer passing
API ...  so they mapped a common 8mbyte image of the "MVS" kernel into
every 16mbyte virtual address space (leaving 8mbytes for application
code), kernel API call code could still directly access user code API
parameters (basically same code from MVT days).

However, MVT subsystems were also moved into their separate 16mbyte
virtual address space ... making it harder to access application API
calling parameters. So they defined a common segment area (CSA),
1mbyte segment mapped into every 16mbyte virtual address space,
application code would get space in the CSA for API parameter
information calling subsystem.

Problem was the requirement for subsystem API parameter (CSA) space
was proportional to number of concurrent applications plus number of
subsystems and quickly exceed 1mbyte ... and it morphs into
multi-megabyte common system area. By the end of the 70s, CSAs were
running 5-6mbytes (leaving 2-3mbytes for programs) and threatening to
become 8mbytes (leaving zero mbytes for programs)... part of the mad
rush to XA/370 and 31-bit virtual addressing (as well as access
registers, and multiple concurrent virtual address spaces ... "Program
Call" instruction had a table of MVS/XA address space pointers for
subsystems, the PC instruction whould move the caller's address space
pointer to secondary and load the subsystem address space pointer into
primary ... program return instruction reversed the processes and
moved the secondary pointer back to primary).

some recent posts mentioning explision from "common segment" to
"common system" CSA, xa/370, access registers: Computer Virtual Memory Continuations backward architecture, The Design of Design Vintage MVS 3033 Vintage TSS/360 IBM 360/195 360/67 Virtual Memory 165/168/3033 & 370 virtual memory IBM Future System Versatile Cache from IBM IBM S/360 - 370 Assembler :- PC Instruction VS History Do we really need 64-bit DP or is 48-bit enough? 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made 30 years agotoday

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM APPN
Date: 08 Jan, 2025

Eartly 80s, got HSDT project, T1 and faster computer links (both
terrestrial and satellite) ... resulting in some battles with
communication group (note: in 60s, IBM had 2701 telecommunication
controller supporting T1, then with IBM transition to SNA, issues
appeared to cap controller links at 56kbits). HSDT first long haul T1
was between Los Gatos lab (on the west coast) and Clementi's
E&S lab in Kingston (on the east coast) ... had a while bunch of
Floating Point Systems boxes including with
40mbyte/sec disk arrays (to keep the boxes fed).

Had also been working with NSF director and was supposed to get $20m
to interconnect the NSf Supercomputer Centers, then congress cuts the
budget, some other things happen and finally an RFP was released (in
part based on what we already had running). IBM internal politics was
not allowing us to bid (being blamed for online computer conferencing
inside IBM likely contributed). The NSF director tried to help by
writing the company a letter (3Apr1986, NSF Director to IBM Chief
Scientist and IBM Senior VP and director of Research, copying IBM CEO)
with support from other gov. agencies ... but that just made the
internal politics worse (as did claims that what we already had
operational was at least 5yrs ahead of the winning bid), as regional
networks connect in, it becomes the NSFNET backbone, precursor to
modern internet.

Somebody had collected a lot of executive email with NSFNET
misinformation and forwarded it to us ... old archived post, heavily
clipped and redacted to protect the guilty

Communication group was fiercely fighting off client/server and
distributed computing, trying to keep mainframe TCP/IP from being
released. When that was turned around, they changed their strategy;
that since they had corporate strategic ownership for everything that
cross datacenter walls, it had to be shipped through them. What
shipped got aggregate 44kbytes/sec using nearly whole 3090 processor
(also ported to MVS by simulating VM370 "diagnose" instructions). I
then did RFC1044 support and in some tuning tests at Cray Research
between Cray and 4341, got sustained 4341 channel throughput using
only modest amount of 4341 processor (something like 500 times
improvement in bytes moved per instruction executed).

My wife had been asked to be co-author for response to a 3-letter
gov. agency request for super-secure, large campus-like operation
... where she included 3-tier networking ... and then we were out
making customer executive presentations on 3-tier networking,
high-performance tcpip/routers/ethernet, etc. and internally taking all
sorts of misinformation arrows in the back.

HSDT posts
NSFNET posts
rfc1044 posts
3-tier, middle layer, saa posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM APPN
Date: 08 Jan, 2025

IBM was claiming that it would support (ISO) OSI ... but there was a
joke that while (TCP/IP) IETF standards body had a requirement that
there be at least two interoperable implementations to progress in
standards process .... ISO didn't have a requirement that a standard
be implementable.

OSI: The Internet That Wasn't. How TCP/IP eclipsed the Open Systems
Interconnection standards to become the global protocol for computer

Meanwhile, IBM representatives, led by the company's capable director
of standards, Joseph De Blasi, masterfully steered the discussion,
keeping OSI's development in line with IBM's own business
interests. Computer scientist John Day, who designed protocols for the
ARPANET, was a key member of the U.S. delegation. In his 2008 book
Patterns in Network Architecture(Prentice Hall), Day recalled that IBM
representatives expertly intervened in disputes between delegates
"fighting over who would get a piece of the pie.... IBM played them
like a violin. It was truly magical to watch."

... snip ...

internet posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Dataprocessing Innovation

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Dataprocessing Innovation
Date: 09 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

re: Dataprocessing Innovation Dataprocessing Innovation Dataprocessing Innovation Dataprocessing Innovation Dataprocessing Innovation

old email about Jim leaving for tandem (and palming stuff on to me)
in this a.f.c. newsgroup archived post

also mentions his parting "MIPENVY" tome

and from IBMJargon

MIP envy - n. The term, coined by Jim Gray in 1980, that began the
Tandem Memos (q.v.). MIP envy is the coveting of other's facilities -
not just the CPU power available to them, but also the languages,
editors, debuggers, mail systems and networks. MIP envy is a term
every programmer will understand, being another expression of the
proverb The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

... snip ...

note: I was blamed for online computer conferencing on the internal
network (larger than arpanet/internet from the beginning until
sometime mid/late 80s, about the time internal network forced
conversion to SNA/VTAM) in the late 70s and early 80s. "Tandem Memos"
actually took off spring of 1981 after I distributed a trip report of
visit to Jim at Tandem (only about 300 actively participated, but
claims 25,000 were reading; folklore is when corporate executive
committee was told, 5of6 wanted to fire me).

some more about "Tandem Memos" in long-winded (2022 linkedin) post

system/r posts
internal network
online computer conferencing, tandem memo posts
IBM downturn/downfall/breakup posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Dataprocessing Innovation

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Dataprocessing Innovation
Date: 09 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

re: Dataprocessing Innovation Dataprocessing Innovation Dataprocessing Innovation Dataprocessing Innovation Dataprocessing Innovation Dataprocessing Innovation

Early last decade a customer asked if I could track down the decision
to add virtual memory to all 370s and found staff member to executive
making decision; basically MVT storage management was so bad that
regions had to be specified four times larger than used ... as a
result there were insufficient concurrently running regions to keep
typical 1mbyte 370/165 busy and justified. Going to running MVT in
16mbyte virtual memory allowed number of regions to be increased by a
factor of four times (cap of 15 with 4bit storage protect keys) with
little or no paging, aka VS2/SVS (similar to running MVT in CP67
16mbyte virtual machine). Ludlow was doing initial implementation on
360/67 (pending availability of engineering 370s with virtual memory
support) ... a little bit of code for setting up 16mbyte virtual
memory tables and simple paging. Biggest task was EXCP/SVC0, similar
to channel programs passed to CP67, aka the channel needed real
addresses and all the passed channel programs had virtual addresses;
need to make a channel program copy, replacing virtual addresses with
real ... and Ludlow borrows CP67 CCWTRANS to craft into EXCP/SVC0. Old
archived post with pieces of the email exchange:

Problem was as systems got bigger, needed ever increasing number of
concurrently running regions ... more than 15 ... so moved to VS2/MVS,
giving each region its own separate 16mbyte virtual address space
(execution addressing separation protection, in place of storage
protect keys). However the strong OS/360 API convention of pointer
passing (rather than argument passing) resulted in placing a 8mbyte
image of the MVS kernel into every 16mbyte virtual address space
(leaving eight for program execution) ... kernel calls could directly
access the caller's virtual addresses. However, subsystems were also
giving their own separate 16mbyte virtual address spaces ... and
subsystem API also need API argument addressing ... and thus was
invented 1mbyte common segment ("CSA" or common segment area) in every
address space for the allocation of space for API arguments (both user
programs and subsystems). However, common segment space requirements
were somewhat proportional to number of subsystems and number of
concurrently executing programs ... and CSA quickly mophs into
multi-megabyte Common System Area and was frequently 5-6mbytes
(leaving 2-3mbytes for applications) and threatening to be become
8mbytes (leaving zero for user programs). This was part of the mad
rush to 370/XA, 31bit addressing, access register and program
call/return. MVS/XA builds system table of subsystems that contains
subsystem address space pointer. Applications does a program call, the
hardware moves the application address space to secondary address
space pointer and places the subsystem address space pointer in the
primary (the subsystem now has addressing to both the subsystem
primary address space and the application secondary address space).

Note I was also related to this in another way ... in the 70s I was
pontificating that systems were getting faster than disks were getting
faster. Writing a tome in the early 80s, I claimed that disk relative
system throughput had declined by an order of magnitude since 360
announce; aka system throughput increased 40-50 times while disk
throughput only increased 3-5 times. A GPD disk division executive
took exception and assigned the division performance group to refute
the claim. After a few weeks the performance group came back and
effectively said I had slightly understated the problem. The
performance group then respins the analysis and turns it into a SHARE
presentation on configuring disks (& filesystem) for improved system
throughput (higher filesystem throughput with more concurrently
executing disk I/O ... rather than strictly faster disk I/O).

trivia: within year of taking 2 credit hr intro to fortran/computers,
the 709/1401 configuration was replaced with 360/67 (originally for
tss/360 but got used as 360/65) and I was hired fulltime responsible
for OS/360. Then before I graduate, I'm hired fulltime into small
group in the Boeing CFO office to help with the formation of Boeing
Computer Services, consolidate all dataprocessing into independent
business unit (I think Renton datacenter largest in the world, 360/65s
arriving faster than they could be installed, boxes constantly staged
in hallways around machine room). Also the Boeing Huntsville 360/67
duplex (two processor) was brought up to Seattle. Huntsville had got
it for TSS/360 with lots of 2250 graphic displays (for CAD/CAM work)
... but partitioned into two 360/65s systems running OS/360
MVTR13. They had run into MVT storage management problem early and had
added virtual memory table to MVTR13 (but w/o paging), manipulating
virtual address space as partial countermeasure to MVT storage
management problems.

posts getting to play disk engineer in disk bldgs 14/engineering and

misc. posts mentioning decision to add virtual memory to all 370s, as well
as boeing computer services and the boeing huntsville work adding
virtual memory to MVTR13 IBM 360/30, 360/65, 360/67 Work HASP, JES2, NJE, VNET/RSCS Public Facebook Mainframe Group 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 Vintage 2250 IBM 360 IBM Embraces Virtual Memory -- Finally Vintage Mainframe OS/360 Bloat Vintage Future System CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System IBM 360/67 IBM CAD WATFOR and CICS were both addressing some of the same OS/360 problems IBM Mainframe market was Re: Approximate reciprocals MVT storage management issues iBM System/3 FORTRAN for engineering/science work? Colours on screen (mainframe history question)

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

On-demand Supercomputer

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: On-demand Supercomputer
Date: 10 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

Early on cloud megadatacenters with half million or more blade servers
allowed on-demand automated spin-up of supercomputer (ranking in top
40 in the world) for a few hrs with just a credit-card ... cost was
less if done during off-peak hrs.

from 2011: Amazon Builds World's Fastest Nonexistent Supercomputer

Yes, beneath Amazon's virtual supercomputer, there's real
hardware. When all is said and done, it's a cluster of machines, like
any other supercomputer. But that virtual layer means something. This
isn't a supercomputer that Amazon uses for its own purposes. It's a
supercomputer that can be used by anyone.

... snip ...

Amazon takes supercomputing to the cloud. If you have $1,279, you can
buy an hour of supercomputing time on Amazon's cloud.

Back when mainframe published industry standard benchmarks (number
program iterations compared to benchmark reference platform)
... max-configured z196 at 50BIPS and standard cloud blade E5-2600
server at 500BIPS

This was not long before IBM sold off its blade server business
(shortly after industry article that server chip makers were shipping
half their product directly to cloud megadatacenters where they
assembled at 1/3 cost of brand name servers). At the time max
configured z196 went for $30M while IBM base price for E5-2600 blade
was $1815.

megadatacenter posts

a few past posts mentioning on-demand supercomputer spin-up Old adage "Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM" HA/CMP IBM Introduces 'Vela' Cloud AI Supercomputer Powered by Intel, Nvidia IBM Zcloud - is it just outsourcing ? Availability 1963 Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks How do BIG WEBSITES work? Linux Foundation Launches Open Mainframe Project The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software Reports: IBM may sell x86 server business to Lenovo

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

On-demand Supercomputer

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: On-demand Supercomputer
Date: 10 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

re: On-demand Supercomputer

Trivia: the (non-IBM) solid-state 2305 emulation internally carried
"1655" model number. Some could be configured for pure 2305 CKD
emulation running at 1.5mbytes/sec ... but also FBA emulation running
at 3mbytes/sec (easy for VM370, but MVS never bothered doing FBA
support, even when all disk technology was moving to FBA .... even
"CKD" 3380 ... can be seen in records/track formulas where record size
needed to rounding up to multiple of fixed "cell size").

DASD, CKD, FBA, multi-track search posts

I got into small dustup with the POK VULCAN group in the 70s, where I
wanted to do some enhancements to 3350 fixed-head option for paging
and VULCAN got it vetoed, planning on shipping an electronic paging
device. But they got canceled when told that IBM was shipping every
memory chip it could make for processor memory (at higher markup).

posts mentioning getting to play disk engineer in disk
bldg14/engineering and bldg15/product-test

more trivia: 1988, IBM branch asks if I could help LLNL (national lab)
standardize some serial stuff they were working with, which quickly
becomes fibre channel standard ("FCS", initially 1gbit, full-duplex,
aggregate 200mbytes/sec, including some stuff I had done in
1980). Then in 1990s, some serial stuff that POK had been working with
for at least the previous decade is released as ESCON (when it is
already obsolete, 17mbytes/sec). Then some POK engineers become
involved with FCS and define heavy weight protocol that significantly
reduces ("native") throughput, which ships as "FICON".

Latest public benchmark I've seen was z196 "Peak I/O" getting 2M IOPS
using 104 FICON. About the same time a FCS is announced for E5-2600
blades claiming over a million IOPS (two such FCS having higher
throughput than 104 FICON). Also IBM pubs recommended that SAPs
(system assist processors that do actual I/O) be held to 70% CPU (or
around 1.5M IOPS).

channel-extender support posts
FICON &/or FCS posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Thin-film Disk Heads

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Thin-film Disk Heads
Date: 11 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

first thin film head was 3370

then used for 3380; original 3380 had 20 track spacings between each
data track, then cut the spacing in half for double the capacity, then
cut the spacing again for triple the capacity (3380K). The "father of
risc" then talks me into helping with a "wide" disk head design,
read/write 16 closely spaced data tracks in parallel (plus two servo
tracks, one on each side of 16 data track groupings). Problem was data
rate would have been 50mbytes/sec at a time when mainframe channels
were still 3mbytes/sec. However 40mbyte/sec disk arrays were becoming
common and Cray channel had been standardized as HIPPI.

1988, IBM branch asks if I could help LLNL (national lab) standardize
some serial stuff they were working with, which quickly becomes fibre
channel standard ("FCS", initially 1gbit, full-duplex, got RS/6000
cards capable of 200mbytes/sec aggregate for use with 64-port FCS
switch). In 1990s, some serial stuff that POK had been working with
for at least the previous decade is released as ESCON (when it is
already obsolete, 17mbytes/sec). Then some POK engineers become
involved with FCS and define heavy weight protocol that significantly
reduces ("native") throughput, which ships as "FICON". Latest public
benchmark I've seen was z196 "Peak I/O" getting 2M IOPS using 104
FICON. About the same time a FCS is announced for E5-2600 blades
claiming over a million IOPS (two such FCS having higher throughput
than 104 FICON). Also IBM pubs recommended that SAPs (system assist
processors that do actual I/O) be held to 70% CPU (or around 1.5M

getting to play disk engineer posts

posts mentionin disk thin film heads Creative Ways To Say How Old You Are FCS, ESCON, FICON Creative Ways To Say How Old You Are IBM CKD DASD IBM "Winchester" Disk Vintage IBM 3380s Vintage IBM 5100 EBCDIC "Commputer Goof" IBM DASD 3880 DASD Controller IBM Mainframe market was Re: Approximate reciprocals IBM Disks 370/195 IBM CEO Mainframe IPL IBM Quota 3880 & 3380 2301, 2303, 2305-1, 2305-2, paging, etc BYTE Magazine Pentomino Article VSAM usage for ancient disk models what is 3380 E? Could this be the wrongest prediction of all time? Old data storage or data base ISO documentation of IBM 3375, 3380 and 3390 track format First 5.25in 1GB drive? Disksize history question What if the computers went back to the '70s too? Disc Drives Interrupts Disc Drives FBA rant Ranking of non-IBM mainframe builders? CKD Disks? harddisk in space backup hard drive assurance, X9.59, etc

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Virtual Machine History

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Virtual Machine History
Date: 12 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

Original 360/370 virtual memory was science center hardware
modifications to 360/40 used for implementing (virtual machine) CP/40
... later CP/40 morphs into CP/67 when 360/67 standard with virtual
memory becomes available. Early last decade, I was asked to track down
decision to add virtual memory to all 370s ... giving rise to
CP67->VM370, MVT->VS2 (SVS&MVS), MFT->VS1, DOS->DOS/VS.  Found staff
to executive making decision, pieces of email exchange here:

recent reference Dataprocessing Innovation
science center posts
Melinda Varian's history

Endicott cons me into help with ECPS for 138/148 (also used for
4331/4341) ... they wanted highest executed 6kbytes kernel paths
... for move to microcode at 10:1 performance ... initial analysis,
6kbytes accounted for 79.55% of kernel execution ... old archived

... early 80s, I got permission to give talk on how ECPS was done at
user group meetings ... including monthly BAYBUNCH meetings hosted at
Stanford SLAC ... after the meetings would normally adjourn to local
waterhole ... and the Amdahl people grilled me for more information.

They said that they had done MACROCODE (sort of 370 instruction subset
running in microcode mode drastically cutting time & effort to do
new microcode) and were in process of implementing hypervisor
("multiple domain"), VM370 subset all done in microcode (IBM doesn't
respond with LPAR & PR/SM for 3090 until nearly decade later).

trivia: ECPS was being done in the wake of FS implosion ... about the
same time I was asked to help with a 16-CPU 370 shared memory
multiprocessor and we con'ed the 3033 processor engineers into working
on it in their spare time (a lot more interesting that remapping 168
logic to 20% faster chips) .... for various reasons it never was
brought to fruition (IBM doesn't ship 16-CPU until after the turn of
the century). Once the 3033 was out the door, the 3033 processor
engineers start on trout/3090 ... and would continue doing stuff with
them off and on. In the past I've posted old email to usenet
comp.arch, a.f.c., ibm-main groups about how SIE for 3090 was much
different than SIE for 3081 (archived here)

Future System posts
SMP, tightly-coupled, shared-memory multiprocessor posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Virtual Machine History

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Virtual Machine History
Date: 12 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

re: Virtual Machine History

In the wake of FS (during which 370 projects were being
kill/suspended) implosion there is mad rush to get stuff back into the
370 product pipelines ... including kicking off quick&dirty 3033 &
3081 efforts in parallel ... lots more information

about the same time the head of POK managed to convince corporate to
kill the vm370 project, shutdown the development group and transfer
all the people to POK for MVS/XA. (Endicott managed to save the VM370
product mission for the mid-range, but had to recreate a development
group from scratch). Some of the people that went to POK developed the
primitive virtual machine VMTOOL (in 370/xa architecture, required the
SIE instruction to move in/out virtual machine mode) in support of
MVS/XA development.

Then customers weren't moving to MVS/XA as fast as predicted, however
Amdahl was having better success being able to run both MVS and MVS/XA
concurrently on the same machine with their (microcode hypervisor)
"Multiple Domain". As a result, VMTOOL was packaged 1st as VM/MA
(migration aid) and then VM/SF (system facility) able to run MVS and
MVS/XA concurrently on 3081. However, because originally VMTOOL and
SIE was never intended for production operation and limited microcode
memory, SIE microcode had to be "paged" (part of the 3090 claim that
3090 SIE was designed for performance from the start).

Then there is proposal to have a couple hundred person organization to
upgrade VMTOOL to VM/370-level feature, function, and performance
... for VM/XA. Endicott counter was an internal IBM (Rochester)
sysprog had added full 370/XA support to VM/370 ... however POK

With regard to 16-CPU effort ... in the morph of CP67->VM370 some
amount of features were simplified or dropped (including
multiprocessor support). I then integrate multiprocessor support into
VM370R3, originally for the online branch office sales & marketing
support HONE system (allowing them to add a 2nd CPU to each system)
and was able to get twice the throughput of single CPU system.

At the time, MVS documentation was MVS 2-CPU support only had 1.2-1.5
times throughput of single CPU system. Everybody had thought the
16-CPU project was really great until somebody told the head of POK
that it could be decades before the POK favorite son operating system
("MVS") had (effective) 16-CPU support (i.e. POK doesn't ship 16-CPU
system until after turn of the century, more than two decades later).

trivia: some of the people involved in Amdahl "Multiple Domain"
(hypervisor) were involved in implementing 370/370xa virtual machine
support on WINTEL platforms ... akin to:
also (gone 404, but lives on at wayback machine)

Future System posts
SMP, tightly-coupled, shared-memory multiprocessor posts
HONE posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Virtual Machine History

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Virtual Machine History
Date: 12 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

re: Virtual Machine History Virtual Machine History
also On-demand Supercomputer On-demand Supercomputer

industry benchmark ... number of program iterations compared to
reference platform (that had been calibrated as to number of
instructions). Early mainframe actual benchmarks ... later mainframe
numbers derived from pubs with percent difference change from previous

Early 90s:

eight processor ES/9000-982 : 408MIPS, 51MIPS/processor
RS6000/990 : 126MIPS; 16-way cluster: 2016MIPS, 128-way cluster:
      16,128MIPS (16.128BIPS)

Then somerset/AIM (apple, ibm, motorola), power/pc single chip as well
as motorola 88k bus supporting cache consistency for
multiprocessor. i86/Pentium new generation where i86 instructions are
hardware translated to RISC micro-ops for actual execution (negating
RISC system advantage compared to i86).

1999 single IBM PowerPC 440 hits 1,000MIPS (>six times each Dec2000
     z900 processor)
1999 single Pentium3 hits 2,054MIPS (twice PowerPC and 13times each
     Dec2000 z900 processor).

Mainframe this century:

z900, 16 processors, 2.5BIPS (156MIPS/proc), Dec2000
z990, 32 processors, 9BIPS, (281MIPS/proc), 2003
z9, 54 processors, 18BIPS (333MIPS/proc), July2005
z10, 64 processors, 30BIPS (469MIPS/proc), Feb2008
z196, 80 processors, 50BIPS (625MIPS/proc), Jul2010
EC12, 101 processors, 75BIPS (743MIPS/proc), Aug2012
z13, 140 processors, 100BIPS (710MIPS/proc), Jan2015
z14, 170 processors, 150BIPS (862MIPS/proc), Aug2017
z15, 190 processors, 190BIPS (1000MIPS/proc), Sep2019
z16, 200 processors, 222BIPS (1111MIPS/proc), Sep2022

Note z196 max configured (& 50BIPS) went for $30M, at same time
E5-2600 server blade (& 500BIPS) had IBM base list price of $1815
(before industry press announced server chip vendors were shipping
half the product directly to cloud megadatacenters for assembly at
1/3rd price of brand name systems, and IBM sells off server blade

Large cloud operations can have score of megadatacenters around the
world, each with half million or more server blades (2010 era
megadatacenter: processing equivalent around 5M max-configured z196

cloud megadatacenter posts

a few past posts mentioning IBM sells off its i86 server business Mainframe Processor and I/O Mainframe and Blade Servers Old adage "Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM" Vintage Mainframe Cloud and Megadatacenter Vintage Mainframe CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System What is IBM SNA? Mainframes 370/195 IBM Zcloud - is it just outsourcing ? MIPS chart for all IBM hardware model

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM Future System

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM Future System
Date: 14 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

some future sys refs on the web

Future System ref, from 1993 Computer Wars: The Post-IBM World

... and perhaps most damaging, the old culture under Watson Snr and Jr
of free and vigorous debate was replaced with *SYNCOPHANCY* and
*MAKE NO WAVES* under Opel and Akers. It's claimed that
thereafter, IBM lived in the shadow of defeat ... But because of the
heavy investment of face by the top management, F/S took years to
kill, although its wrong headedness was obvious from the very
outset. "For the first time, during F/S, outspoken criticism became
politically dangerous," recalls a former top executive

... snip ...

... one of the final nails in the FS coffin was analysys by the IBM
Houston Scientific Center that if 370/195 applications were redone for
FS machine made out of fastest available technology, it would have
throughput of 370/145 (about factor of 30times slowdown, aka 1/30th

well, virtual memory for 370 pub leaked to industry press. Then there
was hunt for the source of the leak ... afterwards all IBM copiers
were retrofitted with identification under the glass that would appear
on every copy made.

going into FS, they tried to move all documentation to softcopy
... specially modified VM370 systems that required special password
for accessing the documentation which could only be displayed on
specifically designated 3270 terminals.

I continued to work on 360/370 stuff all during FS and given FS
presentations would periodically ridicule ... drawing analogy to long
playing cult film down at central square. At the time my wife reported
to head of one the FS sections and has commented that most of the
people were so wrapped up in the blue sky descriptions ... but had no
idea how it might be implemented.

trivia: After joining IBM, one of my hobbies was enhanced production
operating systems for internal datacenters (online branch office
sales&marketing support HONE was early and long time customer). In
the morph of CP67->VM370 they simplified and/or dropped a lot of
stuff. In 1974, I started moving lots of (missing) CP67 stuff to
VM370R2 base and had some weekend test time on virtual memory 370/145
at VM370 development. I stopped by Friday afternoon to make sure
everything was in place. They started in on how the special security
modification for FS documents met that even if I was left alone all
weekend in the machine room, I couldn't access them. After awhile I
got tired of hearing it and asked them to disable all access to the
system, then 30secs fiddling on the machine console and showed I had
access to everything.

1995 l'Ecole de Paris The rise and fall of IBM

mentions that FS started out was a countermeasure to clone
controllers ... controllers & interface so complex that the clone
makers couldn't keep up (but as seen, even got too complex for IBM).
During FS, internal politics was killing off 370 efforts and lack of
new 370 during the period gave clone 370 makers their market foothold
... aka countermeasure for clone controllers enabling clone 370
system makers.

somewhat aided and abetted by killing Amdahl's ACS/360 ... aka Amdahl
had won the battle to make ACS, 360 compatible. Then when ACS/360 was
killed, he leaves IBM (before advent of FS) to start his own computer

Future System posts

one was single-level-store ... sort of from Multics and IBM TSS/360
... but lacked a lot of concurrent performance optimization ... I had
joked I learned what not to do for page-mapped filesystem from

I did page-mapped filesystem for CP67/CMS and then moved to VM370/CMS
... for moderate I/O apps would run at least three times faster than
standard CMS filesystem. In addition to memory mapping ... also
provided API that could provide "hints" used to simulate asynchronous
I/O, multiple buffering, read-ahead, write-behind etc. instead
synchronous faults.

For CMS virtual machines instead of channel program simulation
... could consolidate/optimize all requests ... so scale-up throughput
increased as number of users increased.

science center posts
CP67L, CSC/VM, SJR/VM, posts
page-mapped filesystem
IBM downturn/downfall/breakup posts

some posts mentioning 370 virtual memory leaking and
FS document security Slow MVS/TSO Fred P. Brooks, 1931-2022 IBM Downturn Hacking, Exploits and Vulnerabilities mainframe hacking "success stories"? These hackers warned the Internet would become a security disaster. Nobody listened Plug Your Data Leaks from the inside Personal use z/OS machines was Re: Multiprise 3k for personal Use? Moving to the Net: Encrypted Execution for User Code on a Hosting Site

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM NY Buildings

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM NY Buildings
Date: 14 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

Mid-70s an Endicott manager cons me into helping with ECPS for 138/148
and then running around the world helping present the business case to
planners/forecasters. Late 80s last product we did at IBM was HA/CMP
(before leaving IBM in early 90s). My wife had been con'ed into being
co-author of IBM response to gov. request for super-secure, large
campus-like networking ... where she included 3-tier architecture. We
were then doing customer executive presentations on internet, tcp/ip,
high-speed routers, 3-tier, ethernet, (and HA/CMP) and taking
misinformation attacks from the SAA, SNA, Token-ring forces. The
former Endicott manager was then head of SAA and had large top-floor
corner office in Somers and we would drop in periodically to complain
about his people.

We had some meetings In Purchase before leaving IBM, rumor was IBM
paid 10cents on the dollar for the bldg. After leaving IBM, we were
doing work in financial industry and at one point was having meetings
with MasterCard executives in Manhattan. Then the MasterCard meetings
shifted to the Purchase bldg. They said they acquired it from IBM for
less than they paid to have the hardware on all internal doors

posts mentioning HA/CMP
3-tier, middle layer, saa posts
internet posts

a couple posts mentioning Somers and Purchase IBM Sells Somers Site for $31.75 million IBM Sells Somers Site for $31.75 million

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM Mainframe Comparison

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM Mainframe Comparison
Date: 14 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

re: Virtual Machine History Virtual Machine History Virtual Machine History
and On-demand Supercomputer On-demand Supercomputer

1988, IBM branch office asks if I could help LLNL (national lab) with
getting some serial stuff they are working with standardized, which
quickly becomes fibre-channel standard ("FCS", including some stuff I
had done in 1980). We get very early FCS cards (before standard
finalized) with 1gbit transfer, full-duplex, aggregate 200mbytes/sec
and 64-port FCS switch for RS/6000. Then POK announces their serial
stuff in the 90s as ESCON (17mbytes/sec, when it is already
obsolete). Then some POK engineers become involved with FCS and define
heavy weight protocol that significantly reduces throughput,
eventually announced/ships as FICON. Latest public benchmark I've
found is z196 "Peak I/O" getting 2M IOPS with 104 FICON. About the
same time a FCS is announced for E5-2600 server blades claiming over
million IOPS (two such FCS having higher throughput than 104
FICON). IBM pubs also recommended that SAPs (system assist processors
that do actual I/O) be kept to 70% CPU ... which would be more like
1.5M IOPS. Also no CKD DASD have been made for decades (all being
simulated on industry standard fixed-block disks, as far back as CKD
3380s in process of moving to fixed-block, can be seen in
records/track formula where record length is rounded up to multiple of
fixed "cell" size).

some FCS history

Last product did at IBM was HA/CMP. Started out as HA/6000 for NYTimes
to move their newspaper system (ATEX) off DEC VAXCluster. I rename it
HA/CMP when I start doing technical/scientific cluster scale-up with
national labs (including LLNL, FCS, and their supercomputer "LINCS"
filesystem) and commercial cluster scale-up with RDBMS vendors
(Oracle, Sybase, Ingres, Informix) that had VAXCluster support in same
source base with Unix. I also coin the terms disaster survivability
and geographic survivability when out marketing HA/CMP. The IBM S/88
product administrator then starts taking us around to their customers
and gets me to write a section for corporate continuous availability
strategy document (it gets pulled when both Rochester/AS400 and
POK/mainframe complain that they couldn't meet the objectives).

Early Jan1992, meeting with Oracle CEO, IBM/AWD executive Hester tells
Ellison that we would have 16-system cluster by mid92 and 128-system
cluster by ye92. Late Jan1992, cluster scale-up is transferred for
announce as IBM Supercomputer (for technical/scientific *ONLY*) and we
are told we can't work on anything with more than four processors (we
leave IBM a few months later). Possibly contributing was mainframe DB2
had been complaining that if we were allowed to continue, it would be
years ahead of them.

HA/CMP posts
continuous availability, disaster
survivability, geographic survivability posts
DASD, CKD, FBA, multi-track search
channel-extender posts
getting to play disk engineer in gpd/disk bldg14/enginnering and
bldg15/product test

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Virtual Machine History

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Virtual Machine History
Date: 14 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

re: Virtual Machine History

... there is story towards the end of the first decade in the new
century, the head of Microsoft tells Intel that they have to go back
to doubling single processor performance every 18-24months (instead of
combination of multiple cores and faster processor) because
multi-thread/parallel programming is too hard. Intel replies that it
isn't possible.

1999, single processor Pentium3 2BIPS to 2010 E5-2600 server blade
(two 8core XEON chips) for 500BIPS, is approx. doubling throughput
every 18months.

SMP, tightly-coupled, shared-memory multiprocessor posts

some past posts referencing the story Boyd and OODA-loop Computer Speed Gains Erased By Modern Software More John Boyd and OODA-loop Sun Tzu, Aristotle, and John Boyd OT: Trump tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft Fast OODA-Loops increase Maneuverability [CM] What was your first home computer? The ICL 2900 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967) New words, language, metaphor Boyd OODA-loop Innovation Does OODA-loop observation carry a lot of baggage Which Books Can You Recommend For Learning Computer  Programming? Which Books Can You Recommend For Learning Computer  Programming? By the time we get to 'O' in OODA Parallel programming may not be so daunting I.B.M. Mainframe Evolves to Serve the Digital World Difference between fingerspitzengefuhl and Coup d'oeil? Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Why do people say "the soda loop is often depicted as a simple loop"? Idiotic programming style edicts Problem with XP scheduler? Multicore boom needs new developer skills Panic in Multicore Land Berkeley researcher describes parallel path Berkeley researcher describes parallel path John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Virtual Machine History

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Virtual Machine History
Date: 16 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook Virtual Machine History Virtual Machine History Virtual Machine History Virtual Machine History

370/158 VMASSIST was microcode tweaks for some privilege instructions,
load VMBLOK pointer into CR6 when running virtual machine ... and
instead of privilege instruction interrupt when running problem mode
... it would emulate the instruction if the virtual machine was in
(virtual) supervisor mode ... it avoided task switch into VM370 kernel
(interrupt, save registers, emulate instruction) and then switch back
to virtual machine (restore registers, etc).

I was con'ed into helping with Endicott with ECPS for 138/148. In
addition to adding a couple more instructions to what was VMASSIST, it
also move 6kbytes of highest executed vm370 pathlengths into microcode
... initial analysis found 6kbytes that accounted for 79.55% of kernel
execution (low-end and mid-range machine emulated 370 with virtual
microcode, avg. ten microcode instructions per 370 instruction
... managed to come close to 10:1 speedup). This was things like I/O
simulation (SIO/SIOF) which required making copy of the channel
program ,,,, replacing virtual addresses with real.

Look at doing something similar to ECPS for 3033 didn't show similar
speedup. 85/168-1/168-3/3033 ... where horizontal microcode and
throughput measured in processor cycles per 370 instruction. 168-1
microcode took avg 2.1cycles per 370 instruction, microcode was
improved to 1.6 cycles per 370 instruction for 168-3. 3033 started out
remapping 168-3 logic to 20% faster chips ... and then optimizing
microcode to get to avg of one machine cycle per 370 instruction
(improving 3033 throughput to about 50% better than 168-3). Straight
remapping of VM370 kernel instruction to microcode on 3033 didn't run
any faster ... it was only elimination of things like task switch into
vm370 kernel and back into virtual machine that saw benefit (and
channel program copying substituting real addresses for virtual
basically was much more complex operation).

Endicott then moved ECPS to 4300s (that were in same era as
3033). Jan1979, I was asked to do a VM/4341 benchmark for national lab
that was looking to get 70 for a compute fram (sort of leading edge of
the coming "cluster" supercomputing tsunami). Also, small cluster of
4341s had higher aggregate throughput than 3033, much less expensive,
as well as smaller cooling, power, and floor footprint. Then large
corporations were ordering hundreds of VM/4341s at a time for placing
out in (non-datacenter) departmental areas (sort of the leading edge
of the coming "distributed" computing tsunami) ... inside IBM,
conference rooms were becoming scarce, being converted into
distributed vm/4341 rooms.

Original ECPS analysis

Original virtual machine was the science center did hardware mods to
360/40 to add virtual memory and then implemented CP/40 (& CMS). When
360/67 becomes available standard with virtual memory CP/40 morphs
into CP/67. 360/67 originally was for tss/360 ... but most ran as
360/65 with os/360 ... and then lots moved to CP/67.

Melinda's VM370 histories

As undergraduate, the univ had hired me fulltime responsible for
os/360 running on 360/67 (replacing 709/1401). Student fortran ran
under second on 709 (tape->tape), but initially over a minute with
OS/360. I install HASP cutting time in half. I then do a lot of OS/360
optimization, including redoing STAGE2 SYSGEN to run in production
jobsteam (instead of starter system) and place datasets and PDS
members to optimize arm seek and multi-track search, cutting another
2/3rds to 12.9secs (never got better than 709 until I install Univ. of
Waterloo Watfor).

Then CSC comes out to install CP67 at the univ (3rd after CSC itself
and MIT Lincol Labs) and I mostly play with it during my weekend
dedicated time (univ datacenter shutdown on weekends and I had it
dedicated for 48hrs straight, although monday classes were
difficult). First couple months, I rewrite lots of CP67 pathlengths to
optimize running OS/360 in virtual machine. OS/360 test jobstream ran
322secs stand alone and initially 856secs in virtual machine (CP67 CPU
534secs), got CP67 CPU down to 113secs (from 534secs) and then was
asked to participate in SHARE meeting for official CP67 announce.

As other CP67 pathlengths were being optimized, kernel dynamic storage
management was increasing as percent of total kernel CPU (to over
20%). Eventually CSC redoes CP67 kernel storage management with
subpools (14 instruction pathlength, including register save/restore
calling FREE/FRET) ... cutting kernel storage management back to a
1-3% of total CP67 kernel CPU.

CSC posts

posts mentioning CSC CP/67 subpool stacks are not hard, The joy of FORTRAN-like languages To Anne & Lynn Wheeler, if still observing QUIKCELL Doc Why 'pop' and not 'pull' the complementary action to 'push' for a  stack The SLT Search LisT instruction - Maybe another one for the Wheelers should program call stack grow upward or downwards? virtual memory Lock-free algorithms index searching Charging for time-share CPU time S/360 operating systems geneaology MTS & LLMPS?

Some posts mentioning OS/360 and CP/67 work as undergraduate IBM OS/360 MFT HASP Applications That Survive IBM Unbundling, Software Source and Priced CSC Virtual Machine Work Virtual Memory Paging IBM 360 PDS Directory Multi-track Search Vintage TSS/360 Copyright Software DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia Conflicts with IBM Communication Group Global & Local Page Replacement 360 Announce Stories DISK Performance and Reliability CICS sysprogs Technology Flashback IBM Mainframe market was Re: Approximate reciprocals System Response Programming Skills IBM Disks IBM CKD DASD and multi-track search Univac 90/30 DIAG instruction CICS Turns 50 Monday, July 8 Fifty Years of BASIC, the Programming Language That Made Computers Personal origin of the UNIX dd command MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

360/65 and 360/67

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: 360/65 and 360/67
Date: 17 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

re: 360/65 and 360/67

 ... aka 360/65, not just IBM ... from ACS/360 "END"

Of the 26,000 IBM computer systems in use, 16,000 were S/360 models
(that is, over 60%). [Fig. 1.311.2]

Of the general-purpose systems having the largest fraction of total
installed value, the IBM S/360 Model 30 was ranked first with 12%
(rising to 17% in 1969). The S/360 Model 40 was ranked second with 11%
(rising to almost 15% in 1970). [Figs. 2.10.4 and 2.10.5]

Of the number of operations per second in use, the IBM S/360 Model 65
ranked first with 23%. The Univac 1108 ranked second with slightly
over 14%, and the CDC 6600 ranked third with 10%. [Figs. 2.10.6 and

... snip ...

also lists some of the ACS/360 features that showup more than 20yrs
later with ES/9000.

Early 80s, I was introduced to John Boyd and would sponsor his
briefings at IBM. One of his stories was that he was very vocal that
electronics across the trail wouldn't work ... and possibly as
punishment, he is put in command of "spook base" (about same time I
was at Boeing). One of his biographies was "spook base" was $2.5B
"wind fall" for IBM (ten times Renton). Reference gone 404, but lives
on at wayback machine

Boyd posts and URLs

other recent Boeing CFO/BCS/Renton posts Dataprocessing Innovation IBM 37x5 IBM 370 Virtual Storage Building the System/360 Mainframe Nearly Destroyed IBM Applications That Survive 60s Computers Any interesting PDP/TECO photos out there? SHARE User Group Meeting October 1968 Film Restoration, IBM 360 IBM Virtual Memory Global LRU IBM 360/30, 360/65, 360/67 Work HASP, JES2, NJE, VNET/RSCS The IBM Way by Buck Rogers IBM SAA and Somers Public Facebook Mainframe Group 360 1052-7 Operator's Console IBM 360/40, 360/50, 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 Other Silicon Valley Some work before IBM 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 Early Computer Use IBM 4300 Boeing and the Dark Age of American Manufacturing IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964 Computers and Boyd Vintage 2250 UNIX, MULTICS, CTSS, CSC, CP67 Univ, Boeing Renton and "Spook Base" 1960's COMPUTER HISTORY: REMEMBERING THE IBM SYSTEM/360 MAINFRAME Origin and Technology (IRS, NASA) The Greatest Capitalist Who Ever Lived

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM 3090

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM 3090
Date: 17 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

Sometime 1986, the 3090 product administrator tracks me down. The
problem was that there was industry service that collected EREP data
from IBM and clone systems and published summaries. The 3090 channels
were designed to have an 3-5 channel errors over a year's service
aggregate for all machines ... and it was reported instead as 20.

Turns out in 1980, STL bldg was bursting at the seams and they were
moving 300 people (and 3270s) from the IMS group to off-site bldg with
dataprocessing back to STL datacenter. They had tried "remote 3270"
support and found human factors totally unacceptable. I then get
con'ed into doing channel-extender support so they can place channel
attached 3270 controllers at the off-site bldg (with no perceived
difference in human factors between offsite and in STL). For certain
type of transmission errors, I would simulate unit check "CC" (channel
check) driving channel program retry. Then the hardware vendor tries
to get IBM to release my support, but there is group in POK playing
with some serial stuff (and afraid if my stuff was in the market, it
would be harder to release their stuff) and get it vetoed. The
hardware vendor then releases a simulation of my support and that was
what was responsible for the 15 additional channel checks. I double
check operating system error recovery code and effectively "IFCC"
errors result in same process as "CC" ... and get the vendor to make
the change.

Channel-extender had side-effect of improving STL mainframe system
throughput by 10-15%. STL spread the (really slow) 3270 channel
attached controllers across all channels with 3330 DASD ... and the
3270 channel busy was interfering with DASD throughput. The
channel-extender hardware (now interfacing directly to the mainframe
channels) had significantly lower channel busy (for the same amount of
3270 activity). There was consideration moving all STL 3270 channel
attached controllers to channel extenders ... to improve throughput of
all their systems.

trivia: In 1988, IBM branch office asks if I could help LLNL (national
lab) standardize some serial stuff that they were working with, which
quickly becomes fibre-channel support (FCS, including some stuff I had
done in 1980) and get some 1gbit, full-duplex (200mbytes/sec
aggregate) cards for RS/6000. In 90s, POK finally gets their stuff
shipped with ES/9000 as ESCON (when it is already obsolete,
17mbytes/sec). Then some POK engineers become involved with FCS and
define a heavy-weight protocol that significantly reduces throughput
that is released as FICON. Latest public benchmark I've found is z196
"Peak I/O" getting 2M IOPS using 104 FICON. About the same time a FCS
is announced for E5-2600 server blades claiming over million IOPS (two
such FCS with higher throughput than 104 FICON).

Note also, IBM pubs that SAPs (system assist processors that do the
actual I/O) be kept to 70% CPU ... which would make z196 more like
1.5M IOPS.

Aside no CKD DASD has been made for decades, all being simulated on
industry standard fixed block disks. Note: even by 3380, disk
technology was moving to "fixed-block", can be seen in 3380 formulas
for records/track, requiring record length to be rounded up to
multiple of fixed "cell" size.

channel-extender posts
FCS &/or FICON posts

some recent posts mentioning 3090, channel busy, and 3880/3380 IBM TCM IBM (Empty) Suits what's a mainframe, was is Vax addressing sane today Disk Capacity and Channel Performance Mainframe Integrity Computer Virtual Memory Mainframe and Blade Servers IBM Millicode Disk & TCP/IP I/O Vintage 3033 RS/6000 Mainframe Future System, 115/125, 138/148, ECPS Vintage 370/158 Why Do Mainframes Still Exist Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia The IBM mainframe: How it runs and why it survives mainframe bus wars, How much space did the 68000 registers take up? IBM 3880 Disk Controller IBM MVS RAS Some 3090 & channel related trivia: IBM DASD IBM 3081 TCM Mainrame Channel Redrive

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM 3090

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM 3090
Date: 17 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

re: IBM 3090

when I 1st transferred to San Jose Research in the 70s, I got to
wander around silicon valley (ibm & non-ibm) datacenters in
silicon valley including disk bldg14/engineering and bldg15/product
test across the street. They were running 7x24, pre-scheduled stand
alone testing ... and mentioned that they had recently tried MVS, but
it had 15min MTBF (in that environment, requiring manual re-ipl). I
offer to rewrite I/O supervisor to make it bullet proof and never
fail, allowing any amount of on-demand concurrent testing, greatly
improving productivity. Bldg15 then gets the 1st engineering 3033
(outside 3033 processor engineering in POK) and because testing was
only taking a person or two of CPU, we scrounge up a 3830 controller
and 3330 string, setting up our own private online service (including
running 3270 coax under the street to my office in 28. Air-bearing
simulation (for 3370 thin-film head design) was getting only a couple
turn-arounds a month on SJR 370/195. We set it up on bldg15 3033 and
was able to get several turn-arounds a day.

I then get a irate call one monday morning asking what I had done to
the bldg15 3033 system, interactive response got significantly worse
and throughput degraded. I said nothing, they say nothing, then
discover that the 3830 controller had been replaced with new,
development 3880 controller. While special hardware path as added to
3880 to handle 3380 3mbyte/sec transfer, the 3830 fast horizontal
microprocessor had been replaced in the 3880 with a really slow
vertical microprocessor ... significantly driving up elapsed time and
channel busy for everything else. Was eventually was able to start
presenting operation end interrupt early ... sort of masking but
couldn't do much about channel busy. 3090 had configured number of
channels (to meet target system throughput) assuming that 3880 was
same as 3830 with 3mbyte/sec transfer. When they found out how bad
3880 channel busy was, they realized that they had to significantly
increase the number of channels (requiring additional TCM,
semi-facetiously claiming they would bill the 3880 group for the
additional TCM 3090 manufacturing cost) to make target
throughput. Marketing eventually respins the big increase in number of
3090 channels as wonderful I/O machine.

trivia: I had done some work with the 3033 processor engineers (before
transferring out to SJR) and once 3033 was out the door, they start on

posts getting to play disk engineer in bldgs14&15

some posts mentioning having to add channels to 3090 to compensate for
3880 performance issues and marketing respinning it: IBM TCM what's a mainframe, was is Vax addressing sane today Disk Capacity and Channel Performance Some 3090 & channel related trivia: TOPS-20 Boot Camp for VMS Users 05-Mar-2022 TCMs & IBM Mainframe IBM Mainframe market was Re: Approximate reciprocals IBM 3278 3880 & 3380 3090/3880 trivia By Any Other Name

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

3270 Terminals

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: 3270 Terminals
Date: 18 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

re: 3270 Terminals

trivia: HONE started as CP67 virtual machine after the 1969 unbundling
announce to give branch office SEs a way of practicing with guest
operating systems (2741 terminals). Science center had also ported
APL\360 to CMS as CMS\APL ... and HONE started using it for
CMS\APL-based sales&marketing support AIDs ... which came to dominate
all HONE use (and SE using it for guest operating system practice

After joining IBM one of my hobbies at the science center was enhanced
production operating systems for internal datacenters and HONE was my
1st customer (and long time customer, converting from CP67/2741s to
VM370 & eventually 3270s) ... including HONE clones starting to prop
up all over the world. Later in the early 80s, "VMIC" (vm/4341s)
started appearing at region and larger branches for non-AIDS CMS
application use (like email/PROFS).

hone posts
23jun1969 unbundling posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

On-demand Supercomputer

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: On-demand Supercomputer
Date: 18 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

re: On-demand Supercomputer On-demand Supercomputer

Early 80s, got HSDT project, T1 and faster computer links (terrestrial
and satellite) and various arguments with the communication group
(note 60s, IBM 2701 telecommunication controllers that supported T1
... but transition to SNA/VTAM/37xx in the 70s saw controllers capped
at 56kbit/sec). Although I was in research, had part of a wing
offices/labs in Los Gatos ... and first long haul T1 was between Los
Gatos lab and Clementi's
E&S lab in Kingston that had lots of floating point systems boxes that
included 40mbyte/sec disk arrays.

Cornell University, led by physicist Kenneth G. Wilson, made a
supercomputer proposal to NSF with IBM to produce a processor array of
FPS boxes attached to an IBM mainframe with the name lCAP.

... snip ...

I was also working w/NSF director and HSDT was suppose to get $20M to
interconnect the NSF Supercomputing datacenters. Then congress cuts
the budget, some other things happen and finally an RFP is released (in
part based on what we already had running). Internal politics
prevented us from bidding and the NSF director tried to help by
writing the company a letter (3Apr1986, NSF Director to IBM Chief
Scientist and IBM Senior VP and director of Research, copying IBM CEO)
with support from other gov. agencies ... but that just made the
internal politics worse (as did claims that what we already had
operational was at least 5yrs ahead of the winning bid), as regional
networks connect in, it becomes the NSFNET backbone, precursor to
modern internet.

During this time, I also had proposal to see how many 370s (Boeblingen
with "ROMAN" 3chip, 3MIPS "168-3" 370") & 801/RISCs (Los Gatos was
working on single chip "Blue Iliad", 1st 32bit 801/RISC would run
20MIPs) that could be crammed into racks. I was suppose to give update
to NSF director on supercomputer interconnect, but then YKT wanted me
to hold meetings on rack computing ... and I had to find somebody to
give update for the NSF director; archived posts with old email

HSDT posts
NSFNET posts
801/risc, iliad, romp, rios, pc/rt, rs/6000, power, power/pc posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM 3090

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM 3090
Date: 19 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

re: IBM 3090 IBM 3090

Shortly after graduating and joining IBM science center, I was asked
to help with multithreading the 370/195 ... this webpage on the death
of ACS/360 (Amdahl had won battle to make ACS, 360-compatible,
folklore ACS/360 was killed, afraid that it would advance the state of
art too fast and IBM would loose control of the market; Amdahl then
leaves to form his own computer company) has information ("Sidebar:
Multithreading") about IBM multithreading patents

Issue was that 370/195 had 64 instruction pipeline that could do
out-of-order execution, but no branch prediction (or speculative
execution), so conditional branches drained the pipeline ... and lots
of codes ran at only half 195 rated MIPS. Going to a pair of I-streams
(simulating multiprocessor computer) could achieve keeping all the
execution units fully busy, modulo MVT (through MVS) multiprocessor
support/overhead documented as two-proceessor only able to achieve
1.2-1.5 times throughput of single processor. In any case when it was
decided to add virtual memory to all 370s, it was deemed not practical
to add virtual memory to 195 ... and all further work on 195 was

trivia: with the death of FS

there was mad rush to get stuff back into the 370 product pipelines
(during FS, internal politics was killing off 370 efforts), including
kicking off Q&D 3033&3081 efforts in parallel. I got con'ed into
helping with a 370 16-CPU multiprocessor and we con the 3033 processor
engineers into working on it in their spare time. Everybody thought it
was great until somebody tells the head of POK that it could be
decades before the POK favorite son operating system ("MVS") had
(effective) 16-CPU support. Then some of us were told to never visit
POK again and the 3033 processor engineers were told to keep heads
down on 3033 (and no distractions). Note: POK doesn't ship a 16-CPU
multiprocessor until after the turn of the century.

other trivia: once 3033 was out the door, the 3033 processor engineers
start on trout/3090.

SMP, tightly-couplded, multiprocessor posts
Future System posts

some IBM and non-IBM performance numbers Virtual Machine History Cloud Exit: 42% of Companies Move Data Back On-Premises Emulating vintage computers IBM Numeric Intensive Scalable Computing Mainframe and Blade Servers Old adage "Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM" IBM Millicode ReBoot Hill Revisited IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964 PC370 Vintage IBM, RISC, Internet Vintage RISC Vintage Mainframe HA/CMP

801/risc, iliad, romp, rios, pc/rt, rs/6000, power, power/pc posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM ATM Protocol?

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM ATM Protocol?
Date: 20 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

Ed & I had transferred from CSC to SJR in 1977. Ed had been
responsible for the science center CP67-based wide-area network which
morphs into the corporate internal network (larger than
arpanet/iinternet from the beginning until sometime mid/late 80s
... about the time the internal network was forced to convert to
SNA/VTAM) and was also used for the corporate sponsored univ. BITNET.
Edson (passed aug2020):

In June 1975, MIT Professor Jerry Saltzer accompanied Hendricks to
DARPA, where Hendricks described his innovations to the principal
scientist, Dr. Vinton Cerf. Later that year in September 15-19 of 75,
Cerf and Hendricks were the only two delegates from the United States,
to attend a workshop on Data Communications at the International
Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2361 Laxenburg Austria where
again, Hendricks spoke publicly about his innovative design which
paved the way to the Internet as we know it today.

... snip ...

Early 80s I got HSDT project, T1 and faster computer links (both
terrestrial and satellite) and some amount of battles with the
communication group. Note 60s, IBM had the 2701 telecommunication
controller that supported T1, but then move to SNA/VTAM/37x5 in the
70s seemed to cap their links at 56kbits/sec. Was working with the NSF
director and HSDT was suppose to get $20M to interconnect the NSF
Supercomputing datacenters. Then congress cuts the budget, some other
things happen and finally an RFP is release (in part based on what we
already had running). Internal politics prevented us from bidding and
the NSF director tried to help by writing the company a letter
(3Apr1986, NSF Director to IBM Chief Scientist and IBM Senior VP and
director of Research, copying IBM CEO) with support from other
gov. agencies ... but that just made the internal politics worse (as
did claims that what we already had operational was at least 5yrs
ahead of the winning bid), as regional networks connect in, it becomes
the NSFNET backbone, precursor to modern internet.

Although I was in research, had part of a wing offices/labs in Los
Gatos ... and first long haul T1 was between Los Gatos lab and
E&S lab in Kingston that had lots of floating point systems boxes that included 40mbyte/sec disk arrays.

Cornell University, led by physicist Kenneth G. Wilson, made a
supercomputer proposal to NSF with IBM to produce a processor array of
FPS boxes attached to an IBM mainframe with the name lCAP.

... snip ...

newspaper article about some of Edson's IBM TCP/IP battles:
Also from wayback machine, some additional (IBM missed) references
from Ed's website

Mid-80s, the IBM communication group was fiercely fighting off
client/server and distributed computing and attempting to block the
release of mainframe TCP/IP support ... when that failed, they said
that since they had corporate strategic responsibility for everything
that crossed datacenter walls and it had to be released through them;
what shipped got aggregate of 44kbytes/sec using nearly whole 3090
processor. I then did the changes for RFC1044 and in some tuning tests
at Cray Research between Cray and (ibm 370) 4341, got sustained 4341
channel throughput using only modest amount of 4341 processor
(something like 500 times improvement in bytes moved per instruction

IBM was claiming that it would support (ISO) OSI ... but there was a
joke that while (TCP/IP) IETF standards body had a requirement that
there be at least two interoperable implementations to progress in
standards process .... ISO didn't have a requirement that a standard
be implementable.

OSI: The Internet That Wasn't. How TCP/IP eclipsed the Open Systems
Interconnection standards to become the global protocol for computer

Meanwhile, IBM representatives, led by the company's capable director
of standards, Joseph De Blasi, masterfully steered the discussion,
keeping OSI's development in line with IBM's own business
interests. Computer scientist John Day, who designed protocols for the
ARPANET, was a key member of the U.S. delegation. In his 2008 book
Patterns in Network Architecture(Prentice Hall), Day recalled that IBM
representatives expertly intervened in disputes between delegates
"fighting over who would get a piece of the pie.... IBM played them
like a violin. It was truly magical to watch."

... snip ...

CSC posts
internal network posts
bitnet posts
hsdt posts
nsfnet posts
RFC1044 posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The Greatest Capitalist Who Ever Lived: Tom Watson Jr. and the Epic Story of How IBM Created the Digital Age

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: The Greatest Capitalist Who Ever Lived: Tom Watson Jr. and the Epic Story of How IBM Created the Digital Age
Date: 20 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

The Greatest Capitalist Who Ever Lived: Tom Watson Jr. and the Epic
Story of How IBM Created the Digital Age

recent refs: The Rise and Fall of the 'IBM Way' The Greatest Capitalist Who Ever Lived The Rise and Fall of the 'IBM Way'. What the tech pioneer can, and can't, teach us

revenue from Endicott machines

1972, Learson tries (and fails) to block the bureaucrats, careerists,
and MBAs from destroying Watson culture/legacy (lots of refs):

two decades later (1992), IBM has one of the largest losses in the
history of US corporations and was being re-orged into the 13 "baby
blues" (take-off on the "baby bell" breakup a decade earlier) in
preparation for breaking up the company,9171,977353,00.html,33009,977353-1,00.html

We had already left IBM but get a call from the bowels of Armonk
asking if we could help with the breakup. Before we get started, the
board brings in the former AMEX president as CEO to try and save the
company, who (somewhat) reverses the breakup

IBM downturn/downfall/breakup posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM ATM Protocol?

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM ATM Protocol?
Date: 20 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

re: IBM ATM Protocol?

In late 80s, my wife did short stint as chief architect for Amadeus
(EU airline res system built off the old Eastern "System One") and
sided with EU about X.25 (instead of SNA) and the communication group
got her replaced. It didn't do them much good because EU went with
X.25 anyway, and their replacement got replaced.

In the mid-80s, the communication group prepared analysis for the
corporate executive committee why T1 wouldn't be needed for customers
until well into the 90s. They did survey of customer "fat pipes" (37x5
parallel 56kbit/sec links treated as single logical link), showing
number of 2, 3, ..., 6, 7 parallel 56kbit link "fat pipes" ... and
number of installs dropped to zero by seven. What they didn't know (or
didn't want to show the corporate executive committee) was that
typical T1 telco tariff was about the same as five or six 56kbit
links. HSDT did simple customer survey finding 200 T1 links ... where
customers moved to non-IBM controller and software.

Then the communication group was forced into providing the 3737 ... a
box with boatload of memory and Motorola 68k processors, that
simulated a mainframe VTAM over CTCA. It would immediately ACK
transmission to the host VTAM before transmitting (non-SNA) over the
T1 link to the remote 3737 (that would then forward it to the remote
mainframe VTAM). Over short haul terrestrial T1 it maxed out around
2mbits/sec aggregate (aka in part, 3737 was countermeasure to VTAM SNA
window pacing algorithm that would max out w/T1, before it started
getting return ACKs, problem worsened as rount-trip latency increased,
even with 3737 attempting to mask round-trip latency).

HSDT very early on went to dynamic adaptive rate-based pacing

some recent posts mentioning Amadeus res system IBM TPF Has anybody worked on SABRE for American Airlines Vintage Mainframe Vintage X.25 Internet Airline Reservation System Eastern Airlines 370/195 System/One Conflicts with IBM Communication Group IBM ACIS IBM Downfall Mainframe Assembler IBM 360 Google Cloud Launches Service to Simplify Mainframe Modernization lock me up, was IBM Mainframe market lock me up, was IBM Mainframe market Will The Cloud Take Down The Mainframe? Airline Reservation System

HSDT posts

archived post mentioning 3737
with 3737 description
archived post mentioning 3737
with more 3737 description

recent posts mentioning 3737 NASA Shuttle & SBS RFC33 New HOST-HOST Protocol When Did "Internet" Come Into Common Use VMNETMAP ARPANET & IBM Internal Network TCP/IP Protocol IBM Mainframe LAN Support Vintage Series/1 Vintage Mainframe Vintage Mainframe Systems Network Architecture Science Center, SCRIPT, GML, SGML, HTML, RSCS/VNET IBM 3278 Conflicts with IBM Communication Group IBM HSDT Technology Ethernet (& CAT5) Ethernet (& CAT5) IBM ROLM IBM San Jose IBM 37x5 Boxes Peer-Coupled Shared Data IBM z16: Built to Build the Future of Your Business IBM Downturn IBM Downturn IBM SNA ARB Dynamic Adaptive Resource Management The Rise of the Internet What's Fortran?!?! IBM SNA/VTAM (& HSDT)

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM ATM Protocol?

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM ATM Protocol?
Date: 21 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

re: IBM ATM Protocol? IBM ATM Protocol?

Late 80s, a univ. did analysis comparing mainframe VTAM/LU6.2 with
standard BSD (Tahoe/Reno) TCPIP implementation ... VTAM/LU6.2 had 160k
instruction pathlength and 15 buffer copies ... while BSD TCP had 5k
instruction pathlength and five buffer copies.

The communication group fought to block me from XTP technical advisory
board member... where we were working on TCP "high speed" protocol
that could move data directly to/from application space using
scatter/gather I/O (akin to mainframe chain data CCWs) and trailer
(rather than header) protocol (aka CRC rather than done/checked in the
processor and for the header, was done outboard in TCP/IP protocol
adapter as the data flowed through and added/checked to/with trailer)
... eliminating buffer copies and further reducing pathlength (even
PCs could be full-fledged, peer-to-peer TCP/IP network nodes rather
than hobbled SNA/VTAM stations). Also doing dynamic adaptive
rate-based pacing (HSDT implemented early on) as opposed to
window-based pacing (for collision/overrun avoidance).

After leaving IBM in the early 90s, I was brought in as consultant
into small client/server startup that wanted to do payment
transactions on what they called "commerce server", the startup had
also invented this technology they called "SSL" they wanted to use, it
is now frequently called "electronic commerce".

I had completely authority for everything between "web servers" and
gateways to the financial industry payment networks. Payment network
trouble desks had 5min initial problem diagnoses ... all circuit
based. I had to do a lot of procedures, documentation and software to
bring packet-based internet up to that level. I then did a talk "Why
Internet Wasn't Business Critical Dataprocessing" (based on the work)
... which Postel (Internet standards editor) sponsored at ISI/USC.

HSDT posts
XTP/HSP posts
payment gateway posts

some recent posts mentioning "Why Internet Wasn't Business Critical
Dataprocessing" The New Internet Thing Netscape Ecommerce IBM Unbundling, Software Source and Priced ARPANET And Science Center Network Postel, RFC Editor, Internet Netscape Mainframe Integrity Architectural implications of locate mode I/O E-commerce TCP Joke Inventing The Internet OSI: The Internet That Wasn't Vintage IBM, RISC, Internet HSDT, HA/CMP, NSFNET, Internet Internet IBM AIX AL Gore Invented The Internet The evolution of Windows authentication Internet Maneuver Warfare as a Tradition. A Blast from the Past wallpaper updater 30 years ago, one decision altered the course of our connected world Classified Material and Security IBM AIX IBM Change IBM Cambridge Science Center Performance Technology Why Things Fail FedEx to Stop Using Mainframes, Close All Data Centers By 2024 Dataprocessing Career IBM and Internet Old Farts ESnet IBM Business School Cases IBM Internal network IBM Research, Adtech, Science Center NOW the web is 30 years old: When Tim Berners-Lee switched on the first World Wide Web server WEB Security Hacking, Exploits and Vulnerabilities IBM100 - Rise of the Internet The Rise of the Internet Online History

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM Mainframe

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM Mainframe
Date: 21 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

upthread processing power Virtual Machine History
also references I/O throughput (DASD CKD haven't been built for
decades, just emulated on industry standard fixed-block disks, same as
all the other platforms with an CKD emulation layer added) IBM Mainframe Comparison

IOPS & some disk subsystem ratings
How should I interpret disk IOPS listed by cloud hosting providers
vs. those listed by drive manufacturers?

the last product we did at IBM was HA/CMP

then the executive we reported to, moves over to head up somerset for
& single-chip power/pc (with some Motorola 88k design)
1980 era, plan to move controllers, entry/mid-370s, s/36+s/38 to
801/risc, for various reasons they flounder and fall back to CISC
AS/400 (later also) moves to power/pc

HA/CMP posts
801/risc, iliad, romp, rios, pc/rt, rs/6000, power, power/pc posts
FICON &/or FCS posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Multics vs Unix

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Multics vs Unix
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2025 17:27:13 -1000 (Waldek Hebisch) writes:

Lynn gave figures that suggest otherwise: that on similar hardware
VM could handle more users than competition.  Looking for reasons
I can see the following:
- VM quite early got good paging algorithm
- VM had relatively small amout of non-pagable memory
- IIUC VM supported memory mapping of disk files/areas.  Using
this in principle one could get similar amount of memory
sharing as good non-VM system

Some of the MIT CTSS/7094 people go to the 5th flr for Multics. Others
go to the ibm cambridge science center on the 4th flr and
do virtual machines, internal network, lots of performance and
interactive apps, invent GML in 1969, etc. There was some amount of
friendly rivalry between 4th and 5th flrs.

Then some CSC come out to the univ to install CP67 (3rd after CSC
itself and MIT Lincoln Labs).

as undergraduate I did global LRU and some other paging related
stuff (thrashing control, etc), dynamic adaptive resource managerment
and scheduling, optimzing pathlengths, etc as undergraduate ... circa
1968 ... when there was academic literature about local LRU and other
kinds of implementations. CMS filesystem was 360 channel program I/O
...  and I modify CMS & CP67 to provide a virtual machine
simplfied I/O interface that significantly cuts the emulation

when I graduate and join IBM CSC and get much of undergaduate CP67
stuff up and running on CSC, 768kbyte 360/67 (104 pageable pages after
fixed storage). Then IBM Grenoble Science Center has a 1mbyte 360/67
(155 pageable pages after fixed storage) and modify CP67 according to
the 60s ACM academic literature. I have 75-80 users on the CSC system
with better response and throughput then Grenoble with 35 users (all
users running similar workloads).

One of my hobbies after joining IBM was enhanced production operating
systems for internal datacenters.  Somewhat the 4th/5th flr rivalry I
then redo CMS filesystem to be page/memory mapped with lots of new
features (and further vastly simplified API and pathlength
implementation, I joke that I learned what not to do from observing
the IBM TSS/360 single-level-store implementation). Then early 70s,
IBM had Future System project that was total different from 360/370
and was going to completely replaced ... and had adapted a
TSS/360-like single-level-store. When FS implodes, a side-effect was
it gave page-oriented filesystems a bad reputation. As a result while
I deployed my implementation internally on lots of systems, never got
approval to ship to customers.

Then at Dec81 ACM, Jim Gray asks me to help a Tandem co-worker of his
get his Stanford phd ... which heavily involved global LRU and
the local LRU forces from the 60s were lobbying Stanford hard to not
award Phd involving global LRU. Jim knew I had a large amount
of performance data from both the Cambridge and Grenoble systems
giving close A:B comparison on otherwise very similar hardware and

Back in the early 70s, after the IBM decision to add virtual memory to
all 370s, the initial morph of CP67->VM370 dropped/simplified
features. Starting w/VM370R2, I start moving lots of CP67 to VM370R2
for my internal CSC/VM system.

Later in the 70s, decision was made to release some number of my
CSC/VM features to customers (not including CMS page-mapped

In he mid-70s, Endicott (mid-range 370s) cons me helping with ECPS,
moving lots of VM370 into 138/148. Mid-range averaged 10 native
instruction for every 370 instructions, and most of the vm370 kernel
370 instructions move to native on 1-for-1 ... giving a 10:1
performance improvement. This was carried over to the 4300. In
Jan1979, branch office cons me into doing a vm/4341 benchmark for
national lab that was looking at getting 70 for compute farm (sort of
leading edge of the coming cluster supercomputing tsunami). Then in
the 80s, large corporations were ordering hundreds of vm/4341s at a
time for placing out in departmental areas (sort of the leading edge
of the coming distributed computing tsunami).

This is archived (afc) post with a decade of VAX sales,
sliced&diced by year, model, us/non-us
vax and 4300s sold in the same mid-range market and 4300s sold in
similar numbers as VAX in small unit orders ... big difference the
large orders of scores and hundreds of 4300s.

CSC posts
csc/vm posts
paging, replacement algorithms
dynamic adaptive resource management and scheduling
future system posts
page-mapped filesystem posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Multics vs Unix

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Multics vs Unix
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 08:07:39 -1000 (Waldek Hebisch) writes:

Do you remember what kind of backing store was in use (drum, disk ?)
on those machines?


360/67 had 2301 fixed head drums for primary paging (similar to 2303
drum but transferred four heads in parallel, four times the data rate,
1/4th the number of "track", each "track" four times larger"). Overflow
paging, spool file system, and CMS filesystem (as well as os/360 dasd)
were all 2314.

when CP67 was initially installed at univ ... all queued I/O was FIFO
and paging were single transfer channel programs. I redid 2314 to be
ordered seek and page I/Os were single channel program for all queued
requests for 2301 and for same 2314 arm position/cylinder (optimized for
max transfers/revolution). 2301 originally had throughput of around 70
page requests/sec ... my rewrite improved it to 270/sec peak.

after joining CSC, CSC was in processing of adding 2314s
strings, eventually with five 8+1 drive strings and one 5 drive string
(45 2314 total).

after decision to add virtual memory to all 370s, did a enhancement with
CP67 option to emulate 370 (virtual) machines. had to demonstrate
extremely strong security ... since 370 virtual memory hadn't been
announced and was still classified ... and CSC also had profs, staff,
and students from Boston/Cambridge institutions using the system.

CSC posts
csc/vm posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Multics vs Unix

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Multics vs Unix
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 08:11:42 -1000

Peter Flass <> writes:

VM/CMS was fast because it was so simple. VM did the minimum necessary to
ensure separation of users, allowing almost no sharing. CMS was about as
sophisticated as PCDOS. Basically a loader for a single program.


got more sophisticated over time ... sort of started off as upgrade of

trivia ... before ms/dos
there was Seattle computer
before Seattle computer, there was CP/M
before developing CP/M, kildall worked on IBM CP/67 at npg

CSC posts
csc/vm posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Multics vs Unix

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Multics vs Unix
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 08:16:19 -1000


other trivia: tss/360 was suppose to be the official system for 360/67,
at the time tss/360 was "decomitted", there were 1200-some people
involved with tss/360 and 12 people at CSC in the combined CP67/CMS

CSC posts
csc/vm posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Multics vs Unix

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Multics vs Unix
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 12:52:16 -1000 (Waldek Hebisch) writes:

AFAIK Unix before Berkeley added it had no "copy on the write".
IIUC early IBM mainframes also had no "copy on the write" and
it was awkward to implement (rather late, when they wanted Posix
compatibility they added appropriate hardware extention).


decade+ ago I was asked to track down executive decision to add virtual
memory to all 370s ... found staff to executive making the decision,
basically (OS/360) MVT storage management was so bad that region sizes
had to be specified four times larger than used used ... as result
common 1mbyte 370/165 only ran four regions concurrently, insufficient
to keep 165 busy and justified. Mapping MVT to a 16mbyte virtual memory
allowed number of concurrent executing regions to be increased by a
factor of four (modulo capped at 15 for 4bit storage protect keys) ...
similar to running MVT in a CP67 16mbyte virtual machine. Archive of
a.f.c. 2011 post with pieces of email exchange

VM370 was planning on taking advantage of 370 virtual memory R/O segment
protect for sharing common CMS code. Then the 165 engineers were
complaining that if they had to retrofit full 370 virtual memory
architecture to 165, it would slip 370 virtual memory by six months.  It
was then decided to regress 370 virtual memory to 165 subset (and r/o
segment protect was one of the casualties).

All other 370s that had already retrofitted full 370 virtual memory
architecture to the 165 subset and any software written to use full
architecture had to be redone for the 165 subset. VM370 to simulate R/O
segment protect for CMS ... then had to deploy a hack using (360)
storage protect keys ... CMS with shared segments ran with a PSW that
never had key=0 (can store anywhere) and all CMS non-shared pages had
non-zero protect key and CMS shared pages had zero protect key (i.e.
CMS PSW key and non-shared page protect keys matched for stores, but
shared pages keys never matched.

Then comes VM370R2 where 158 & 168 got VMASSIST ... load VMBLOK pointer
into CR6 and if virtual PSW was in virtual supervisor mode, the machine
would directly emulate priviliged mode for some number of privileged
mode (w/o requiring simulation by vm370). The problem was VMASSIST
didn't support the LPSW, ISK, & SSK hack for CMS shared R/O protect. For
VM370R3, they come up with a hack that allowed CMS w/share R/O protect
to be run in VMASSIST mode (by eliminating the protect key hack). When
ever there was a task switch (from CMS with R/O protect) all the
associated shared pages in memory, would be scanned for changed (aka
some store) pages. Any changed (shared pages) would be marked as no
longer shared ... and associated shared pages would be flagged as not in
memory ... the next reference results in page fault and a (non-changed)
copy be refreshed from backing store (selective copy on write).

Then comes VM370R4 with release of multiprocessor support (in the
original morph of CP67->VM370 lots of stuff was simplified and/or
dropped ... including multiprocessor support). For my VM370R2-based
internal release had done the kernel reorg needed by multiprocessor
support (but not actual SMP support) ... and then for VM370R3-based
internal release included multiprocessor support ... initially for the
internal branch office sales&marketing online HONE system (one my
original internal customers, enhanced operating systems) ... and the US
HONE datacenters had been recently consolidated in Palo Alto (trivia
when FACEBOOK 1st moved into silicon valley, it was into new bldg built
next door to the former US consolidated HONE datacenter). Initial had
eight single processor systems configured in one of the largest
single-system image, shared DASD operation with load-balancing and
fall-over across the complex.  Then I add multiprocessor back in so they
can add 2nd processor to each system.

At least for my internal VM370R3-based release, I revert to the storage
protect key hack, because scanning for changed, shared pages only showed
VMASSIST benefit justified for original base VM370 with 16 shared pages
... and I had increased the number of shared pages by factor of at least
2-3 times ... and depending on what CMS was doing could be a great deal
more (greatly increasing shared page scan overhead swamping the VMASSIST

The VMASSIST hack also got worse w/multiprocessor, which required unique
set of share pages for each processor and each time a CMS user with
shared pages, was dispatched, had to make sure their page table pointers
to shared pages had to match the processor being dispatched on.

CSC posts
csc/vm posts
SMP, tightly-coupled, shared memory multiprocessor posts
HONE posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Multics vs Unix

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Multics vs Unix
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 14:06:27 -1000

Peter Flass <> writes:

That's what happens with VM the tail to the MVS dog.


after decision add virtual memory to all 370s ... came the future system
effort, completely different than 370 and was going to replace 370
(during FS period, internal politics was shutting down 370 projects,
claim was that lack of new 370 during FS period gave the clone 370
makers their market foothold). then when FS implodes there is mad rush
to get stuff back into the product pipelines, including kicking off
quick&dirty 3033&3081 in parallel.

also the head of pok (high-end 370) manages to convince corporate to
kill the vm370 product, shutdown the development group and transfer all
the people to pok to work on MVS/XA (370xa, 31bit and various MVS
specific features). Endicott (midrange 370) manages to save the vm370
product mission but has to recreate a development group from scratch.

Besides endicott con'ing me into (VM370) ECPS (reference upthread,
initially 138&148 and then 4331&/4341), I also get con'ed into working
on a 16-cpu 370 multiprocessor (having done multiprocessor for HONE on
VM370R3 base, reference upthread, ... HONE 2-cpu 370 systems getting
twice the throughput of single CPU system) and we con the 3033 processor
engineers into working on it in their spare time (lot more interesting
than remapping 168 logic to 20% faster chips).

Everybody thought it was great until somebody tells the head of POK that
it could be decades before the POK favorite son operating system ("MVS")
had (effective) 16-cpu support (IBM documents at the time said MVS 2-cpu
support had 1.2-1.5 times the throughput of single CPU system) and some
of us were invited to never visit POK again and 3033 processor engineers
directed to heads down on 3033 and no distractions (note POK doesn't
ship a 16-cpu system until after the turn of the century).

trivia: along with ECPS, Endicott tried to get corporate to approve
preinstalling VM370 on every machine shipped (but POK influence trying
to totally kill VM370, wouldn't allow it) ... somewhat analogous to
Amdahl;s microcode hypervisor (multiple domain, no vm370 software)
and nearly decade later IBM 3090 microcode LPAR&PR/SM

future system posts
csc/vm posts
SMP, tightly-coupled, shared memory multiprocessor posts
HONE posts
360/370 microcode (& ECPS) posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

vfork history, Multics vs Unix

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: vfork history, Multics vs Unix
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 18:15:23 -1000

John Levine <> writes:

In practice, most of the time if a program touches a stack page at all it's
going to write to it, so copy-on-touch would have worked about as well without
needing read-only stack pages. IBM mainframes didn't do page fault on write
until quite late (S/390?) so some of their systems did CoT.


... but 360 key protect had both (real memory) store (& 360 optional
fetch) protect ... which would be applied to all processes (the original
370 virtual memory architecture before regression to 165 subset, had
segment r/o protect ... so could have a mixture of virtual address
spaces some with no protect and some with r/o protect). VM370 was
originally going to use the original segment protect for share segments,
but with the retrenching to 165 subset, initially had to fall back to
the storage key protect hack.

original 360 was key protect was 2kbytes but later changed to 4k,
a later feature was special storage r/o page protect ... to prevent
even authorized kernel (key=0) from storing

360 program interrupt .... "04" storage key protection (instead of page
fault interrupt)

possible to trap on program interrupt (and simulate copy-on-write).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Multics vs Unix

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Multics vs Unix
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 18:30:55 -1000 (Waldek Hebisch) writes:

Well, but is it essentially different than CMS, DOS or loading
shared libraries on Unix?  In each case code and data is loaded,
run und then unloaded.  Loading of new thing means that old
thing does not run.  Multics documentation is not entirely
clear on this, but it seems that at given protection level
there is single stack, which would make things like coroutines


when I originally did page-mapped CMS filesystem ... it included support
for independent location segments ... but was quite crippled because CMS
heavily borrowed OS/360 assemblers and compilers. While OS/360 made
reference to program relocation ... address referenses had to be changed
to fixed/absolute before execution. As a result, default program
segments required fixed address loading.

TSS/360 had kept "addresses" as offset (from the segment base
address). To get address independnt segments (including shared segments
where the same shared segment could appear concurrently at different
virtual addresses in different virtual address spaces), I had to hack
the (application) code to something that resembled the TSS/360

A small subset of this was released in VM370R3 as DCSS (but without
the CMS page-mapped filesystem and w/o the independent address
location support) ... where the shared segment images were saved in
special defined VM370 disk areas

CSC posts
CSC/VM posts
page-mapped filesystem
segment adcon issue & location independent code

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Multics vs Unix

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Multics vs Unix
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2025 08:34:23 -1000

Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> writes:

How much of this was enforced by the OS? I have a suspicion that there is
a dependence on well-behaved applications here, to maintain the integrity
of the whole system.


well supervisor/problem separation to protect the OS.

Note original 801/RISC had cp.r operating system and pl.8 programming
language and claimed it needed no hardware supervisor/problem mode
separation ... the pl.8 language would only generate valid programs and
cp.r would only load valid pl.8 programs for execution (as a result
inline library code could execute all operations, w/o requiring
supervisor calls).

The ROMP chip (w/cp.r & pl.8) was originally going to be be used for the
followon to the displaywriter. When that got canceled they decided to
pivot to the unix workstation market and got the company that had done
PC/IX for the IBM/PC to do port for ROMP ... becoming PC/RT and
AIX. However ROMP chip had to have hardware supervisor/problem mode for
the UNIX paradigm

CMS XMAS tree exec ... displayed xmas greeting and (on 3270 terminal)
blinking light xmas tree ... something like this simulation

but the exec also resent a copy to everybody in the person's name/contact file
 ... swamping bitnet

... this was dec87, a year before the 88 morris worm

At the 1996 m'soft MDC at Moscone ... all the banner's said "Internet"
... but the constant refrain in all the sessions was "preserve your
investment" ... which was visual basic automagic execution in data files
... including email messages ... giving rise to enormous explosion in
virus attacks.

801/risc, iliad, romp, rios, pc/rt, rs/6000, power, power/pc posts
bitnet posts
Risk, Fraud, Exploits, Threats, Vulnerabilities
virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Multics vs Unix

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Multics vs Unix
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2025 09:00:18 -1000 (Dan Cross) writes:

CMS and Unix are rather different, as Lynn has described.  But
for the others, I'd say, yes, quite, because all of those things
run at the same protection level in a single address space.
That is the critical part missing in other systems.


note: OS/360 used 360 privileged instruction and supervisor/problem mode
and for concurrent application program separation with (4bit) storage
protection keys (for up to 15 concurrent applications plus

This initial move of OS/360 MVT to VS2 was into a single 16mbyte virtual
address space (something like running MVT in a CP67 16mbyte virtual
machine). However, as systems got larger and more powerful ... they need
to go past 15 cap. The VS2/SVS to VS2/MVS was to give each concurrent
executing program its own 16mbyte virtual address space.

However, the OS/360 heritage was heavily pointer-passing API. In order
for the kernel calls to access program parameter list they mapped an
8mbyte image of the MVS kernel into every 16mbyte virtual address space
(so kernel call processing was done in the same virtual address space as
the caller).

VS2/MVS also mapped kernel subsystems into their own separate 16mbyte
virtual address spaces ... so application calls to subsystems,
paraemters were now in different address space. For this they created
the Common Segment Area ("CSA") that was mapped into every 16mbyte
virtual adress space for subsystem API call parameters. The issue was
subsystem parameter list space requirement was somewhat proportional to
number subsystems and number of concurrently executing programs ...  and
by the time of 370 3033 processor CSA had morphed into 5-6mbyte "Common
System Area" (CSA) leaving only 2-3 mbytes for programs, but was
threatening to become 8mbytes (leaving zero for applictions).

This was part of POK (high-end 370s) VS2/MVS mad rush to 370/XA
architecture, 31-bit addressing, access register, Program Call and
Program Return instructions.

Program Call was akin to kernel call ... table of all the MVS subsystems
and their associated address space pointers. A Program Call would select
the specific subsystem entry, move the caller's address space to
secondary and load the subsystem's address space as primary. A
semi-privileged subsystem would access parameter list in the caller's
"secondary address space" (no longer needing "CSA" space). Program
Return would move the caller's secondary address space pointer to
primary and return (task switches would have to save/restore both the
primary and any secondary address space pointers).

assurance posts
Risk, Fraud, Exploits, Threats, Vulnerabilities

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Multics vs Unix

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Multics vs Unix
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2025 09:22:52 -1000

Lynn Wheeler <> writes:

This was part of POK (high-end 370s) VS2/MVS mad rush to 370/XA
architecture, 31-bit addressing, access register, Program Call and
Program Return instructions.


... VS2/MVS was also getting quite bloated and getting to 370/XA
was taking too long ... so there were pieces retrofitted to 3033.

VS2/MVS needed more real storage and cramped in 16mbyte real. The 16bit
page table entry had 12bit real page numbers (for 16mbyte) ... and flag
bits ... but there were two unused bits. They did a 3033 hack where the
two unused bits could be prepended to the 12bit real page number for
14bits (64mbyte) mapping 16mbyte virtual address spaces into 64mbyte
real (all instructions were still 24bit/16mbyte).

370 IDALs (full word) had I/O channel program extension for storage
address ...  so it was possible to use extend 3033 I/O to 31bit.

there was still periodic problem where kernel code had to access virtual
pages at real addresses ... so there was a "bring down" process where a
virtual page was moved from a real address above the 16mbyte line to
real address "below the line".

some posts mentioning 3033 64mbyte real and dual-address space
mode IBM Mainframe Addressing backward architecture, The Design of Design Some 3033 (and other) Trivia 360/67 Virtual Memory long-winded post thread, 3033, 3081, Future System 64 bit addressing into the future Mainframe Family tree and chronology 2 Introducing the New z13s: Tim's Hardware Highlights Qbasic Connecting memory to 370/145 with only 36 bits Do we really need 64-bit DP or is 48-bit enough? Complete 360 and 370 systems found Difference between MVS and z / OS systems How will mainframers retiring be different from Y2K? Happy DEC-10 Day CSA 'above the bar' IBM 8000 series IBM to the PCM market(the sky is falling!!!the sky is falling!!) address space Integer types for 128-bit addressing

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Multics vs Unix

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Multics vs Unix
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2025 16:19:10 -1000

Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> writes:

So each (physical?) page belonged to exactly one user process (or the

How did this handle shared sections accessible by more than one process?


PSW key=0 (nominally kernel/supervisor) allowed access to all pages,
nonzero PSW only could store (and/or fetch if the fetch protect
feature was installed and fetch set) to pages with matching storage
protect key.

shared code, tended to be only store protected (but not fetch
protected) ... and run with the PSW key of the invoking process (so
could store in the invoking process pages).

originally 360 this were 2kbytes ...  (in 4k paging environment ...
pairs of 2k storage keys were managed) ... after 370, moved to 4k.

os/360 running concurrent "regions" could do up to 15 ... protected
from each other. VS2 started with with single 16mbyte address space
(VS2/SVS) ... but had to move unique address space (for each "region")
to move past 15 and provide separation.

Storage Protect

If the storage protection feature[2]17-17.1 is installed, then there
is a 4-bit storage key associated with every 2,048-byte block of
storage and that key is checked when storing into any address in that
block by either a CPU or an I/O channel. A CPU or channel key of 0
disables the check; a nonzero CPU or channel key allows data to be
stored only in a block with the matching key.

Storage Protection was used to prevent a defective application from
writing over storage belonging to the operating system or another
application. This permitted testing to be performed along with
production. Because the key was only four bits in length, the maximum
number of different applications that could be run simultaneously was

An additional option available on some models was fetch protection. It
allowed the operating system to specify that blocks were protected from
fetching as well as from storing.

... snip ...

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The Paging Game

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: The Paging Game
Date: 23 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

my softcopy starts

.hy off;.ju off
:h3.The Paging Game
:p.Jeff Berryman, University of British Columbia

... snip ...

prior post mentioning "The Paging Game" Paging

I was undergraduate at univ and fulltime responsible for OS/360 on
360/67 (running as 360/65). Three people from CSC (two of them later
went to one of the CSC CP67 spinoffs) came out to install CP67 (3rd
installation after CSC itself and MIT Lincoln Labs) and I mostly got
to play with it on weekends. I rewrote lots of the pathlengths to cut
overhead of running os/360 in virtual machine. Then redid page
replacement, dispatching, scheduling, all I/O (including paging). Six
months later (after CSC install at univ) CSC was having CP67/CMS class
in LA, I arrive Sunday night and asked to teach the CP67 class ... the
people that were going to teach it, had given their notice the Friday
before, leaving for NCSS.

Dec81 at ACM conference, Jim Gray asks me to help one of his
co-workers at Tandem get their Stanford Phd ... which involved Global
LRU page replacement and the forces from the 60s involved in Local LRU
page replacement (and number of academic papers) were lobbying
Stanford not to grant Phd for anything involving Global LRU.

Jim knew that after graduating and joining CSC, I had most of my stuff
(including Global LRU) on the CSC 768kbyte (104pageable pages after
fixed storage) 360/67 CP67 and had lots of performance data from both
CSC and IBM Grenoble science center. Grenoble had modified CP67 to
conform to the academic local LRU from the 60s for their 1mbyte 360/67
(155pageable pages). The user CMS workloads was similar except CSC had
better interactive response and throughput for 75-80 users (104pages)
than Grenoble had for 35 users (155pages)

archived post The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
with copy of response following year to Jim's request

csc posts
paging posts

other posts mention the global/local LRU, CSC/Grenoble CP67, and
Stanford phd: Multics vs Unix IBM 370 Virtual Storage IBM Virtual Memory Global LRU Computer Virtual Memory Virtual Memory Paging Ferranti Atlas and Virtual Memory CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System Ferranti Atlas Tymshare More Dataprocessing Career Global & Local Page Replacement IBM 4341 360/67 Virtual Memory MGLRU Revved Once More For Promising Linux Performance Improvements Windows 11 is now available Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth? LRU ... "global" vs "local" MMIX meltdown You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY") Mainframe Virtual Memory Messing Up the System/360 How hyper threading works? (Intel) Do we really need 64-bit addresses or is 48-bit enough? What Makes a Tax System Bizarre? By Any Other Name S/360 architecture, was PDP-10 system calls VM370 40yr anniv, CP67 44yr anniv Closure in Disappearance of Computer Scientist segments and sharing, was 68000 assembly language programming The first personal computer (PC) Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation No Glory for the PDP-15 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard Athlon cache question

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The Paging Game

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: The Paging Game
Date: 24 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

re: The Paging Game

historical reference

trivia: In the late 70s & early 80s, I was being blamed for online
computer conferencing on the IBM internal network (started out the
CP67-based scientific center wide-area networked centered in
Cambridge; larger than the arpanet/internet from the beginning until
sometime mid/late 80s ... about the same time the internal network was
forced to convert to SNA/VTAM). It really took off spring 1981when I
distributed trip report of visit to Jim Gray at Tandem (Jim had left
IBM fall of 1980 and tried to palm off some amount of stuff on me),
only about 300 directly participated but claims that upwards of 25,000
were reading ... folklore was when corporate executive committee was
told, 5of6 wanted to fire me.

When I went to send a reply and was told that I was prohibited ... I
hoped it was executives figuring to punish me and not that they were
playing in an academic dispute ... it wasn't until nearly year later
that I was allowed to send response.

from IBM Jargon (copy here)

Tandem Memos -n. Something constructive but hard to control; a
fresh of breath air (sic). That's another Tandem Memos. A phrase to
worry middle management. It refers to the computer-based conference
(widely distributed in 1981) in which many technical personnel
expressed dissatisfaction with the tools available to them at that
time, and also constructively criticized the way products were [are]
developed. The memos are required reading for anyone with a serious
interest in quality products. If you have not seen the memos, try
reading the November 1981 Datamation summary.

... snip ...

CSC posts
internal network posts
online computer conferencing posts

some recent posts mentioning CP67-based scientific center wide-area
network centered in Cambridge IBM 37x5 Dataprocessing Innovation IBM APPN Early Email We all made IBM 'Great' ARPANET And Science Center Network Prodigy IBM 3705 IBM Telecommunication Controllers APL and REXX Programming Languages Anyone here (on

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Canned Software and OCO-Wars

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Canned Software and OCO-Wars
Date: 24 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

note *NOT* JCL, Clists, or Cobol .... when I 1st joined IBM science
center after graduation, one of my hobbies was enhanced production
operating systems for internal datacenters, 1st CP67 (online branch
office sales&marketing support HONE systems were one of my first
... and long time customer) then moving to VM370. In the decision to
add virtual memory to all 370s, the morph of CP67 to VM370 simplified
and/or dropped a lot of stuff. I started moving stuff into
VM370R2-base for my internal CSC/VM (including kernel reorg needed for
multiprocessor, but not the actual support). Then transitioned to
VM370R3-base and started adding multiprocessor support back in
... initially for HONE. US HONE had consolidated all their datacenters
in palo alto with the largest single-system-image, shared DASD
operation with load-balancing and fall-over across the complex. I then
add have multiprocessor back in, so they can add a 2nd processor to
each system (each 2-cpu operation getting approx twice the throughput
of single cpu)

For some reason, somehow a VM370R3-based CSC/VM (before multiprocessor
support) was provided to AT&T longlines ... which they continued
to use, moving to latest IBM mainframe generation as well as
propagated around AT&T. In the early 80s, the IBM national
marketing rep for AT&T tracks me down looking for help with that
("ancient") CSC/VM. IBM had started shipping the 3081D, 3081
originally was going to be multiprocessor only and IBM was concerned
that all those AT&T CSC/VM systems (before I did multiprocessor
support, similar concern about the ACP/TPF market, ACP/TPF also didn't
have multiprocessor support) would all move to the latest Amdahl
single processor. Note the latest Amdhal single processor had higher
MIP rate than the aggregate of the two processor 3081D. IBM then
doubles the 3081 processor cache size, for the 3081K (about the same
aggregate MIP as the Amdahl single processor, although for MVS ... IBM
documentation was that MVS 2-cpu system throughput was only 1.2-1.5
times a 1-cpu system). Trivia: one of the things I had done as
undergraduate in the 60s was dynamic adaptive resource management and
scheduling ... which adapted across a wide-range of system processing
power (as it went from at least 120KIPS to 50MIPS or more and multiple

Part of the issue was AT&T had added significant source
modifications to my (pre-multiprocessor) VM370R3-based CSC/VM ... and
so it wasn't a straight-forward move to either a current VM370 or my
current internal VM370. One of their enhancements was "virtual tape"
(sort of like IBM's PVM 3270 virtual device) which allowed user in one
datacenter to run tape applications, where tapes were mounted on
system at remote datacenter (to do things like offsite backups, aka
they possibly/likely had access to multi-megabit bandwidths)

some claims that customer source mods were at least part of the
motivation behind the OCO-wars (object code only), complicating
customers' ability to move to latest releases that would have support
for the latest hardware.

cambridge scientific center posts
CSC/VM posts
HONE posts
SMP, tightly-coupled, shared memory multiprocessor posts

some OCO-war posts: IBM Mainframe User Group SHARE REXX IBM Unbundling, Software Source and Priced APL and REXX Programming Languages IBM 23June1969 Unbundling Announcement IBM's Unbundling Vintage Future System Copyright Software CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System HASP, JES, MVT, 370 Virtual Memory, VS2 VM370 IBM MVS RAS IBM Downfall RED and XEDIT fullscreen editors IBM Disks Online at home VM/SP crashing all over the place Z/VM Unbundling and Kernel Software

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Canned Software and OCO-Wars

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Canned Software and OCO-Wars
Date: 24 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

re: Canned Software and OCO-Wars

As part of trying to hang onto the ACP/TPF market during the 3081
days, VM370 multiprocessor support was modified to help parallelize
(single virtual CPU) ACP/TPF processing, improving its throughput
... however the changes degraded the throughput for nearly every other
VM370 customer running multiprocessor. I was brought into a large,
long-time online CMS gov. agency customer (back to early CP67/CMS
days) to try and offset the latest VM370 multiprocessor hacks. While
many SHARE
members used three letter designation identifying their company, this
gov. agency chose "CAD" (folklore stood for "Cloak And Dagger")
... can be seen in VMSHARE posts ... aka TYMSHARE started offering
their CMS-based online computer conferencing free to SHARE in Aug1976,
as "VMSHARE" ... archive here

Eventually IBM started offering 3083, a 3081 with one of the
processors removed. A series of 3083s came out with microcode tweaks
tailored for TPF, 3083jx, 3083kx and finally 9083, hand picked running
at faster clock cycle (also tried running with DAT disabled ... which
only ran TPF).

Other trivia: 1st part of 70s, IBM had Future System project,
completely different than 370 and was going to completely replace it
(during FS, internal politics was killing off 370 efforts, the lack of
new 370 during the FS period is claimed to have given the clone 370
makers, including Amdahl, their market foothold). When FS implodes
there is mad rush to get stuff back into the 370 product pipelines,
including kicking off the quick&dirty 3033&3081 efforts in parallel
and some details about 3081 from FS technology

During FS, lots of employees were told that the only way of getting
promotions and raises was transfer to FS ... I continued to work on
360&370 stuff all during FS, including periodically ridiculing what
they were doing ... which wasn't exactly career enhancing.

At Clemson, there is also info about death of ACS/360 ... Amdahl had
won the battle to make ACS, 360 compatible ... then it was killed and
Amdahl leaves IBM ... also gives some of the ACS/360 features that
show up more than 20yrs later with ES/9000.

One of the finally nails in the FS coffin was analysis done by the IBM
Houston Scientific Center, if 370/195 applications were redone for FS
machine made out of the fastest available technology, they would have
throughput of 370/145 (about 30 times slowdown).

SMP, tightly-coupled, shared memory, multiprocessor posts
Future System posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Multics vs Unix

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Multics vs Unix
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2025 23:43:57 -1000

Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> writes:

Large corporates did, and do, tend to become unwieldy in their development
processes. IBM had a long history of doing innovative research (and
patenting the results); but if you looked at their actual product line,
very little of this innovation actually seemed to make it into that.

One example I recall is SNA, their "Systems Network Architecture". For a
long time this was not what we would understand as a "network" at all: it
was primarily a way for large, expensive central machines to control
remote, cheaper machines at branch offices.

IBM didn't discover peer-to-peer networking until the 1980s, years after
other companies were already doing it routinely.


In the 70s about same time SNA appeared, my wife was co-author of AWP39,
"Peer-to=Peer Networking" architecture ... peer-to-peer qualification
necessary because the communication group had co-opted "network"
... joke was that SNA was "not a System", "not a Network", and "not an

My wife was then con'ed into going to POK (IBM high-end mainframe)
responsible for "loosely-coupled" (mainframe for "cluster") shared
DASD (Peer-Coupled Shared Data) architecture She didn't remain long
because 1) periodic battles with the SNA/VTAM forces trying to force
her into using SNA/VTAM for loosely-coupled operation and 2) little
uptake, until much later with SYSPLEX and Parallel SYSPLEX
except for IMS hot-standby.

Co-worker at science center was responsible for the CP67-based
(precursor to VM370) wide-area network, that morphs into the corproate
internal network (larger than arpanet/internet from the beginning until
sometime mid/late 80s, about the time the SNA-org forced the internal
network to be converted to SNA/VTAM). Technology also used for the
corporate sponsored univ BITNET (also for a time larger than

Account by one of the inventors of GML (in 1969) at the science center:

Actually, the law office application was the original motivation for the
project, something I was allowed to do part-time because of my knowledge
of the user requirements. My real job was to encourage the staffs of the
various scientific centers to make use of the CP-67-based Wide Area
Network that was centered in Cambridge.

... snip ...

... trivia: a decade later GML morphs into ISO standard SGML and after
another decade morphs into HTML at CERN and 1st webserver in the
use is CERN sister location, Stanford SLAC (on their VM370 system)

Edson (passed Aug2020)

In June 1975, MIT Professor Jerry Saltzer accompanied Hendricks to
DARPA, where Hendricks described his innovations to the principal
scientist, Dr. Vinton Cerf. Later that year in September 15-19 of 75,
Cerf and Hendricks were the only two delegates from the United States,
to attend a workshop on Data Communications at the International
Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2361 Laxenburg Austria where
again, Hendricks spoke publicly about his innovative design which paved
the way to the Internet as we know it today.

... snip ...

We then transfer out to San Jose Research and in early 80s, I get
HSDT, T1 and faster computer links, some amount of conflict with SNA
forces (note in 60s, IBM had 2701 telecommunication controller that
supported T1 links, however IBM's move to SNA in the mid-70s and
associated issues seem to have capped links at 56kbits/sec).

trivia: at the time of arpanet/internet cut-over to internetworking
protocol on 1Jan1983, there were 100 IMPs and approx 255 hosts ... at
a time when the internal network was rapidly approach 1000 hosts all
over the world (approval of IMPs somewhat held back arpanet growth;
for internal network growth it was corporate requirement that all
links be encrypted ... which could be real problem with various
country gov. agencies, especially when links cross national
boundaries). Archived post with list of world-wide corporate locations
that got one or more hew host networking connections during 1983:

For HSDT, was involved in working with the NSF director and was
suppose to get $20M to interconnect the NSF Supercomputer
centers. Then congress cuts the budget, some other things happen and
eventually an RFP is released (in part based on what we already had
running). NSF 28Mar1986 Preliminary Announcement:

The OASC has initiated three programs: The Supercomputer Centers Program
to provide Supercomputer cycles; the New Technologies Program to foster
new supercomputer software and hardware developments; and the Networking
Program to build a National Supercomputer Access Network - NSFnet.

... snip ...

IBM internal politics was not allowing us to bid (being blamed for
online computer conferencing inside IBM likely contributed). The NSF
director tried to help by writing the company a letter (3Apr1986, NSF
Director to IBM Chief Scientist and IBM Senior VP and director of
Research, copying IBM CEO) with support from other gov. agencies ... but
that just made the internal politics worse (as did claims that what we
already had operational was at least 5yrs ahead of the winning bid), as
regional networks connect in, it becomes the NSFNET backbone, precursor
to modern internet.

One of HSDT first long-haul T1 links was between the IBM Los Gatos lab
(on the west coast) and Clementi's
E&S lab in Kingston, NY, that had lots of floating point systems boxes
that included 40mbyte/sec disk arrays.

Cornell University, led by physicist Kenneth G. Wilson, made a
supercomputer proposal to NSF with IBM to produce a processor array of
FPS boxes attached to an IBM mainframe with the name lCAP.

... snip ...

(gone behind paywall but lives free at wayback machine),
Also from wayback machine, some additional (IBM missed) references from
Ed's website

For awhile I reported to same executive as the person behind AWP164
(which becomes APPN), needling that he should come work on real
networking ... becauses the SNA forces would never appreciated what he
was doing ... the SNA forces veto the announcement of APPN ... and the
APPN announcement letter was carefully rewritten to not imply and
relationship between APPN and SNA.

SNA forces had been fiercely fighting off client/server and distributed
computing and trying to block the announcement of mainframe TCP/IP. When
that failed, they change their tactic and claim that since they have
corporate strategic responsibility for everything that crosses
datacenter walls, it has to be released through them. What ships get
44kbyte/sec aggregate using nearly whole 3090 processor. I then do the
support for RFC1044 and in some turning tests at Cray Research between a
Cray and a 4341, get sustained 4341 channel I/O throughput, using only a
modest amount of 4341 processor (something like 500 times improvement in
bytes moved per instruction executed).

In 1988 we get last product we did at IBM, HA/CMP.
It starts out HA/6000 for the NYTimes to port their newspaper system
(ATEX) off DEC VAXCluster to RS/6000. I rename it HA/CMP when I start
doing technical/scientific cluster scale-up with national labs and
commercial cluster scale-up with RDBMS vendors that have VAXCluster
support in the same source base with UNIX (Oracle, Sybase, Ingres,

Early Jan1992, have meeting with Oracle CEO where IBM/AWD Hester tells
Ellison that by mid92 there would be 16-system clusters and by ye92,
128-system clusters. Then late Jan1992, cluster scale-up is transferred
for announce as IBM Supercomputer (for technical/scientific *ONLY*) and
we are told we can't work on anything with more than four systems (we
leave IBM a few months later). Note: IBM mainframe DB2 had been
complaining if we were allowed to go ahead, it would be years ahead of

trivia: when 1st transferred to IBM SJR, I did some work with Jim Gray
and Vera Watson on the original SQL/relational, System/R ... and while
corporation was preoccupied with the next great DBMS ("EAGLE"), we were
able to do tech transfer to Endicott for release as SQL/DS. Then when
"EAGLE" implodes there was a request for how fast could System/R be
ported to MVS ... which is eventually released as "DB2" (originally for
decision support only).

Peer-Coupled Shared Data: architecture posts:
CSC posts
GML posts
internal network posts
HSDT posts
NSFNET posts
internet posts
rfc1044 posts
HA/CMP posts
original sql/relational, system/r posts

some recent posts mentioning AWP39 IBM APPN ARPANET & IBM Internal Network TCP/IP Protocol OSI: The Internet That Wasn't Vintage Mainframe ACP/TPF SNA/VTAM Rise and Fall of IBM Systems Network Architecture Conflicts with IBM Communication Group z/VM 50th - part 3 What's something from the early days of the Internet which younger generations may not know about? What is IBM SNA? IBM "nine-net" IBM Internal network

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM Management Briefings and Dictionary of Computing

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM Management Briefings and Dictionary of Computing
Date: 25 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

Post mentioning in 1972, Learson tries (and fails) to block the
bureaucrats, careerists and MBAs from destroying Watson culture/legacy
reference to his briefings ... IBM Management Briefings is online at

then there is IBM Jargon ... it has been uploaded to the files section
for other IBM theme groups ... but also on the web here

one of the entries:

Tandem Memos - n. Something constructive but hard to control; a fresh
of breath air (sic). That's another Tandem Memos. A phrase to worry
middle management. It refers to the computer-based conference (widely
distributed in 1981) in which many technical personnel expressed
dissatisfaction with the tools available to them at that time, and
also constructively criticized the way products were [are]
developed. The memos are required reading for anyone with a serious
interest in quality products. If you have not seen the memos, try
reading the November 1981 Datamation summary.

... snip ...

... late 70s and early 80s, I had been blamed for online computer
conferencing ... it really took off spring of 1981 when I distributed
trip report to visit Jim Gray at Tandem, only about 300 directly
participated but claims of upwards of 25,000 reading (folklore when
corporate executive committee was told, 5of6 wanted to fire me).

IBM downturn/downfall/breakup posts
online computer conferencing posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Date: 25 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

I had done CMSBACK at SJR in 1979 (before research moved up the hill
to Almaden) for internal datacenters and went thru a few internal
releases. Then distributed PC and workstation clients were added and
released to customers as WDSF

which morphs into ADSM, renamed TSM and then Storage Protect.

backup/archive posts

a couple CMSBACK archived emails

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Multics vs Unix

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Multics vs Unix
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2025 12:27:29 -1000

Lars Poulsen <> writes:

Of course, a tight cluster with survivability cannot have a strict
hierarchy, since the top position would have to be renegotiated if
the "master" node failed.

re: Multics vs Unix

... when I was out marketing HA/CMP I coined the termas disaster
survivability and geographic survivability. The IBM S/88 product
administrator also started taking us around to their customers ... and
got me to write a section for the corporate continuous availability
strategy document (it got pulled when both Rochester/AS400 and
POK/mainframe complained they couldn't meet the objectives).

ha/cmp posts
availability posts

other posts in this thread

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Multics vs Unix

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Multics vs Unix
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2025 17:11:24 -1000

Peter Flass <> writes:

It was fun mapping the DCSS to specific memory addresses, and making sure
that a program didn't need two mapped to the same address. This, I think,
was S/370, so 31-bit (16MB) address space. Didn't DCSS sizes have to be a
multiple of 64K? It's been a while, so I don't recall the details.

re: Multics vs Unix

370 virtual memory architecture allowed for two page sizes, 2k and 4k
... and two segment sizes, 64k and 1mbyte.

for vm370 CMS, used 4k page size and 64k (16 4k pages) segment size.

as i've periodic mentioned, DCSS ("discontiguous shared segments") was
small piece of my CMS page mapped filesystem ... which included being
able to specify loading file with pieces as shared segment(s).

370 had two level virtual memory table ... a segment table where each
entry pointed to that (segment's) page table (for vm370, 16 4k page
entries). in the case of a shared segment ... each individual virtual
memory segment table entry point to a common, shared page table.

in the case of my CMS page mapped filesystem, filesystem control
information specified mapping to individual pages ... or for a
mapping(s) that specified 16 4k pages to be mapped as a "shared

Since the CMS page mapped filesystem wasn't picked up for VM370R3, all
the control information had to placed somewhere. The VM370 module name
was (kernel assembled) DMKSNT which had SNT entires information
specifying the number of pages, virtual addresses of the pages, which
portion of the virtual pages to be treated as shared segments, physical
disk locations of the saved pages, etc.

A sysadm or sysprog ... would typically load application into their
virtual memory and issue the kernel (privileged) "SAVESYS" command
specifying a SNT entry, the pages from their virtual memory would then
be written to the specified disk locations. Then users could issue the
"LOADSYS" command specifying a SNT entry, which would reverse the
process, mapping their virtual memory to the SNT entry specified pages
(and in case of shared segment, their corresponding segment table
entry/entries mapped to the shared page table(s)).

If wanting to change, add or delete a DMKSNT SNT entry, edit the
assemble source, assemble the changed DMKSNT file, rebuild the kernel
(w/changed DMKSNT) and re-ipl (note SNT entries were global system

CMS memory mapped filesystem posts

other posts in this thread

other posts mentioning dmksnt VM370/CMS Shared Segments CP67 "IPL-by-name" rather far from Univac 90/30 DIAG instruction Regarding Time Sharing SIE - CompArch A brief history of CMS/XA, part 1 A brief history of CMS/XA, part 1 shared code, was Speed of Old Hard Disks - adcons Personal histories and IBM computing zLinux OR Linux on zEnterprise Blade Extension??? More named/shared systems CMS IPL (& other misc) VM maclib reference Integer types for 128-bit addressing misc. dmksnt SYSPROF and the 190 disk Alpha performance, why? Resolved: There Are No Programs With >32 Bits of Text

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Multics vs Unix

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Multics vs Unix
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2025 08:52:26 -1000 (John Dallman) writes:

On the IBM 360 family, working with multiple memory partitions required
256+KB RAM, which was a lot in the 1960s. Nowadays, that's L2 cache on a
mobile device processor, but it was a fairly big mainframe 55 years ago,
and the programs it ran were small enough - mostly written in assembler -
to fit several into memory.

Starting in the middle 70s, I would periodically claim tht the
original 1965 360 CKD DASD offloadeded function searching for
information in the I/O rather than keeping it cached in limited/small
real storage ... but by mid-70s that trade-off was starting to
invert. CKD (multi-track search) searching directories and data could
involve multiple full-cylinder searches, each one taking 1/3sec; which
would not only busy the disk, but also controller (blocking access to
all other disks on that controller) and channel (blocking access to
all other disks on that channel), limited memory met that matching
compare had to refetch the information from system memory for each
compare ... limiting the amount of concurrent I/O possible.

after transferring to SJR in 77, I got to wander around lots of (IBM &
non-IBM) datacenters in silicon valley, including disk
bldg14/engineering and bldg15/product test across the street. At the
time they were had 7x24, prescheduled, mainframe testing ... and had
recently tried MVS ... but it had 15min MTBF (requiring manual re-ipl)
in that environment. I offered to rewrite I/O subsystem making it
bullet proof and never crash, allowing any amount of concurrent disk
testing, greatly improving productivity. I also wrote an internal
research report on all the things (to the I/O subsystem) that needed
to be done and happen to mention the MVS MTBF (bringing down the wrath
of the MVS organization on my head).

I also worked with Jim Gray and Vera Watson on the original
SQL/relational implementation, System/R. The major company IMS DBMS
product was stressing that System/R was significantly slower (than
IMS). IMS kept physical disk addresses internally in data records for
related data and IMS would say that System/R record twice the disk
space for data indexes and 4-5 times the I/O (transversing the
physical disk records). System/R counter was that IMS had much greater
sysadmin human time ... managing exposed data record addresses in data

By the early 80s, that had started to change, disk price/bit was
significantly dropping (offsetting the doubling space requirement for
indexes) and system memories sizes were significantly allowing indexes
to be cached, significantly reducing I/O ... while overall
dataprocessing dropping costs was greatly expanding computer installs
and use of DBMS ... putting stress on available human skills and

Early 80s, I wrote a tome that the relative system disk throughput had
dropped by an order of magnitude since 1964 (disks had gotten 3-5
times faster while systems got 40-50 times faster, requiring
increasing amount of concurrent I/O (and multi-tasking) ... but the
extensive use of CKD multi-track search limited its effectiveness. A
disk division executive took exception and assigned the division
performance group to refute the claims ... after a few weeks, they
came back and explained that I had slightly understated the problem..

There was a recent observation that the (current) latency of cache
misses and main memory operations, when measured in in count of
current processor cycles is comparable to 60s disk latency when
measured in count of 60s processor cycles (memory is the new disk).

This is also the explanation given for decision to add virtual memory
to all 370s, because MVT needed to increasingly increase the number of
concurrent tasks to maintain system utilization and justification aka
MVT storage management was so bad that region storage size
requirements had to be specified four times larger than actually used
limiting typical 1mbyte 370/165 to four tasks, going to 16mbyte
virtual memory (VS2/SVS) would allow number of concurrently executing
tasks to be increased by nearly a factor of four times (with little or
no paging) ... although capped at 15 because of 4bit storage protect
key ... keeping regions separated/isolated from each other. As systems
increased processing power ... had to bypass 15 cap by going to
separate virtual address space for each region (VS2/MVS).

getting to play disk engineer posts
original sql/relational System/R posts

a few posts mentioning both disk division executive wanting to refute my claims
and decision to add virtual memory to all 370s: Computer Virtual Memory ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 165/168/3033 & 370 virtual memory thrashing, was Re: A Computer That Never Was: the IBM 7095

other posts in this thread

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

old pharts, Multics vs Unix

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2025 12:24:09 -1000

Bob Eager <> writes:

Later on, Amdahl had it too. I was heavily involved in porting a non-IBM
operating system to the XA architecture, but from Amdahl. Some differences
of course, but the main one was the different I/O architecture. We had
been limited by the 24 bit address space, but 31 bits was fine.

As I recall, it was a 4381.

Tom Simpson (from Simpson & Crabtree, responsible for HASP spooling),
in early 70s had done RASP, a MFT-11 adaption for virtual memory, but
with page-mapped filesystem (rather retaining 360 channel programs,
VS1) ... which IBM wasn't interested in. He leaves IBM for Amdahl and
recreates RASP in "clean room" from scratch (IBM sued but court
appointed experts were only able to find one or two similar
instruction sequences).

Amdahl people like to keep me up on the latest Amdahl gossip after the
(SLAC hosted) monthly BAYBUNCH meetings.

archived post with some email exchange about decision to add virtual
memory to all 370s

long list in this thread Multics vs Unix CP/67 Multics vs Unix CP/67 Multics vs Unix CP/67 Multics vs Unix CP/67 Multics vs Unix CP/67 Multics vs Unix CP/67 Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix vfork history, Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

old pharts, Multics vs Unix

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2025 12:28:35 -1000

John Levine <> writes:

It was 370/XA, according to the manual I have here.

370 was follow on to 360 ... then increasing the multiprogramming
level motivated adding virtual memory quickly/initially to all 370s
(and CP67 was able to morph into vm370 for virtual machines and online

but also relatively quickly, the "Future System" effort appeared and
370 efforts were being killed off (lack of new IBM 370 during FS is
credited with giving the 370 system clone makers their market

When FS imploded, there was mad rush to get stuff back into
the product pipelines, including kicking off the quick & dirty 3033
(remapping 168 logic to 20% faster chips) and 3081 (leveraging some
warmed over FS hardware, designed for 370/xa, a lot of architecture
designed for addressing MVS short comings, but pending availability of
MVS/XA ran 370 mode).  trivia: 370/xa was referred to 811 for the
nov1978 publication date of the internal design & architecture

part of 811 (370/xa) was as DASD I/O increasingly become major system
throughput bottleneck, the MVS I/O redrive pathlength (from ending
interrupt of previous I/O to start of next queued operation) was
several thousand instructions (leaving device idle). I recently
mentioned getting to play disk engineer and rewrite I/O supervisor for
integrity and availability ... I also cut redrive pathlength to 1-to-2
hundred instructions ... being able to demonstrate 370 redrive very
close to dedicated 811 hardware architecture (but then I had to bring
the wrath of the MVS organization on my head).

future system posts
posts mentioning getting to play disk engineer

longer list in this thread Multics vs Unix CP/67 Multics vs Unix CP/67 Multics vs Unix CP/67 Multics vs Unix CP/67 Multics vs Unix CP/67 Multics vs Unix CP/67 Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix vfork history, Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix Multics vs Unix old pharts, Multics vs Unix

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Grace Hopper, Jean Sammat, Cobol

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Grace Hopper, Jean Sammat, Cobol
Date: 26 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

Jean Sammet was in the IBM Boston Programming Office on 3rd flr of 545
tech sq. Some of the MIT CTSS/7094 people go to the 5th flr and
Multics and others go to the 4th flr and the IBM Cambridge Scientific
Center. CSC was expecting MULTICS be awarded to IBM (CSC), but instead
it goes to GE. CSC does (virtual machine) CP40/CMS having modified
360/40 with virtual memory, which morphs into CP67/CMS when 360/67
standard with virtual memory. Later when IBM decided to add virtual
memory to all 370s, some of the CSC members split off for (virtual
machine) VM370, taking over BPS on the 3rd flr.

Sometimes I would bring in my kids on weekends to play spacewar
(somebody had ported PDP1 spacewar to CSC's IBM 1130m4/2250 that was
in the machine room on 2nd flr)!

... and Jean would come looking for me to complain my kids were
running up and down halls making noise.

both Jean Sammat
and Nat Rochester
at BPS on 3rd flr

some other trivia:

He served on the committee which amalgamated the design for his
COMTRAN language with Grace Hopper's FLOW-MATIC and thus produced the
specifications for COBOL.
Bob Bemer history page (gone 404, but lives on at wayback machine)
360s were originally to be ASCII machines ... but the ASCII unit
record gear wasn't ready ... so had to use old tab BCD gear (and
"temporarily" EBCDIC) ... biggest computer goof ever:

CSC posts

some other posts mentioning Hopper, Sammet, Cobol COBOL history, Article on new mainframe use PL/I advertising history of RPG and other languages, was search engine history COBOL: 50 not out

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

old pharts, Multics vs Unix

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2025 07:09:48 -1000

Bob Eager <> writes:

THat's interesting. In my case, the operating system I was porting was a
university written one, from the ground up.

I remember having a problem testing it on VM/XA. The initial IPL brought
in a large program (a mini version of the full system), and it overwrote
the code that VM loaded to emulate the IPL hardware. I had to load in
portions around that.

re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix old pharts, Multics vs Unix

about the same time was "gold" from recent univ. graduate (tried to hire
him at IBM, but no takers) that had ported unix to 370. ("gold" code
name taken from "Au" - "Amdahl Unix")

some posts mentioning RASP and Amdahl "Gold" HASP, ASP, JES2, JES3 IBM TSS tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft SEX Mainframe operating systems? 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made30yearsagotoday Aging Sysprogs = Aging Farmers What are you experiences with Amdahl Computers and Plug-Compatibles? Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes? Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL someone smarter than Dave Cutler U.S. begins inquiry of IBM in mainframe market Operating systems are old and busted IBM sues maker of Intel-based Mainframe clones hasp, jes, rasp, aspen, gold 30th b'day TSS ancient history, was X86 ultimate CISC? designs)

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

old pharts, Multics vs Unix

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2025 07:30:47 -1000 (Dan Cross) writes:

What OS, if I may ask?  MTS, maybe?

re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix old pharts, Multics vs Unix old pharts, Multics vs Unix

during IBM's Future System period (and internal politics killing off 370
efforts, giving clone 370 system makers their market foothold) I had
recently joined IBM and got to continue going to SHARE and visiting

future system posts

The director of one of the largest (east coast) financial datacenters
liked me to stop by and talk technology. At some point the IBM branch
manager horribly offended the customer and in retaliation, the
customer ordered an Amdahl system (it would be a lone Amdahl in vast
sea of blue systems). This was in period when Amdahl was still
primarily selling into the univ/technical/scientific market and had
yet to make a commercial, "true blue" customer. I was asked to go
onsite at the customer for 6-12months (apparently to help obfuscate
why the customer was ordering an Amdahl system). I talk it over with
the customer and decide to not accept IBM's offer. I was then told the
branch manager was a good sailing buddy of IBM's CEO and if I didn't
do this, I could forget career, promotions, raises.

MTS trivia:

MTS folklore is it started out being scaffolding off MIT Lincoln Labs
(2nd CP67 installation after CSC itself) LLMPS

posts mentioning Amdahl and MTS: third system syndrome, interactive use, The Design of Design MVT/SVS/MVS/MVS.XA MTS & IBM 360/67 IBM Future System MTS, 360/67, FS, Internet, SNA The (broken) economics of OSS Mainframe operating systems? What Would Be Your Ultimate Computer? World's worst programming environment? Teletypewriter Model 33 VM370 40yr anniv, CP67 44yr anniv Before the PC: IBM invents virtualisation (Cambridge skunkworks) Which non-IBM software products (from ISVs) have been most significant to the mainframe's success? someone smarter than Dave Cutler The SLT Search LisT instruction - Maybe another one for the Wheelers Metroliner telephone article Over my head in a JES exit MCTS Change in computers as a hobbiest hasp, jes, rasp, aspen, gold IBM/Watson autobiography--thoughts on? RISCs too close to hardware? IBM operating systems DE-skilling was Re: ServerPak Install via QuickLoad Product Secure OS Thoughts June 23, 1969: IBM "unbundles" software WHAT IS A MAINFRAME???

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

old pharts, Multics vs Unix

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2025 14:27:42 -1000

Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> writes:

Was it running on bare metal or under the VM hypervisor?

Because I believe Linux on IBM mainframes to this day runs as a VM, not on
bare metal. Not sure why.

re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix

80s claim that both IBM AIX/370 (from UCLA Locus) and Amdahl's GOLD ....
ran under vm370 ... because field hardware support CEs demanded
mainframe EREP .... to add mainframe EREP to them was several times
larger effort than just getting them to run on mainframe (so they ran
under VM370, relying on VM370 to provide the mainframe EREP).

other old pharts, Multics vs Unix old pharts, Multics vs Unix old pharts, Multics vs Unix

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Multics vs Unix

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Multics vs Unix
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2025 14:55:58 -1000

Peter Flass <> writes:

At the point I got into it, I don't recall any messing with the nucleus
being required. Of course the disadvantage was that, like windows shared
libraries, DCSS could only need loaded at the address they occupied when

re: Multics vs Unix

at some point between vm370 and now, they converted DCSS kernel DMKSNT
savesys and loadsys to use the spool file system.

the os/360 convention/heritage was executable images had address
constants and the executable images had RLD information appended, which
could turn all address constants into fixed values at the point of
bringing the (linkedit/loader loading) executable images into memory.

Original/Early CMS implementation would "save" memory image of a loaded
executable image as "MODULE" filetype. Since a "MODULE" filetype no
longer required any storage modifications ... it could be R/O shared
across multiple virtual address spaces ... but at same fixed address
location across all virtual address spaces.

I would do some hacks of os/360 convention software to change all the
"relative" adcons to "fixed" displacements ... which would be added to
virtual address space specific location (sort of simulating the TSS/360
convention of location independent code) ... and enabling the
specification of location independent option ... where it could use
location other than possible default.

For non-shared R/O, an image could execute store operations into its own
image (both CMS "MODULE" filetype) and DCSS savesys & loadsys. An early
variation was booting MVT into a virtual machine ... and stopping it
near the end of MVT IPL and doing a savesys (using savesys/loadsys sort
of like image checkpoint) for a fast reboot (akin to some of the current
PC fast container bringups).

posts mentioning CMS page mapped filesystem
posts mentioning page-mapped filesysten and location independent code

other posts mentioning DCSS & DMKSNT VM370/CMS Shared Segments rather far from Univac 90/30 DIAG instruction SIE - CompArch A brief history of CMS/XA, part 1 A brief history of CMS/XA, part 1 shared code, was Speed of Old Hard Disks - adcons Personal histories and IBM computing More named/shared systems CMS IPL (& other misc) VM maclib reference SYSPROF and the 190 disk

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

old pharts, Multics vs Unix

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2025 15:21:39 -1000

Lynn Wheeler <> writes:

80s claim that both IBM AIX/370 (from UCLA Locus) and Amdahl's GOLD ....
ran under vm370 ... because field hardware support CEs demanded
mainframe EREP .... to add mainframe EREP to them was several times
larger effort than just getting them to run on mainframe (so they ran
under VM370, relying on VM370 to provide the mainframe EREP).

re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix

in gossiping with Amdahl people I mentioned IBM had special project for
AT&T where IBM had done a strip down of TSS/370 kernel called SSUP
(which included mainframe erep) which higher level part of UNIX kernel
was being layered on top ... besides effectively adding mainframe EREP
(more device support, etc) to UNIX kernel (for running on bare hardware)
it also got mainframe multiprocessor support.

I ask if Amdahl might consider doing something with GOLD and possibly
Simpson's Amdahl RASP

posts mentioning tss370/ssup work for bell/at&t: THE RISE OF UNIX. THE SEEDS OF ITS FALL Why did Dennis Ritchie write that UNIX was a modern implementation of CTSS? IBM Acronyms Mainframe operating systems? Is end of mainframe near ? Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL PC history, was search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day Yet another squirrel question - Results (very very long post) How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days? old Gold/UTS reference A Glimpse into PC Development Philosophy

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

old pharts, Multics vs Unix

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2025 07:34:05 -1000

Dan Espen <> writes:

When working on MVS and needing Unix, it makes the most sense to use
z/OS Unix.  Unix runs in a TSO type environment providing a very
functional Unix environment.

re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix old pharts, Multics vs Unix old pharts, Multics vs Unix old pharts, Multics vs Unix old pharts, Multics vs Unix old pharts, Multics vs Unix

Late 80s, a IBM senior disk enginner got a talk scheduled at annual,
world-wide, internal communication group conference, supposedly on
3174 performance, but opened the talk with the statement that the
communication group was going to be responsible for the demise of disk
division. The disk division was seeing data fleeing datacenters to
more distributed computing friendly platforms, with a drop in disk
sales. They came up with a number of solutions that were all being
vetoed by the communication group (with their corporate strategic
ownership of overything that crossed the datacenter walls, fiercely
fighting off client/server and distributed computing).

The disk divison executive responsible for software was coming up with
some work-arounds to the communication group; including investing in
distributed computing startups that would use IBM disks, he would
periodically ask us to visit his investments to see if we could offer
some help). He also paid for development of (UNIX) Posix
implementation for MVS (software, wasn't IBM physical hardware
transmission product).

a couple years later, IBM has one of the largest losses in the history
of US corporations (wasn't just disks, impacting whole mainframe
datacenter market) and was being re-orged into the 13 "baby blues"
(take-off on AT&T "baby bells" breakup a decade earlier),9171,977353,00.html,33009,977353-1,00.html

We had already left IBM but get a call from the bowels of Armonk
(hdqtrs) asking if we could help with the breakup. Before we get
started, the board brings in the former AMEX president as CEO to try
and save the company, who (somewhat) reverses the breakup (but it
isn't long before the disk division is gone).

posts mentioning communication fighting off client/server &
distributed computing
IBM downturn/downfall/breakup posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970
-- virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

old pharts, Multics vs Unix

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2025 06:37:30 -1000

Dan Espen <> writes:

One a mainframe, there are a few issues to deal with to run Unix.
The common use terminal, a 3270 is not character at a time, data is
transferred in blocks with a pretty complex protocol.  z/OS unix
couldn't do things like run Emacs on a 3270 but it did a reasonably good
job of providing a working stdin/stdout.

re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix old pharts, Multics vs Unix old pharts, Multics vs Unix old pharts, Multics vs Unix old pharts, Multics vs Unix old pharts, Multics vs Unix old pharts, Multics vs Unix

70s 3272/3277 had .086sec hardware response ... then 80 came 3274/3278
where lots of electronics were moved out of terminal back into 3274
controller (reducing 3278 manufacturing cost) ... significantly
driving up the coax protocol chatter and latency ... and hardware
response went to .3sec-.5sec (depending on amount of data
transferred). This was in period of studies showing improved human
productivity with .25sec "response" (seen by human) ... with 3272/3277
required .164 system response (plus terminal hardware .086) to give
.25sec human response.

after joining ibm, one of my hobbies was enhanced production operating
systems for internal datacenters. circa 1980, rare MVS/TSO system was
lucky to see even 1sec interactive system response (and nearly all
much worse) ... some number of internal VM370 systems were claiming
.25sec interactive system response ... but I had lots of internal
systems with .11sec interactive system response (giving .196 response
seeen by human w/3277).

Letters to the 3278 product administrator complaining about 3278 for
interactive computing got reply that 3278 wasn't intended for
interactive computing, but "data entry" (aka electronic keypunch).

Later IBM/PC hardware 3277 emulation cards had 4-5 times the
upload/download throughput of 3278 emulation cards.

however, all 3270s were half-duplex and if you were unfortunate to hit
a key same time system went to write to screen, it would lock the
keyboard and would have to stop and hit the reset key. YKT developed a
FIFO box for 3277, unplug the keyboard from the 3277 head, plug the
FIFO box into the head and plug the 3277 keyboard into the fifo box
... eliminating the unfortunate keyboad lock.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: VM370/CMS, VMFPLC
Date: 30 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

trivia: VMFPLC source wasn't part of vm370/cms distribution ... then
mid-70s, head of POK managed to convince corporate to kill vm370,
shutdown the development group and transfer all the people to POK for
MVS/XA. With the shutdown of the development group lots of stuff was
trashed ... including VMFPLC (they also had huge amount of CMS
enhancements that disappeared with the development group shutdown,
VAX/VMS was in its infancy at the time and for those that managed to
escape the transfer to POK, joke was that head of POK was a major
contributor to VAX/VMS). Endicott finally managed to save the VM370
product mission (for the mid-range) ... but for things like VMFPLC had
to reverse engineer VMFPLC tape format for VMFPLC2.

I did have source copy of the original VMFPLC ... that I had modified
for VMXPLC. I increased maximum physical tape blocks (to cut down on
wasted interrecord gaps, also CMS FST was a separate record in front
of each new CMS file ... and appended it to the end of each file first
data record (eliminated that wasted interrecord gap). Also since I had
done a page-mapped CMS filesystem that had significantly higher
throughput (a small subset of the CP support was released in VM/370 R3
as DCSS), I forced all buffers to page aligned boundaries.

I also used VMXPLC for CMSBACK that I did in 1979 .... that later
morphs into WDSF, ADSM, TSM, storage protect, etc

backup, archive, cmsback, and/or storage managment pots

some specific posts mentioning VMFPLC, VMXPLC, and CMSBACK IBM Term "DASD" IBM 3420 Tape write rings END OF FILE Magnetic tape storage CMSBACK "blocking factors" (Was: Tapes)

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: VM370/CMS, VMFPLC
Date: 30 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook


Internal ibm science center and ibm research reports. When I
transferred out to sjr in 2nd half 70s, got to wander around (ibm and
non-IBM) datacenters i silicon valley including disk
bldg14/engineering and bldg5/disk product test across the street. They
were doing prescheduled, 7x24, stand alone testing and mentioned they
had recently tried MVS, but it had 15min MTBF (in that environment;
requiring manual re-ipl). I offered to rewrite I/O supervisor to be
bullet proof and never fail, allowing any amount of on-demand,
concurrent testing ... greatly improving productivity. I then wrote an
(internal) IBM research report describing all the work necessary and
happened to mention the MVS 15min MTBF ... which brings the wrath of
the MVS organization down on my head.

I co-authored a number of "public" research reports that had to be
reviewed by the IBM senior tech editor in San Jose ... when he
retired, he sent me a copy of all my papers in his files and a note
saying he never saw such a constant/nonstop flow of executive excuses
why they weren't ready for publication.

Mar/Apr '05 eserver mag referencing my archived postings website,
although garbled some of the details

a more recent tome

IBM downturn/downfall/breakup posts
getting to play disk engineer in bldg14&15 posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

old pharts, Multics vs Unix

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2025 08:30:10 -1000

Dan Espen <> writes:

You'd buy a mainframe if you accumulated billions of dollars worth of
software developed to only to run on mainframes.

IBM is still selling mainframe hardware.

re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix old pharts, Multics vs Unix old pharts, Multics vs Unix old pharts, Multics vs Unix old pharts, Multics vs Unix old pharts, Multics vs Unix old pharts, Multics vs Unix old pharts, Multics vs Unix

turn of century, mainframe hardware was a few percent of IBM revenue
and dropping. a decade ago, mainframe hardware was a couple percent of
revenue and still dropping ... however the mainframe group accounted
for 25% of revenue and 40% of profit ... nearly all software and

past posts mentioning mainframe hardware and manframe group revenue ReBoot Hill Revisited IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964 RS/6000 Mainframe Security Chips and Chip Fabs z/VM 50th - part 2 What is IBM SNA? 9 Mainframe Statistics That May Surprise You FedEx to Stop Using Mainframes, Close All Data Centers By 2024 IBM Chairman John Opel IBM 37x5 Boxes IBM Z16 - The Mainframe Is Dead, Long Live The Mainframe Financial longevity that redhat gives IBM IBM Mainframe market was Re: Approximate reciprocals Computer Performance Big Blue's big email blues signal terminal decline - unless it learns to migrate itself IBM email migration disaster Amdahl IBM: Buying While Apathetaic PDP-11 question computer component reliability, 1951 SEX The Pentagon still uses computer software from 1958 to manage its contracts IBM Continues To Crumble The Mainframe is "Alive and Kicking"

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

old pharts, Multics vs Unix vs mainframes

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix vs mainframes
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2025 08:53:26 -1000

John Levine <> writes:

I agree that mainframes is a legacy business but it's one that still has
a long life aheade it it.

re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix

IBM deliberately misclassified mainframe sales to enrich execs, lawsuit
claims. Lawsuit accuses Big Blue of cheating investors by shifting
systems revenue to trendy cloud, mobile tech

IBM has been sued by investors who claim the company under former CEO
Ginni Rometty propped up its stock price and deceived shareholders by
misclassifying revenues from its non-strategic mainframe business - and
moving said sales to its strategic business segments - in violation of
securities regulations.

... snip ...

past posts mentioning the above IBM and Amdahl history (Re: What is an N-bit machine?) IBM Downturn and Downfall Father, Son & CO. My Life At IBM And Beyond IBM - Making The World Work Better The Death of the Engineer CEO Former AMEX President and New IBM CEO The Greatest Capitalist Who Ever Lived Father, Son & CO IBM Breakup IBM Systems Revenue Put Into a Historical Context IBM deliberately misclassified mainframe sales to enrich execs, lawsuit claims

IBM downturn/downfall/breakup posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

old pharts, Multics vs Unix vs mainframes

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix vs mainframes
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2025 12:59:08 -1000

re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix vs mainframes

periodically reposted, including in afc a couple years ago

industry benchmark ... number of program iterations compared to
reference platform. Early mainframe actual benchmarks ... later
mainframe numbers derived from pubs with percent difference change
from previous generation (similar to most recent mainframe revenue,
revenue derived from percent change)

Early 90s:

•eight processor ES/9000-982 : 408MIPS, 51MIPS/processor
•RS6000/990 : 126MIPS; 16-way cluster: 2016MIPS, 128-way cluster:
16,128MIPS (16.128BIPS)

Then somerset/AIM (apple, ibm, motorola), power/pc single chip as well
as motorola 88k bus supporting cache consistency for multiprocessor.
i86/Pentium new generation where i86 instructions are hardware
translated to RISC micro-ops for actual execution (negating RISC
system advantage compared to i86).

•1999 single IBM PowerPC 440 hits 1,000MIPS (>six times each Dec2000
z900 processor)
•1999 single Pentium3 hits 2,054MIPS (twice PowerPC and 13times each
Dec2000 z900 processor).

Mainframe this century:

z900, 16 processors, 2.5BIPS (156MIPS/proc), Dec2000
z990, 32 processors, 9BIPS, (281MIPS/proc), 2003
z9, 54 processors, 18BIPS (333MIPS/proc), July2005
z10, 64 processors, 30BIPS (469MIPS/proc), Feb2008
z196, 80 processors, 50BIPS (625MIPS/proc), Jul2010
EC12, 101 processors, 75BIPS (743MIPS/proc), Aug2012
z13, 140 processors, 100BIPS (710MIPS/proc), Jan2015
z14, 170 processors, 150BIPS (862MIPS/proc), Aug2017
z15, 190 processors, 190BIPS (1000MIPS/proc), Sep2019
z16, 200 processors, 222BIPS (1111MIPS/proc), Sep2022

Note max configured z196 (& 50BIPS) went for $30M, at same time
E5-2600 server blade (two 8core XEON & 500BIPS) had IBM base list
price of $1815 (before industry press announced server chip vendors
were shipping half the product directly to cloud megadatacenters for
assembly at 1/3rd price of brand name systems, and IBM sells off
server blade business)

Large cloud operations can have score of megadatacenters around the
world, each with half million or more server blades (2010 era
megadatacenter: processing equivalent around 5M max-configured z196

trivia, IBM early 80s, disk division hardware revenue slightly passed
high end mainframe division hardware revenue. Late 80s, senior disk
engineer got talk scheduled at annual, world-wide, internal
communication group conference, supposedly on 3174 performance but
opens the talk with statement that communication group was going to be
responsible for the demise of the disk division. The disk division was
seeing data fleeing mainframe datacenters to more distributed
computing friendly platforms, with drop in disk sales. They had come up
with a number of solutions but were constantly vetoed by the
communication group (had corporate strategic responsibility for
everything that crossed datacenter walls and were fiercely fighting
off client/server and distributed computing).

The disk division software executive partial work around was investing
in distributed computing startups (who would use IBM disks, as well as
sponsored POSIX implementation for MVS). He would sometimes ask us to
visit his investment to see if we could provide any help.

Turns out communication group affecting the whole mainframe revenue
and couple years later, IBM has one of the largest losses in the
history of US corporations ... and IBM was being reorged into the 13
"baby blues" (take off on "baby bells" in breakup a decade earlier) in
preparation for breakup,9171,977353,00.html,33009,977353-1,00.html

We had already left IBM but get a call from the bowels of Armonk (IBM
hdqtrs) asking if we could help with the breakup. Before we get
started, the board brings in the former AMEX president as CEO to try
and save the company, who (somewhat) reverses the breakup (although it
wasn't long before the disk division is gone).

Then IBM becomes a financial engineering company

Stockman; The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America

IBM was not the born-again growth machine trumpeted by the mob of
Wall Street momo traders. It was actually a stock buyback
contraption on steroids. During the five years ending in fiscal 2011,
the company spent a staggering $67 billion repurchasing its own
shares, a figure that was equal to 100 percent of its net income.


Total shareholder distributions, including dividends, amounted to $82
billion, or 122 percent, of net income over this five-year
period. Likewise, during the last five years IBM spent less on capital
investment than its depreciation and amortization charges, and also
shrank its constant dollar spending for research and development by
nearly 2 percent annually.

(2013) New IBM Buyback Plan Is For Over 10 Percent Of Its Stock
(2014) IBM Asian Revenues Crash, Adjusted Earnings Beat On Tax Rate
Fudge; Debt Rises 20% To Fund Stock Buybacks (gone behind paywall)

The company has represented that its dividends and share repurchases
have come to a total of over $159 billion since 2000.

(2016) After Forking Out $110 Billion on Stock Buybacks, IBM Shifts
Its Spending Focus
(2018) ... still doing buybacks ... but will (now?, finally?, a
little?)  shift focus needing it for redhat purchase.
(2019) IBM Tumbles After Reporting Worst Revenue In 17 Years As Cloud
Hits Air Pocket (gone behind paywall)

megadatacenter posts
stock buyback posts
IBM downturn/downfall/breakup posts

private equity posts
pension posts
gerstner posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM Mainframe Terminals

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM Mainframe Terminals
Date: 31 Jan, 2025
Blog: Facebook

3272/3277 had .086sec hardware response ... 3278 moves a lot of
hardware back up into the 3274 controller (significantly reducing 3278
manufacturing cost), which greatly increased the coax protocol
chatter, driving up the hardware response from .3sec to .5sec
(depending amount of data transferred).  It also shows up in later
IBM/PC 3270 emulation cards, 3277 emulation card had 4-5 times the
upload/download thruput (compared to 3278 emulation). This was in
period with studies showing increased productivity with .25sec
interactive response (w/3277 hardware .086 ... needed mainframe system
response 0164sec for .25sec seen by human (3278 hardware .3sec-.5sec,
needed time machine in order to get interactive .25sec response).
Letter written to 3278 product administrator had reply that 3278
wasn't intended for interactive computing ... but "data entry"
(i.e. electronic keypunch).

All (real) 3270 were half-duplex and happening to hit a key at same
time write was going to screen, locked the keyboard (and had to be
manually reset). 3277 had enough electronics that YKT developed a FIFO
box, unplug the keyboard from the 3277 head, plug in the FIFO box and
plug the keyboard into the FIFO box (eliminating the periodic keyboard
lock annoyance, of course that went away with IBM/PC simulated 3270s).

At the time, my internal systems were seeing .11sec trivial
interactive system response ... the next tier of internal systems were
claiming .25sec trivial interactive system response ... but for
interactive response to be .25sec, needed no more than 0164sec system
when using 3277 terminals (and negative time of -.05sec to -.25sec
system response with 3278) .... issue didn't come up with MVS/TSO
users, since at the time, it was rare for TSO to even have 1sec system

The difference showed up at SJR, that replaced 370/195 MVT with a
370/168 MVS and 370/158 VM/370 ... all 3830 DASD controllers were dual
channel to both systems ... but strict rules that no MVS packs could
be placed on 3330 strings with VM370 designated 3830 controllers. One
morning it happened and immediately operations got calls from all over
the bldg about enormously degraded CMS response. MVS (from OS/360
heritage) heavily relied on multi-track searches (that locked out
controllers and all associated disks) which inteferred with CMS file
accesses. Demands to operations that the pack be immediately moved got
a response that they would do move 2nd shift. A highly optimized VM370
VS1 system pack was then put up on an MVS "string" doing its own
multi-tracks searches (the optimized VS1 on the heavily loaded VM370
158 easily out-performed MVS on real 168 ... which slowed down all MVS
throughput, significantly alleviating the degradation it was causing
to CMS response). Then operations aggreed to immediately move the MVS

trivia: 1980, STL (since renamed SVL) was bursting at the seams and
300 people (& 3270s) from the IMS (DBMS) group was being moved to
offsite bldg with dataprocessing back to STL datacenter. They had
tried "remote 3270" but found human factors totally unacceptable
(compared to inside STL). I get con'ed into doing channel extender
support so the 3270 channel attached controllers could be placed at
the offsite bldg, with no percept9ble difference in human factors
compared to in STL. They then discover that the 168 system dedicated
to the offsite IMS group were getting 10-15% higher system
throughput. It turns out that all the STL datacenter mainframes had
3270 controllers were spread across mainframe system channels shared
with DASD. The channel-extender hardware had significantly less
mainframe channel busy (for the same amount of 3270 activity),
improving DASD throughput. There was some consideration using
channel-extenders for all 3270 controllers (whether they were inside
STL or offsite), improving system throughput of all systems.

trivia2: VM370 implemented passthrough virtual machine (PVM) that
simulated 3270s over the internal network ... which also included
gateway to the internal CCDN terminal network. Then for the
travel/home terminal program got special encrypting 2400 baud modems
(that could simulate industry standard modem). On VM370 there was home
terminal service that used PVM for host 3270 emulation and a IBM/PC
app that simulated 3270 terminal. The host/PC (PCTERM) maintained
synchronized caches of recently transmitted data,, could specify
changes to the current screen display (actual data, or pieces of data
from cache), reducing amount of data transmitted. For actual data
transmitted, it was further reduced using compression.

misc. other posts mentioning SJR 370/168 MVS mis-mounted 3330 incident
degrading CMS throughput IBM 4300, VS1, VM370 Multitrack Search Performance Main memory as an I/O device S/360 addressing, not Honeywell 200 VSE timeline [was: RE: VSAM usage for ancient disk models] MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821) Qbasic [Poll] Computing favorities Old data storage or data base Graph of total world disk space over time? CKD DASD

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

old pharts, Multics vs Unix vs mainframes

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix vs mainframes
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2025 17:38:16 -1000

John Levine <> writes:

I gather that a major reason one still uses a mainframe is databases and
in particular database locking.  Whi;e the aggregate throughput of a lot
of blades may be more than a single mainframe, when you need to do database
updates it's a lot faster if the updates are in one place rather than
trying to synchronize a lot of loosely coupled systems.  On that 200
processor z16, you can do a CAS on one processor and the other 199
will see it consistently.

I realize there are ways around this, sharding and such, but there's good
reasons that the reading parts of database applications are widely
distributed while the writing parts are not.

re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix vs mainframes old pharts, Multics vs Unix vs mainframes

Some of this left over from mid-90s where billions were spent on
reWriting mainframe financial systems that queued real time
transactions for processing during overnight batch settlement windows
(many from the 60s&70s) ... to straight-through processing using large
number of parallelized killer micros. Some of us pointed out that they
were using industry standard parallelization libraries that had hundred
times the overhead of mainframe cobol batch ... ignored until their
pilots went down in flames (retrenching to the existing status quo).

A major change was combination of 1) major RDBMS vendors (including IBM)
did significiant throughput performance work on cluster RDBMS, 2)
implementations done with fine-grain SQL statements that were highly
parallelized (rather than RYO implementation parallelization), and 3)
non-mainframe systems having significantly higher throughput.

2022 z16 200 processors shared memory multiprocessor and aggregate
222BIPS (1.11BIPS/processor) compared to (single blade) 2010 e5-2600 16
processors shared memory multiprocessor and aggregate 500BIPS
(31BIPS/processor) ... 2010 E5-2600 systen ten times 2022 z16 (2010
e5-2600 processor 30 times 2022 z16 processor). 2010 E5-2600 could have
up to eight processors (with aggregate throughput more than 2022 200
processor z16) sharing cache (w/o going all the way to memory).

When I has doing HA/CMP ... it originally started out HA/6000 for
NYTimes to move their newspaper system (ATEX) off DEC VAXCluster to
RS/6000. I rename it HA/CMP when start doing cluster scaleup with
national labs and RDBMS vendors (oracle, sybase, ingres, informix) that
had VAXCluster in same source base with UNIX.

I did distributed lock manager that emulated VAXCluster DLI semantics
... but with a lot of enhancements. RDBMS had been doing cluster with
logging and lazy writes to home location ... however when write lock had
to move to a different system ... they had to force any pending
associated write to RDBMS "home" location ... the system receiving the
lock then would read the latest value from disk. Since I would be using
gbit+ links, I did a DLI that could transmit both the lock ownership as
well as the latest record(s) (avoiding the immediate disk write followed
by immediate disk read on different system). Failures would recover from
log records updating RDBMS "home" records.

However, still prefer to have transaction routing to processor
(processor and/or cache affinity) holding current lock ... this is the
observation that cache miss (all the main storage) when measured in
count of processor cycles ... is similar to 60s disk latency when
measured in 60s processor cycles (if purely for throughput).

I had also coined the terms disaster survivability and "geographically
survivability" when out marketing HA/CMP ... so more processing for
coordinate data at replicated distributed locations. Jim Gray's study of
availability outages were increasingly shifting to human mistakes and
environmental (as hardware was becoming increasingly reliable, I had worked
with Jim Gray on System/R before he left IBM SJR for Tandem fall81).
'85 paper

In 1988, the IBM branch asks if i could help LLNL (national lab) with
standardization of some serial stuff they were working with, which
quickly becomes fibre standard channel (FCS, initially 1gbit/sec
transfer, full-duplex, aggregate 200Mbytes/sec, including some stuff I
had done in 1980). POK ships their fiber stuff in 1990 with ES/9000 as
ESCON (when it was already obsolete, 17mbytes/sec). Then some POK
engineers become involved with FCS and define heavy weight protocol that
significantly reduces throughput, ships as "FICON"

Latest public benchmark I could find was (2010) z196 "Peak I/O" getting
2M IOPS using 104 FICON. About the same time a "FCS" was announced for
E5-2600 server blade claimining over million IOPS (two such FCS would
have higher throughput than 104 FICON ... that run over FCS). Also, IBM
pubs recommend that SAPs (system assist proceessors that actually do
I/O) be kept to 70% CPU ... which would be more like 1.5M IOPS. Also no
CKD DASD have been made for decades, all being simulated on industry
standard fixed-block disks.

HA/CMP posts
available posts
system/r posts
FICON &/or FCS posts

some recent posts mention straight-through processing ReBoot Hill Revisited Cobol Vintage Future System Mainframe and/or Cloud lock me up, was IBM Mainframe market IBM z16: Built to Build the Future of Your Business Fujitsu confirms end date for mainframe and Unix systems Final Rules of Thumb on How Computing Affects Organizations and People Mainframe "Peak I/O" benchmark A brief overview of IBM's new 7 nm Telum mainframe CPU IBM email migration disaster Killer Micros IBM: Buying While Apathetaic mainframe hacking "success stories"? Douglas Engelbart, the forgotten hero of modern computing Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this Somewhat Interesting Mainframe Article OFF TOPIC: University of California, Irvine, revokes 500 admissions The Mainframe vs. the Server Farm: A Comparison The Pentagon still uses computer software from 1958 to manage its contracts The ICL 2900 The ICL 2900

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM Mainframe Terminals

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM Mainframe Terminals
Date: 01 Feb, 2025
Blog: Facebook

re: IBM Mainframe Terminals

was it IBM product?. the one I did the support for STL moving 300
people (from IMS group) to offsite bldg, was done originally by
Thornton (with Cray responsible for CDC6600). Ran over channel on
Collins digital radio T3 microwave that IBM had installed in south san

Also went into IBM Boulder moving large group to bldg across highway
... used Infrared modem between roofs of the two bldgs. There was
concern that Boulder severe weather would block transmission ... had
bit-error testers on subchannel and during severe snow storm when
people couldn't get into work ... saw only a few bit-errors. Did have
a problem with sun warming bldgs during the day and uneven heating of
the bldg, shifted roofs and moved the infrared modems out of
alignment. Had to carefully select positions on the respective roofs
that minimized shifting the alignment of the modems.

Trivia: when 1st moved to SJR, got to wander around (IBM and non-IBM)
datacenters in silicon valley, including disk bldg14/engineering and
bldg15/product test across the street. They were running 7x/24,
prescheduled, stand-alone mainframe testing. They mentioned that they
had recently tried MVS, but it had 15min MTBF (in that environment)
requiring manual re-IPL. I offered to rewrite i/o supervisor to be
bullet-proof and never fail enabling any amount of on-demand
concurrent testing, greatly improving productivity. I then wrote
(internal) research report about all the work and happened to mention
the MVS 15min MTBF and also offered to help the MVS group fix all
their problems ... turns out that brought done the wrath of the MVS
group on my head (informally told that the MVS group tried to have me
separated from the IBM company, when that didn't work, they tried to
make things unpleasant in other ways).

other trivia; back when undergraduate, univ was replacing 709/1401
with 360/67 originally for tss/360 ... they got a 360/30 temporarily
replacing 1401 pending 360/67 availability. after taking 2hr intro to
fortran/computers at end of semester was hired to rewrite 1401 MPIO in
360 assembler for 360/30. The univ. shutdown datacenter on weekends
and I would have place dedicated, although 48hrs w/o sleep made monday
classes hard. Then when 360/67 arrived, I was hired fulltime
responsible for os/360 (tss/360 never came to production) and kept my
48hr dedicated weekend time.

then science center came out to install cp67 (3rd after csc itself and
MIT lincoln labs). It came with 1052 and 2741 terminal support
(implemented with automagic terminal type identification, changing
telecommunication terminal type scanner with the SAD channel
command). The univ had some Teletype ASCII terminals so I add
TTY/ASCII support (integrated with automagic terminal type).

I then wanted to have single dialin number for all terminals, didn't
quite work ... while changing port scanner type worked, IBM had taken
short cut and hardwired port line speed. Univ. then kicked off project
to do clone controller, build a 360 channel interface board for
Interdata/3 programmed to emulate IBM controller with the addition
that it did auto baud rate. It was then upgraded to Interdata/4 for
the channel interface and cluster of Interdata/3s for port
interfaces. Interdata (and then Perkin-Elmer) were selling as clone
controller and four of us got written responsible for (some part of)
clone controller business.

mid-80s, the communication group was fiercely fighting off
client/server and distributed computing and trying to block release of
mainframe TCP/IP. When that failed, they changed tactics and said that
since they had corporate responsibility for everything that crossed
datacenter walls, it had to be released through them. What shipped got
aggregate 44kbytes/sec using nearly whole 3090 processor.
Thornton&company had come out with a high performance TCP/IP router
(with channel interfaces, 16 high-performance Ethernet interfaces,
T1&T3 telco support, FDDI lans, etc ... and I did the RFC1044 support;
in some tuning tests at Cray Research between Cray and 4341, got
sustained channel throughput using only modest amount of 4341 CPU
... something like 500 times increase in bytes moved per instruction

channel-extender posts
DASD, CKD, FBA, multi-track search
getting to play disk engineer posts
clone controller posts
RFC1044 posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

old pharts, Multics vs Unix vs mainframes

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix vs mainframes
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sun, 02 Feb 2025 12:55:46 -1000

Lynn Wheeler <> writes:

Some of this left over from mid-90s where billions were spent on
reWriting mainframe financial systems that queued real time
transactions for processing during overnight batch settlement windows
(many from the 60s&70s) ... to straight-through processing using large
number of parallelized killer micros. Some of us pointed out that they
were using industry standard parallelization libraries that had hundred
times the overhead of mainframe cobol batch ... ignored until their
pilots went down in flames (retrenching to the existing status quo).

A major change was combination of 1) major RDBMS vendors (including IBM)
did significiant throughput performance work on cluster RDBMS, 2)
implementations done with fine-grain SQL statements that were highly
parallelized (rather than RYO implementation parallelization), and 3)
non-mainframe systems having significantly higher throughput.

re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix vs mainframes old pharts, Multics vs Unix vs mainframes old pharts, Multics vs Unix vs mainframes

I got performance gig at turn of century w/financial outsourcer that
handled half of all credit card accounts in the US ... datacenter had
>40 max configured mainframe systems (none older than 18months) all
running the same 450K statement Cobol app (number needed to finish
settlement in the overnight batch window i.e. real-time
transactions were still being queued for settlement in overnight
batch window).

after turn of century got involved with operation that had experience
doing large scale financial production apps for a couple decades and
had developed a fiancial application language that translated
financial transaction specifications into fine-grain SQL
statements. It significantly reduced development effort and showed
that it was significantly more agile responding to things like
regulatory changes.

they prepared a number of applications that simulated the 5 or 6
largest financial operations that then existed, for demos ... showing
a six multiprocessor (four processors each) intel/microsoft system
cluster having many times the throughput capacity of the existing
production operations.

then demo'ed at multiple financial industry organizations that
initially saw high acceptance ... then hit brick wall ... eventually
told that most of their executives still bore the scars from the 90s
"modernization" disasters.

Note the 90s disaster with large number of parallelized killer micros
involved processors with throughput that were small fraction of
mainframe and (effectively) toy parallelization.  move to middle of
the 1st decade after the turn of the century ... and those systems now

1) higher throughput (1999 pentium3 single processor chip rated at
2BIPS while max. configured DEC2000 IBM Mainframe z900 (16 processors)
was only 2.5BIPS aggregate) ... and Intel was still doubling chip
throughput every 18-24months (aided in part with transition to
multi-core).  July2005 IBM z9 with max-configured 54processor clocked
at 18BIPS aggregate (333MIPS/processor) ... while Intel single
multi-core chip was at least twice that.

2) significantly higher non-cluster and cluster RDBMS throughput

3) basically both mainframe & non-mainframe were using the same
industry standard fixed-block disks ... giving non-mainframe higher
IOPS advantage with mainframe requiring extra layer providing CKD

trivia: late 70s an IBM SE on financial industry account with large
number of ATM machines, transactions running on 370/168 TPF machine.
He then re-implemented the ATM transactions on 370/158 VM370 machine
... and was getting higher throughput (than TPF). He did some hacks to
get the ATM transcation pathlength close to TPF (ATM transaction
processing relatively trivial, typically swamped by disk I/O) ... and
then all sorts of very sophisticated transaction scheduling strategies
to optimize tansactions per disk arm sweep, including looking at
account records on the same arm, evaluating historical transaction
patterns (both by ATM machine and by account) that might include
slight delays in some transactions. This was cluster of virtual
machines ... virtual machines for transaction routing and
sceduling along with dedicated virtual machines for each disk

DASD, CKD, FBA, multi-track search posts

some posts mentioning financial processing specification
translated to fine-grain SQL Fujitsu confirms end date for mainframe and Unix systems A brief overview of IBM's new 7 nm Telum mainframe CPU Killer Micros

other 450K statement cobol app posts Computer System Performance Work Cobol Cobol IBM User Group SHARE Mainframe Performance Optimization Mainframe Performance Analysis IBM System/360 JCL Account Transaction Update IRS and legacy COBOL Performance Predictor, IBM downfall, and new CEO smaller faster cheaper, computer history thru the lens of esthetics versus economics COBOL and tricks Channel Program I/O Processing Efficiency lock me up, was IBM Mainframe market IBM z16: Built to Build the Future of Your Business Mainframe Performance Target Marketing Computer Performance Card Associations VM370, 3081, and AT&T Long Lines UPS & PDUs Performance Monitoring, Analysis, Simulation, etc How Gerstner Rebuilt IBM MAINFRAME (4341) History IBM CEO IBM CEOs

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

360/370 IPL

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: 360/370 IPL
Date: 02 Feb, 2025
Blog: Facebook

Note: 360 IPL, loads 24bytes from device, PSW and two CCWs and does a
"TIC" to the two CCWs, when that I/O completes, it loads the PSW. Some
IPL sequences will have the first CCW loading more CCWs and the 2nd
CCW is TIC to the additional CCWs. There were various hacks, a
"stand-alone" assembler module could include 2 or 3 "PUNCH" statements
that PUNCHes a simple loader in front of the assembler TXT deck output
for self-loading program.

back when undergraduate, univ was replacing 709/1401 with 360/67
originally for tss/360 ... they got a 360/30 temporarily replacing
1401 pending 360/67 availability. after taking 2hr intro to
fortran/computers at end of semester was hired to rewrite 1401 MPIO in
360 assembler for 360/30. The univ. shutdown datacenter on weekends
and I would have place dedicated, although 48hrs w/o sleep made monday
classes hard. Then when 360/67 arrived, I was hired fulltime
responsible for os/360 (tss/360 never came to production) and kept my
48hr dedicated weekend time.

then science center came out to install cp67 (3rd after csc itself and
MIT lincoln labs). At the time all CP67 source was on OS/360
... assemble individual CP67 modules, get assembler punch output, mark
top with diagonal strip and module name, place in organized sequence
in card tray with BPS loader at the front. IPL the card desk, which
passes control to CPINIT ... that writes the memory image to disk
... set to invoke CPINIT that reverses the process.

A couple months later, get distribution that has moved all CP67 source
files to CMS. Now can have exec that effectively punches virtual card
tray of BPS loader followed to all assembled module TXT decks
... transferred to virtual read ... which can be IPLed ... whole
process of system build now done virtually. As backup the equivalent
of the card tray is saved to tape ... which can be IPLed (used if new
system fails and need to drop back to prior version).

I then want to make significant, low useage portions of the CP67
"pageable" (not in fixed memory) ... I split modules into 4K chunks,
placed on 4k page boundaries placed following CPINIT. I find that when
BPS loader branches to CPINIT, it also passes address and count of ESD
loader table entries in registers. I modify CPINIT to append the
loader table to the end of the pageable area. Problem was that
fragmenting some modules into 4K chunks increased the number of ESD
entries to more than the BPS loader 255 max ... and had to do some
serious hacks to keep number of ESD entries to 255. Later when I
graduate and join science center ... and find a copy of the BPS loader
source in cabinet in 545 tech attic storage room ... and modify it to
handle more than 255 entries. CP67 pageable kernel wasn't shipped to
customers ... but I included it in my internal distribution.

trivia: Some of the MIT CTSS/7094 people had gone to the 5th flr to do
MULTICS, others had gone to science center on 4th flr and did (virtual
machine) CP40 (and do virtual memory hardware mods to 360/40), when
360/67 standard with virtual memory becomes available, CP40 morphs
into CP67. When virtual memory is announced for all 370s and decision
for VM370 product, some of the CSC people split off from the science
center (on the 4th flr) and take over the IBM Boston Programming
Center on the 3rd flr ... and pageable kernel is one of the things
borrowed from CP67.

CSC posts

recent related posts 50 years ago, CP/M started the microcomputer revolution 50 years ago, CP/M started the microcomputer revolution Early Email Early Email old pharts, Multics vs Unix IBM Mainframe Terminals IBM Mainframe Terminals

some previous posts mentioning BPS loader Creative Ways To Say How Old You Are IBM 23June1969 Unbundling Announcement MVT, MVS, MVS/XA & Posix support 360 CARD IPL Is this group only about older computers? CP67 and BPS Loader

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM Bus&TAG Cables

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM Bus&TAG Cables
Date: 02 Feb, 2025
Blog: Facebook

original bus&tag limited to 200ft half-duplex did end to end handshake
for every byte transferred ... and could got 1.5mbyte/sec (for shorter
distances) ... then 3mbytes & 400ft limit bus&tag still half duplex
wtih "data streaming" ... multiple bytes transfer per end-to-end

I had done full-duplex concurrent streaming, serial in 1980 with
channel programs downloaded to remote end. Then in 1988, IBM branch
office asks if I could help LLNL (national lab) standardize some
serial stuff they were working with, which quickly becomes
fibre-channel standard (FCS, initially 1gbit transfer, full-duplex,
200mbyte/sec aggregate). About the same time POK releases ESCON
(17mbyte/sec, when it is already obsolete).

Austin RS6000 engineers had played with early ESCON spec and tweaked
it to be about 10% faster but also full-duplex ("SLA", serial link
adapter) ... however it couldn't talk to anything else but other
RS6000s. The engineers then wanted to do an 800mbit version of "SLA",
but I badger them into joining the FCS committee instead.

Then some POK engineers become involved with FCS and defines
heavy-weight FCS protocol that significantly reduces throughput,
released as FICON. Most recent benchmark I can find is z196 "Peak I/O"
that gets 2M IOPS using 104 "FICON". About the same time a FCS was
announced for E5-2600 server blades claiming over million IOPS (two
such FCS getting higher throughput than 104 FICON). Note also IBM pubs
recommend that SAPs (system assist processors that do actual I/O) be
kept to 70% CPU ... making it closer to 1.5M IOPS instead.

channel-extender posts
FICON &/or FCS posts

some posts mentioning serial link adapter (SLA) IBM Token-Ring David Boggs, Co-Inventor of Ethernet, Dies at 71 IBM Downturn ARM Cortex A53 64 bit ESCON 25 reasons why hardware is still hot at IBM Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening? Mainframe running 1,500 Linux servers? Anyone going to Supercomputers '09 in Portland? A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing DMV systems? OT?

trivia: 3380 were 3mbyte/sec transfer (needing 3mbyte/sec bus&tag
data streaming). Original 3380 had 20 track spacings between each data
track. They then cut the spacing in half for double the tracks (&
cylinders), then cut the spacing again for triple the tracks (&

then the father of 801/RISC asks me to help him with idea for "wide"
disk head ... handling 16 closely spaced tracks transferring data in
parallel for 50mbyes/sec (following servo track on each side of 16
data track grouping, format had servo track between each data track
group) ... problem was IBM channel was still stuck at 3mbyte/sec

a few posts mentioning 3380 and wide disk head: Thin-film Disk Heads FCS, ESCON, FICON IBM CKD DASD Disk Capacity and Channel Performance IBM "Winchester" Disk IBM Millicode Shared Memory Feature Vintage DASD Vintage RS/6000 Mainframe Vintage IBM 3380s

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM Bus&TAG Cables

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM Bus&TAG Cables
Date: 02 Feb, 2025
Blog: Facebook

re: IBM Bus&TAG Cables

note the "peak I/O" benchmark of 2M IOPS with 104 FICON is about 20K
IOPS per FICON. the references last decade I saw (zhpf & tcw) for
FICON was about 3 times improvement ... which would be about 60K IOPS
per FICON ... still a long way from the 2010 FCS announced for E5-2600
server blade claiming over million IOPS.

posts mentioning FICON (&/or FCS)

posts mentioning FICON, zhpf & tcw: Disk Capacity and Channel Performance Ferranti Atlas paging 64 bit addressing into the future Migration off Mainframe to other platform Paging subsystems in the era of bigass memory GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe System z: I/O Interoperability Evolution - From Bus & Tag to FICON The ICL 2900 Retrieving data from old hard drives? Can commodity hardware actually emulate the power of a mainframe? CeBIT and mainframes CeBIT and mainframes [CM] IBM releases Z13 Mainframe - looks like Batman [CM] IBM releases Z13 Mainframe - looks like Batman ancient terminals, was The Tragedy of Rapid Evolution? Is end of mainframe near ? Old data storage or data base Tech Time Warp of the Week: The 50-Pound Portable PC, 1977 Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee Mainframes are still the best platform for high volume transaction processing Mainframes are still the best platform for high volume transaction processing Under what circumstances would it be a mistake to migrate applications/workload off the mainframe? history of Programming language and CPU in relation to each Under what circumstances would it be a mistake to migrate applications/workload off the mainframe? How to get a tape's DSCB Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee I.B.M. Mainframe Evolves to Serve the Digital World Intel Confirms Decline of Server Giants HP, Dell, and IBM Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Online Social Media

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Online Social Media
Date: 03 Feb, 2025
Blog: Facebook

start offering their CMS-based online computer conferencing service
for free to the (mainframe) SHARE organization
for free starting aug1976, archives here:

I cut a deal with TYMSAHRE for monthly tape of all VMSHARE files (and
later after IBM/PC, PCSHARE files) for putting up on internal network
& systems, biggest problem was concern that internal employees would
be contaminated exposed to unfiltered customer information. I was then
blamed for online computer conferencing late 70s and early 80s on the
internal nework, it really took off spring of 1981 when I distributed
trip report of visit to Jim Gray at Tandem, only about 300 directly
participated but claims that upwards of 25,000 were reading
... "Tandem Memos" from IBMJargon

Tandem Memos - n. Something constructive but hard to control; a fresh
of breath air (sic). That's another Tandem Memos. A phrase to worry
middle management. It refers to the computer-based conference (widely
distributed in 1981) in which many technical personnel expressed
dissatisfaction with the tools available to them at that time, and
also constructively criticized the way products were [are]
developed. The memos are required reading for anyone with a serious
interest in quality products. If you have not seen the memos, try
reading the November 1981 Datamation summary.

... snip ...

folklore is when corporate executive committee was told, 5of6 wanted
to fire me. One of the outcomes was officially sanction conferencing
software and moderated forums (also supported the various "tools"

Note the internal network spawned from the CP-67-based scientific
center wide-area network centered in cambridge & non-SNA/VTAM (larger
than arpanet/internet from the beginning until sometime mid/late 80s
... about the time the internal network was forced to convert to

online computer conferencing posts
science center posts
internal network posts
commercial (virtual machine) online services

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Online Social Media

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Online Social Media
Date: 03 Feb, 2025
Blog: Facebook

re: Online Social Media

One of inventors at GML at science center (in 1969) comment about
CP67-based "wide-area" network

Actually, the law office application was the original motivation for
the project, something I was allowed to do part-time because of my
knowledge of the user requirements. My real job was to encourage the
staffs of the various scientific centers to make use of the
CP-67-based Wide Area Network that was centered in Cambridge.

... snip ...

technology was also used for the corporate sponsored univ. BITNET

had been ported to CMS as SCRIPT. After GML was invented, GML tag
processing was added to SCRIPT, after a decade morphs into ISO
standard SGML, after another decade morphs into HTML at CERN. First
webserver in the US is (CERN's sister institution) Stanford SLAC VM370

Edson (passed Aug2020), responsible for CP67 wide-area network (that
morphs into company internal network) In June 1975, MIT

Professor Jerry Saltzer accompanied Hendricks to DARPA, where
Hendricks described his innovations to the principal scientist,
Dr. Vinton Cerf. Later that year in September 15-19 of 75, Cerf and
Hendricks were the only two delegates from the United States, to
attend a workshop on Data Communications at the International
Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2361 Laxenburg Austria where
again, Hendricks spoke publicly about his innovative design which
paved the way to the Internet as we know it today.

... snip ...

newspaper article about some of Edson's IBM TCP/IP battles:
Also from wayback machine, some additional (IBM missed) references
from Ed's website

Old email from person in Paris tapped to form BITNET "in Europe"
("EARN", had been on sabbatical at CSC in late 60s and early 70s)
... looking for online apps:

Date: 03/20/84  15:15:41
To: wheeler

Hello Lynn,

I have left LaGaude last September for a 3 years assignement to IBM
Europe, where I am starting a network that IBM helps the universities
to start.

This network, called EARN (European Academic and Research Network),
is, roughly speaking, a network of VM/CMS machines, and it looks like
our own VNET. It includes some non IBM machines (many VAX, some CDC,
UNIVAC and some IBM compatible mainframes). EARN is a 'brother' of the
US network BITNET to which it is connected.

EARN is starting now, and 9 countries will be connected by June.  It
includes some national networks, such as JANET in U.K., SUNET in

I am now trying to find applications which could be of great interest
for the EARN users, and I am open to all ideas you may have.
Particularly, I am interested in computer conferencing.

... snip ... top of post, old email index, HSDT email

shortly later, mailing list ('revised') listserv appears in Paris.

that has subset of the internal "sanctioned" forum and tools software.

Edson and I transfer from Cambridge in 1977 to IBM SJR on west
coast. In early 80s, I get HSDT, T1 and faster computer links (both
satellite and terrestrial) and some number of battles with the
communication group (note in 60s, IBM had the 2701 telecommunication
controller that supported T1, however issues with IBM's move to
SNA/VTAM in the 70s appeared to cap links at 56kbit/sec). Was also
working with NSF Director and was suppose to get $20M to interconnect
the NSF Supercomputer centers. Then congress cuts the budget, some
other things happen and eventually an RFP is released (in part based
on what we already had running). NSF 28Mar1986 Preliminary

The OASC has initiated three programs: The Supercomputer Centers
Program to provide Supercomputer cycles; the New Technologies Program
to foster new supercomputer software and hardware developments; and
the Networking Program to build a National Supercomputer Access
Network - NSFnet.

... snip ...

IBM internal politics was not allowing us to bid (being blamed for
online computer conferencing inside IBM likely contributed). The NSF
director tried to help by writing the company a letter (3Apr1986, NSF
Director to IBM Chief Scientist and IBM Senior VP and director of
Research, copying IBM CEO) with support from other gov. agencies
... but that just made the internal politics worse (as did claims that
what we already had operational was at least 5yrs ahead of the winning
bid), as regional networks connect in, it becomes the NSFNET backbone,
precursor to modern internet.

other trivia: communication group was fiercely fighting off
client/server and distributed computing and was also trying to block
release of mainframe TCP/IP support. When that failed, they changed
their tactic and said that since they had corporate responsibility for
everything that crossed datacenter walls, it had to be released
through them; what shipped got 44kbytes/sec aggregate, using nearly
whole 3090 processor. I then do the changes to support RFC1044 and in
some tuning test at Cray Research between Cray and 4341, get sustained
4341 channel throughput using only modest amount of 4341 processor
(something like 500 times improvement in bytes moved per instruction

csc posts
internal network
GML, SGML, HTML, etc posts
BITNET posts
HSDT posts
NSFNET posts
internet posts
RFC1044 posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM Special Company 1989

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM Special Company 1989
Date: 05 Feb, 2025
Blog: Facebook

IBM Special Company 1989

3yrs later, IBM has one of the largest losses in history of US
companies and was being reorged into the 13 "baby blues" in
preperation for breaking up the company (take off on "baby bells"
breakup a decade earlier). We had already left the company but get
call from bowels of Armonk asking if we could help with the
breakup. Before we get started, the board brings in the former
president of AMEX as CEO to try and save the company.

1992 "How IBM Was Left Behind", "baby blues", one of largest losses,9171,977353,00.html,33009,977353-1,00.html

20yrs earlier, Learson trying (and failing) to block the bureaucrats,
careerists, and MBAs from destroying Watson culture/legacy

30yrs of management briefings 1958-1988, pg160-163 Learson Briefing
and THINK magazine article

Management Briefing

Number 1-72: January 18,1972



Once again, I'm writing you a Management Briefing on the subject of
bureaucracy. Evidently the earlier ones haven't worked. So this time
I'm taking a further step: I'm going directly to the individual
employees in the company. You will be reading this poster and my
comment on it in the forthcoming issue of THINK magazine. But I wanted
each one of you to have an advance copy because rooting out
bureaucracy rests principally with the way each of us runs his own

We've got to make a dent in this problem. By the time the THINK piece
comes out, I want the correction process already to have begun. And
that job starts with you and with me.

Vin Learson

... snip ...

IBM downturn/downfall/breakup posts
gerstner posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Stress-testing of Mainframes (the HASP story)

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Stress-testing of Mainframes (the HASP story)
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2025 09:06:08 -1000

Lars Poulsen <> writes:

The more I have learned later, the more I understand just how bad it
was. It was an impressive denial-of-service attack for its time. As the
phone calls flew from the machine room operator to the operations
manager, to the head systems programmer, to the IBM field support, and
on and on, red faces of embarrassment must have triggered explosive

And like any other system vulnerability then or later, it was a simple
case of insufficient input validation. In retrospect, it was bound to
happen sooner or later. ;-)

As an undergraduate in the 60s, I had rewritten lots of CP67
... including doing dynamic adpative resource management and scheduling.
After graduation I joined the science center and one of my hobbies was
enhanced operating systems for internal datacenters.

In the decision to add virtual memory to all 370s, there was also the
creation of the VM370 group and some of the people in the science split
off from CSC, taking over the IBM Boston Programming Center on the 3rd
flr (Multics was on 5th flr, CSC was on the 4th flr and CSC machine room
was on the 2nd flr). In the morph of CP67->VM370, lots of stuff was
simplified and/or dropped, no more multiprocessor support, in-queue
scheduling time was only based on virtual problem CPU, and kernel
integrity was really simplified, other stuff.

Now virtual machine could in get into top, interactive Q1 and execute
some code that was almost supervisor CPU (and very little virtual
problom CPU) ... resulting in run-away CPU use ... locking out much of
the rest of the users. The simplification in kernel integrity resulted
in "zombie" users. In 1974, I started migrated lots of CP67 to
VM370R2-base for my internal CSC/VM ... which included curing the
run-away CPU use and zombie users.

Another problem was CP67 would determine long wait state drop from queue
and interactive Q1 based on real terminal type ... VM370 changed it to
virtual terminal type. That worked OK as long as the virtual terminal
type was the similar to the real terminal type ... which broke with CMS
virtual terminal type 3215 but the real terminal was 3270. CMS would put
up READ for 3215 and go into virtul wait (waiting for the enter
interrupt indicating end of typing input) and would be dropped from
queue.  3270 typing would be saved in local buffer, user hits enter and
presents a ATTN to system, CMS does a read and goes into wait state and
is dropped from queue, but end of read is almost immediately (rather
than waiting for somebody typing).

CP67 increased the count of virtual machine active "high-speed" real
device channel programs and at entry to virtual wait state and check
"high-speed" channel program count ... if it was zero, virtual machine
dropped from queue. VM370 at virtual machine entry to wait, would scan
complete virtual device configuration looking for "high-speed" device
active channel program, and virtual 3215 didn't qualify.

After transfer out to SJR on the west coast, ran into a different
problem, SJR replaced it 370/195 MVT system with 370/168 MVS and 370/158
VM370. It included MVS 3830 disk controller and MVS 3330 string with
VM370 3830 disk controller and VM370 3330 string. Both the MVS & VM370
3830 disk controller had dual channel connections to both systems,
however there was strict rules that never would MVS 3330 on VM370 string
... but one morning operator mounted a MVS 3330 on VM370 drive ... and
almost immediately operations started getting irate phone calls from all
over the bldg.

Issue was OS/360 and descendents make exensive use of multi-track search
CCW ... which can take 1/3rd sec elapsed time ... which locks up
controller ... and locks out all devices on that controller
... interferring with trivial interactive response that involves any
disk I/O (MVS/TSO users are use to it, but the CMS users were use to
better than .25sec interactive response).

Demands that operations move the offending MVS disk to the MVS string
were met with it would be done offshit. We get a VM370-tuned VS1 system
and mount its sysem pack on a MVS 3330 drive and start a program.  The
highly tuned VM370 VS1, even running on loaded VM370 158 ... could bring
the MVS 168 nearly to a halt ... minimizing its interference with CMS
workloads. Operations immediately agree to move the offending MVS 3330
if we move the VS1 3330.

CSC posts
CSC/VM posts
prior HASP/ASP, JES2/JES3, and/or NJE/NJI posts

posts mentioning SJR, 168 MVS, 158 VM370, VS1 incidence/occurrence IBM Mainframe Terminals Slow MVS/TSO Multitrack Search Performance Tandem Memo S/360 addressing, not Honeywell 200 VSE timeline [was: RE: VSAM usage for ancient disk models] Dilbert ... oh, you must work for IBM Old data storage or data base CKD DASD Historical curiosity question model 91/CRJE and IKJLEW

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Big Iron Throughput

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Big Iron Throughput
Date: 09 Feb, 2025
Blog: Facebook

after transferring to SJR on the west coast in 2nd half of 70s, I got
to wander around (both IBM and non-IBM) datacenters in silicon valley,
including disk bldg14/engineering and bldg15/product test across the
street. At the time they were running pre-scheduled, 7x24, stand-alone
mainframe testing and mentioned that they had recently tried MVS but
it had 15min MTBF (in that environment) requiring manual re-ipl. I
offer to rewrite the I/O supervisor to make it bullet proof and never
fail so they could do any amount of on-demand, concurrent testing,
greatly improving productivity. I then do an "internal" research
report on all the work and happen to mention the MVS 15min MTBF,
bringing down the wrath of the MVS organization on my head.

1980, STL (since renamed SVL) was bursting at the seams and moving 300
people (& 3270s) from the IMS DBMS group to offsite bldg (with
dataprocessing back to STL datacenter). They had tried "remote 3270"
but found the human factors unacceptable. I get con'ed into doing
channel-extender support, placing 3270 channel-attached controllers at
the offsite bldg, with no perceived difference in human
factors. Side-effect was STL had spread 3270 controllers across the
mainframe channels with 3830 disk controllers. Placing
channel-extender boxes directly on real IBM channels reduced
channel-busy (for the same amount of 3270 terminal traffic) improved
system throughput by 10-15%. There was consideration to move all 3270
controllers to channel-extenders to improve throughput of all their
370 systems.

1988, the IBM branch asked if I could help LLNL (national lab)
standardize some serial stuff they were working with which quickly
became fibre-channel standard ("FCS", including some stuff I had done
in 1980, initially 1gbit transfer, full-duplex, aggregate
200mbyte/sec). Then POK releases some serial stuff they had been
playing with for a decade with ES/9000 as ESCON (17mbyte/sec, when it
was already obsolete). Some POK engineers then become involved w/FCS
and define a heavy-weight protocol that significantly reduces
throughput that is eventually released as FICON. The most recent
public benchmark I can find is z196 "Peak I/O" getting 2M IOPS using
104 FICON (20K IOPS/FICON). About the same time a FCS was announced
for E5-2600 (Intel XEON) server blades claiming over a million IOPS
(two such FCS having higher throughput than 104 FICON). There may be
some confusion mistaking commodity consumer desktop throughput with
server business throughput just because they have the same
architecture (greater difference than an old 80KIP 370/115 and a 10MIP
370/195). Other trivia, IBM recommends that SAPs (system assist
processors that actually do I/O) are kept to 70% CPU ... or more like
1.5M IOPS. Also CKD DASD hasn't been made for decades, all being
simulated on industry standard fixed-block disks.

Trivia: max configured z196 was $30M and benchmarked at 50BIPS
... while IBM had base list price for E5-2600 server blade of $1815
and benchmarked at 500BIPS (IBM sells off its open-system server
business, when industry press articles about server chip makers were
shipping half their product directly to large cloud operators where
they do their own assembly at 1/3rd the cost of brand name systems). A
large cloud operation can have a score of megadatacenters around the
world, each with half million or more server blades, and a
megadatacenter operated by staff of 70-80 people) ... each
megadatacenter processing equivalent of possibly 5M max-configured

disclaimer: last product we did at IBM was HA/6000, started out for
NYTimes to move their newspaper system (ATEX) off DEC VAXCluster to
RS/6000. I rename it HA/CMP

when I start doing technical/scientific cluster scaleup with national
labs (LLNL, LANL, NCAR, etc) and commercial cluster scaleup with RDBMS
vendors (Oracle, Sybase, Ingres, Informix that had VAXCluster support
in same source base with Unix, I also do a distributed lock manager
supporting VAXCluster semantics to ease ATEX port). Early JAN92, have
meeting with Oracle CEO where IBM/AWD Hester tells Ellison that we
would have 16-system clusters by mid92 and 128-system clusters by
ye92. Then late Jan92, cluster scaleup is transferred for announce as
IBM Supercomputer (for technical/scientific *ONLY*) and we are told we
can't work with anything that has more than four processors, we leave
a few months later.

1993 mainframe/RS6000 (industry benchmark; no. program iterations
compared to reference platform)

ES/9000-982 : 8CPU 408MIPS, 51MIPS/CPU
RS6000/990  : 126MIPS; 16CPU: 2BIPS; 128CPU: 16BIPS

Executive that we had been reporting to, moves over to head-up
Somerset/AIM (Apple, IBM, Motorola) doing single chip 801/risc
power/pc ... also motorola 88k risc bus enabling multiprocessor
configurations. However, i86/Pentium new generation where i86
instructions are hardware translated to RISC micro-ops for actual
execution (negating RISC throughput advantage compared to i86).

1999 single IBM PowerPC 440 hits 1,000MIPS
1999 single Pentium3 hits 2,054MIPS (twice PowerPC 440)
2000 z900, 16 processors, 2.5BIPS (156MIPS/proc)

2010 E5-2600, two XEON 8core chips, 500BIPS (30BIPS/proc)
2010 z196, 80 processors, 50BIPS (625MIPS/proc)

more trivia: note (akin to the 3270 controller channel busy cutting
STL/SVL system throughput) 3090 were configuring number of channels
for target throughput based on assumption that 3880 disk controller
was similar to 3830, but with 3mbyte transfer ("data streaming",
multiple byte transfer per end-to-end handshake). However while 3880
had special hardware for 3mbyte data transfer it had really slow
microprocessor for everything else ... which really increased channel
busy. 3090 realized that they would have to significantly increase the
number of channels (to offset the 3880 channel busy) in order to
achieve necessary system throughput, which required an additional TCM
(3090 semi-facetiously claimed they were billing the 3880 group for
the increase in 3090 manufacturing cost). Marketing eventually respins
the big increase in number of 3090 channels as being wonderful I/O

getting to play disk engineer posts
channel-extender posts
FICON &/or FCS posts
HA/CMP posts
continuous availability, disaster
survivability, geographic survivability posts
801/risc, iliad, romp, rios, pc/rt, rs/6000, power, power/pc posts
megadatacenter posts
DASD, CKD, FBA, multi-track search

misc recent posts mentioning "big iron" this century old pharts, Multics vs Unix vs mainframes Virtual Machine History Scalable Computing Mainframe Integrity ReBoot Hill Revisited IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964 IBM Hardware Stories Vintage Mainframe Benchmarks RS/6000 Mainframe RS/6000 Mainframe Shared Memory Feature Vintage DASD AI Scale-up TOPS-20 Boot Camp for VMS Users 05-Mar-2022 TOPS-20 Boot Camp for VMS Users 05-Mar-2022 Mainframe and/or Cloud z/VM 50th - part 2 What is IBM SNA? 9 Mainframe Statistics That May Surprise You FedEx to Stop Using Mainframes, Close All Data Centers By 2024 Computer Server Market Financial longevity that redhat gives IBM IBM Mainframe market was Re: Approximate reciprocals IBM Z16 Mainframe Telum & z16

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Big Iron Throughput

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Big Iron Throughput
Date: 09 Feb, 2025
Blog: Facebook

re: Big Iron Throughput

Turn of century, IBM financials had mainframe hardware a few percent
of IBM revenue (and dropping). A decade ago, IBM financials had
mainframe hardware a couple percent of IBM revenue (and still
dropping), but the IBM group was 25% of IBM revenue (and 40% of
profit), nearly all software and services.

Note: late 80s, a senior disk engineer got a talk scheduled at a
world-wide, annual, internal communication group conference supposedly
on 3174 performance, but opened the talk with statement that the
communication group was going to be responsible for the demise of the
disk division. The disk division was seeing a drop in disk sales with
data fleeing the datacenters for more distributed computing friendly
platforms. The disk division had come up with a number of solutions,
but they were constantly being vetoed by the communication group
(which had corporate strategic responsibility for everything that
crossed the datacenter walls and were fiercely fighting off
client/server and distributed computing). Turns out it wasn't just
disks, but the whole mainframe datacenter business and a couple years
later, IBM has one of the largest losses in the history of US
companies and was being reorged into the 13 "baby blues" in prepartion
for breaking up the company (take-off on the "baby bells" breakup a
decade earlier).,9171,977353,00.html,33009,977353-1,00.html

We had already left the company but get a call from bowels of Armonk
asking if we could help with the breakup. Before we get started, the
board brings in the former president of AMEX as CEO to try and save
the company.

communication group fighting off client/server and distributed
computing posts
IBM downturn/downfall/breakup posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Wang Terminals (Re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix)

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Wang Terminals (Re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix)
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sun, 09 Feb 2025 14:54:57 -1000

Large IBM customers could have hundreds of thousands of IBM 3270s
... one of the issues was SNA/VTAM only supported 64K ... so need to
spread the terminals across multiple mainframes and invent
"cross-domain" support where a terminal "owned" by one mainframe could
create SNA session with a different mainframe.

Then customers started buying IBM/PCs with 3270 terminal emulation
getting both mainframe terminal as well as some local computing
capability ... part of the early explosion in IBM/PC sales. 30yrs of
PC market share figures (IBM/PC & clone annual sales: 1981 0, 1984 2M,
1987 6M, 1990 16M, 1994 36M):

trivia: original article was separate web pages/URLs, now there is
single webpage, and the previous web URLs are redirected into

The rise of the PC (1987-1990):

But the real winner of this era was the IBM PC platform. Sales kept
increasing, and by 1990 PCs and clone sales had more than tripled to
over 16 million a year, leaving all of its competitors behind. The
platform went from a 55 market share in 1986 to an 84% share in
1990. The Macintosh stabilized at about 6% market share and the Amiga
and Atari ST at around 3% each.

... snip ...

trivia: 1980, there was an effort to replace many of the internal
microprocessors with various 801/risc implementations ... all with
common programming environment. For various reasons most of them
floundered. The 801/risc ROMP chip was suppose to be for the
Displaywriter followon, when that was canceled, they decide to pivot to
the Unix workstation market and got the company that had done the AT&T
Unix port to IBM/PC as PC/IX, to do one for ROMP ... which becomes PC/RT
and AIX. The follow-on was RS/6000 that Wang resold

Wang Lab
Word processing market collapse
PCs and PC-based products
Decline and fall

In June 1991, Wang started reselling IBM computers, in exchange for IBM
investing in Wang stock. Wang hardware strategy to re-sell IBM RS/6000s
also included further pursuit of UNIX software.

... snip ...

801/risc, iliad, romp, rios, pc/rt, rs/6000, power, power/pc posts

posts mentioning 30yrs of PC market share: Rise and Fall IBM/PC 50 years ago, CP/M started the microcomputer revolution time-sharing history, Privilege Levels Below User Old adage "Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM" OS2 CTSS/7094, Multics, Unix, CP/67 IBM/PC History Some IBM/PC History IBM Downfall terminals and servers, was How convergent was the general use of binary floating point? Christmas 1989 IBM/PC 12Aug1981 Half an operating system: The triumph and tragedy of OS/2 XT/370 PC Market PC Personal Computing Market Old word processors Mannix "computer in a briefcase" Mannix "computer in a briefcase" Could this be the wrongest prediction of all time? upcoming TV show, "Halt & Catch Fire" 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made30yearsagotoday Steve Jobs passed away What is the protocal for GMT offset in SMTP (e-mail) header The Rise and Fall of Commodore What if the computers went back to the '70s too? Why Didn't Digital Catch the Wave? The Development of the Vital IBM PC in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Wang Terminals (Re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix)

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Wang Terminals (Re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix)
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sun, 09 Feb 2025 17:52:15 -1000

Lars Poulsen <> writes:

Wasn't RS/6000 what was in IBM's Internet routers at the time (1985-1995

re: Wang Terminals (Re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix)

RS/6000 didn't ship until 1990, PC/RT was used in some internet routers.

Early 80s, I had HSDT project, T1 and faster computer links and was
working with NSF director and was suppose to get $20M to interconnect
NSF supercomputer centers (trivia: IBM had 2701 telecommunication
controllers in the 60s that support T1 links, however issues with the
move to SNA/VTAM in the 70s appeared to cap controller links at

Then congress cuts the budget, some other things happened and eventually
RFP was released (in part based on what we already had running,
including T1 links). Preliminare NSF 28Mar1986 Preliminary Announcement:

The OASC has initiated three programs: The Supercomputer Centers
Program to provide Supercomputer cycles; the New Technologies Program
to foster new supercomputer software and hardware developments; and
the Networking Program to build a National Supercomputer Access
Network - NSFnet.

... snip ...

IBM internal politics was not allowing us to bid (being blamed for
online computer conferencing inside IBM likely contributed). The NSF
director tried to help by writing the company a letter (3Apr1986, NSF
Director to IBM Chief Scientist and IBM Senior VP and director of
Research, copying IBM CEO) with support from other gov. agencies ... but
that just made the internal politics worse (as did claims that what we
already had operational was at least 5yrs ahead of the winning bid), as
regional networks connect in, it becomes the NSFNET backbone, precursor
to modern internet.

What was initially deployed was PC/RT routers with 440kbit/sec cards
driving links ... and to somewhat make it look like meets the RFP, ran
with telco multiplexors and T1 trunks.

trivia: HSDT was having custom hardware built on the other side of the
pacific. On friday before I was to checkup on some stuff, received
internal email from Raleigh (communication group) announcing a new
internal (online conferencing) "forum" with the definitions

low-speed: 9.6kbits/sec,
medium speed: 19.2kbits/sec,
high-speed: 56kbits/sec,
very high-speed: 1.5mbits/sec

monday morning on the wall of conference room (on the other side of the

low-speed: <20mbits/sec,
medium speed: 100mbits/sec,
high-speed: 200mbits-300mbits/sec,
very high-speed: >600mbits/sec

The last product we did at IBM was HA/6000, originally for NYTimes to
move their newspaper system (ATEX) off DEC VAXcluster to RS/6000
(started 1988 before RS/6000 announced). I rename it HA/CMP when I start
doing technical/scientific cluster scale-up with national labs (LLNL,
LANL, NCAR, etc) and commercial cluster scale-up with RDBMS vendors
(Oracle, Sybase, Ingres, Informix that had VAXCluster support in same
source base with unix). The IBM S/88 product administrator then starts
taking us around to their customers and has me write a section for the
corporate continuous availability strategy document (it gets pulled when
both Rochest/AS400 and POK/mainframe complain that they couldn't meet

Early Jan1992 in meeting with Oracle CEO, IBM/AWD Hester tells Ellison
that we would have 16-system clusters by mid92 and 128-system clusters
by ye92. Then late Jan1992, cluster scale-up is transferred for announce
as IBM Supercomputer (for technical/scientific *ONLY*) and we are told
we couldn't work with anything with more than four processors (we leave
IBM a few months later).

HSDT posts
NSFNET posts
HA/CMP posts
continuous availability, disaster
survivability, geographic survivability posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Online Social Media

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Online Social Media
Date: 10 Feb, 2025
Blog: Facebook

re: Online Social Media Online Social Media

PROFS group was out picking up internal apps to wrap 3270 menus around
and picked up a very early version of VMSG for PROFS email
client. Later the VMSG author tried to offer them a much enhanced
version ... and the PROFS group tried to have him separated from
IBM. The whole thing quieted down after the VMSG author demonstrated
that every PROFS note/email had his initials in a non-displayed field
(after that, the VMSG author only shared his source with me and one
other person). Well predatating IBM/PC, 3270 emulation, HLLAPI ... the
VMSG author also did PARASITE and STORY CMS APPS. PARASITE used same
VM 3270 pseudo device (as PVM) for creating 3270 terminal. STORY did
(HLLAPI-kind of) programming scripts. I had a terminal script to
access (field engineering) RETAIN, download PUT Bucket...  Old
archived post with PARASITE/STORY informmation (remarkable aspect was
code so efficient, could run in CMS "transient" area):
and (field engineering) RETAIN Story

trivia (upthread): internal network started out as CP67-based
wide-area science center network centered in cambridge (RSCS/VNET)
morphing into the internal network (larger than arpanet/internet from
the beginning until sometime mid/late 80s ... about the time it was
forced to convert to SNA/VTAM).

Cambridge Science Center posts
internal network posts

other posts mentioning vmsg, profs, parasite, story, pvm VMNETMAP Online Computer Conferencing IBM (FE) Retain Dataprocessing Career IBM/PC 12Aug1981 IBM HONE What is the most epic computer glitch you have ever seen? 360 & Series/1 Any candidates for best acronyms? CMS load module format If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM Computers

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM Computers
Date: 11 Feb, 2025
Blog: Facebook

I took two credit hr intro to fortran/computers and at the end of the
semester was hired to rewrite 1401 MPIO (unit record front end for
709) for 360/30. Univ was getting 360/67 for tss/360 replacing
709/1401 and temporarily got 360/30 replacing 1401 pending arrival of
360/67. The univ shutdown the datacenter over the weekend and I would
have the place dedicated .... although 48hrs w/o sleep made monday
classes hard. I was given a bunch of hardware and software manuals and
got to design and implement my own monitor, device drivers, interrupt
handlers, error retry/recovery, storage management, etc. Within a few
weeks I had 360 assembler, stand-alone monitor loaded with BPS
loader. I then added assembler option that either assembled the
stand-alone monitor (took 30mins to assemble) or an os/360 program
(system services, took 60mins to assemble, 5-6mins per DCB
macro). When 360/67 arrives, TSS/360 hadn't come to production and it
runs as 360/65 with OS/360 and I'm hired fulltime responsible for

Student Fortran ran under second on 709 tape->tape. Initially on
360/65 OS/360 ran over a minute. I install HASP and that cuts time in
half. I then start reorganizing STAGE2 SYSGEN to place datasets and
PDS members to optimize arm seem and multi-track search, cutting
another 2/3rds to 12.9secs. Student Fortran never got any better than
709 until I install Univ. of Waterloo WATFOR.

Then three people from CSC come out to install (virtual
machine) CP67/CMS (3rd install after CSC itself and MIT Lincol
Labs) and I mostly get to play with during my dedicated weekend
48hrs. First few months I rewrite a lot of CP67 pathlengths to improve
running OS/360 in virtual machine. Test stream ran 322secs on
real machine, but initially 856secs in virtual machine (CP67
CPU 534secs), after a couple months had CP67 CPU down to 113secs (from
534secs) .... and was invited to the "official" CP67 announce at
Houston SHARE conference (was also HASP 1st project meeting).

Before I graduate was hired fulltime into small group in Boeing CFO
office to help with creation of Boeing Computer Services, consolidate
all dataprocessing into an independent business unit. I think Renton
datacenter largest in the world (360/65s arriving faster than they
could be installed, boxes constantly statged in hallways around the
machine), joke about Boeing was getting 360/65s like other companies
got keypunch machines (sort of precursor to cloud
megadatacenters). Lots of politics between Renton director and CFO who
only had a 360/30 up at Boeing field for payroll (although they
enlarge the room to install a 360/67 for me to play with when I wasn't
doing other stuff). Then there was disaster plan (Mt. Rainier might
heat up and resulting mud slide take out Renton) to replicate Renton
datacenter at the new 747 plant up in Everett.

Comment in this end of ACS360 (rumor it was killed because afraid it
would advance state of the art too fast)

In his book, Data Processing Technology and Economics, Montgomery
Phister, Jr., reports that as of 1968:

• Of the 26,000 IBM computer systems in use, 16,000 were S/360
models (that is, over 60%).
• Of the general-purpose systems having the largest fraction of
total installed value, the IBM S/360 Model 30 was ranked first with
12% (rising to 17% in 1969). The S/360 Model 40 was ranked second with
11% (rising to almost 15% in 1970).
• Of the number of operations per second in use, the IBM S/360
Model 65 ranked first with 23%. The Univac 1108 ranked second with
slightly over 14%, and the CDC 6600 ranked third with 10%.

... snip ...

Renton did have one 360/75 that did classified work, with heavy black
rope around the parimeter. When classified work was running, there
were guards at the perimeter and heavy black velvet draped over
console lights and 1403 printer areas where printed output was

In the early 80s, I was introduced to John Boyd and would sponsor his
briefings. One of his stories was being very vocal that the
electronics across the trails wouldn't work. Possibly as result, he
was put in command of "spook base" (about same time I was at
Boeing). Boyd biography claims that "spook base" was $2.5B windfall
for IBM (ten times Renton).

Boyd posts & web URLs

some recent posts mentioning univ. 709/1401, MPIO, HASP, Fortran,
Watfor, CSC, CP67, Boeing CFO, and BCS 60s Computers 360/65 and 360/67 SHARE User Group Meeting October 1968 Film Restoration, IBM 360 The joy of FORTH (not) IBM 360/30, 360/65, 360/67 Work IBM 360/40, 360/50, 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 Some work before IBM 360&370 Unix (and other history) IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964 Computers and Boyd Vintage Selectric Mainframe Career Computing Career IBM 360/67 DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia 545tech sq, 3rd, 4th, & 5th flrs IBM 370/195 Dataprocessing Career Dataprocessing 48hr shift IBM OS/360 Enhanced Production Operating Systems II Programming Skills

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM Suggestion Plan

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM Suggestion Plan
Date: 11 Feb, 2025
Blog: Facebook

Early 1984, I submitted a suggestion about the requirement to apply
security classification to each dataset ... including in the CMS
environment, for each CMS file. I claimed that personal CMS minidisk
is more akin to MVS PDS dataset and each of the CMS files is more akin
to PDS member. A conservative estimate applying it to every employee,
there would be a $12M/yr difference in employee time between security
classification requirement for every CMS file versus every personal
CMS minidisk. It was rejected, but a couple months later corporate
memo went out adopting it.

trivia: co-worker at cambridge science center was responsible for the
CP67-based wide-area scientific center network centered in cambridge
that morphs into the corporate internal network (larger than the
arpanet/internet from the beginning until sometime mid/late 80s
... about the time converted to SNA/VTAM). The big 1jan1983 conversion
of arpanet to internetworking, arpanet had approx. 100 IMP network
controllers and 255 hosts at the time the internal network was rapidly
approaching 1000. Old archived post with some of the 1983 weekly
internal network updates and summary of corporate locations that added
one or more new nodes (during 1983):

Note: I was in the corporate dog house. In late 70s & early 80s, I was
blamed for online computer conferencing on the internal network; it
really took off the spring of 1981, when I distributed a trip report
of visit to Jim Gray at Tandem; only about 300 actively participated
but claims upwards of 25,000 were reading (folklore when the corporate
executive committee was told, 5of6 wanted to fire me). ... from
IBMJargon ... copy here

Tandem Memos - n. Something constructive but hard to control; a fresh
of breath air (sic). That's another Tandem Memos. A phrase to worry
middle management. It refers to the computer-based conference (widely
distributed in 1981) in which many technical personnel expressed
dissatisfaction with the tools available to them at that time, and
also constructively criticized the way products were [are]
developed. The memos are required reading for anyone with a serious
interest in quality products. If you have not seen the memos, try
reading the November 1981 Datamation summary.

One of the results was official sanctioned computer conferencing
software and moderated sanctioned forums. Another was a researcher was
paid to sit in the back of my office for nine months, go with me to
meetings ... studying how I communicated. They also got copies of my
incoming and outgoing email (their analysis that I exchanged email
with an avg. of 273 people/week during the nine month study) and logs
of all instant messages. The result was (IBM) research reports,
papers, conference talks, books and Stanford Phd (joint between
language and computer AI, Winograd was advisor on computer side).

cambrdige science center posts
internal network posts
online computer conferencing posts
IBM downturn/downfall/breakup posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Public Facebook Mainframe Group

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Public Facebook Mainframe Group
Date: 12 Feb, 2025
Blog: Facebook

re: Public Facebook Mainframe Group Public Facebook Mainframe Group

closer to 50yrs (mid-70s). repeat from upthread 2005 article in
mainframe magazine (although they garbled some details)

2022 post, 1972 Learson tried (& failed) to block bureaucrats,
careerists, and MBAs from destroying watson culture/legacy, 20yrs
later (1992), IBM has one of the largest losses in the history of US
companies and was being reorged into the 13 "baby blues" in
preparation for breaking up the company (take-off on the "baby bells"
breakup decade earlier)
We had already left IBM, but get a call from bowels of Armonk asking
if we could help with the company breakup. Before we get started, the
board brings in the former AMEX president to try and save the company.

online computer conferencing posts
IBM downturn/downfall/breakup posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

old pharts, Multics vs Unix

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2025 15:15:36 -1000

Dan Espen <> writes:

A 3270 starts out in overwrite mode, but you just hit the insert key to
get into insert mode.
There was a more primitive TSO Edit.
Not nearly as good as ISPF edit.  CMS users also had a full screen
editor.  (XEDIT?) The thing I remember about that is it started out
looking horrible, but if you set a bunch of options it was pretty nice.

one 1st CMS fullscreen 3270 edit shipped was EDGAR ... distinctive
that up/down commands reversed, rather that logically move
screen(/winddow) up/down file, file was logically moved up/down .(aka
"up" moved closer to bottom of file).

then in the demise of Future System (completely different than 370 and
going to completely replace 370), there was mad rush to get stuff back
into the 370 product pipelines ... and head of POK (high-end 370
mainframes) managed to convince corporate to kill the vm370/cms
product, shutdown the development group and transfer all the people to
POK for MVS/XA. Eventually, Endicott manages to save the VM370/CMS
product mission ... but had to recreate a development group from

In the meantime there were large number of internal VM370
installations and started to see significant work by internal
datacenter people. One was the "RED" fullscreen editor. Then in early
days when Endicott thot it would develope their own fullscreen editor
(XEDIT), I got into a little conflict with Endicott suggesting that
they should ship RED instead; RED was much more mature, much more
function, significant better performance, etc. Endicott response was
that it was the RED author's fault that RED was so much better than
XEDIT ... therefor it should be his responsibility to fix XEDIT.

Later when POK was trying to do ISPF they ran into the problem that
gov requirements for IBM priced software that revenue had to cover
original development, as well as ongoing development/maintenance ...
and there was couple hundred people in the ISPF group ... nobody would
pay that price ... and it took a lot of creative accounting to get the
price to point that people would pay.

some old RED email (in old a.f.c. archived posts)

some of above also references that after joining IBM one of my hobbies
was enhanced production operating systems for internal datacenters,
initially enhanced CP67, then enhanced "CSC/VM" at the science center
and later "SJR/VM" at san jose research. also mentioned is having
originally done CMSBACK in late 70s (archived/backup) ... which later
morphs into WSDF, ADSM, TSM, etc.

cambridge scientific center posts
internal CP67, CSC/VM, SJR/VM distribution posts
cmsback, backup, archive posts
future system posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM Token-Ring

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM Token-Ring
Date: 12 Feb, 2025
Blog: Facebook

IBM AWD did their own cards for the PC/RT (PC/AT 16bit bus), including
4mbit T/R card. Then the communication group was fiercely fighting off
client/server and distributed computing and were severely performance
kneecapping PS2 microchannel cards. For RS/6000 with microchannel, AWD
was told they couldn't do their own cards but had to use PS2
microchannel cards. It turns out that the PS2 16mbit token-ring
microchannel card had lower card throughput than the PC/RT 4mbit
token-ring card (joke that a PC/RT 4mbit token-ring server had higher
throughput than a RS/6000 16mbit token-ring server).

New Almaden Research was heavily provisioned with CAT wiring, but
found that RS/6000s $69 10mbit Ethernet cards over CAT wiring, had
higher throughput than $800 16mbit token-ring cards. Also for running
TCP/IP and the difference in cost between 300 Ethernet and 300
Token-ring ... it was possible to get a number of high-performance
TCP/IP routers with channel interfaces and 16 Ethernet interfaces
(also had T1 and T3 options) ... being able to configure as few as 4-5
workstations sharing same Ethernet LAN. Also star-wired CAT between
router box and workstation could run full-duplex for nearly whole
distance, minimizing collisions.

The communication group tried to prevent mainframe TCP/IP support from
being released. When that failed they said that since the
communication group had corporate strategic ownership of everything
that crossed datacenter walls, it had to be released through
them. What shipped got aggregate 44kbyte/sec throughput using nearly
whole 3090 processor. I then did changes for RFC1044 and in some
tuning tests at Cray Research between Cray and 4341, was able to get
sustained 4341 channel throughput using only modest amount of 4341
processor (something like 500 times improvement in bytes moved per
instruction executed).

1988, ACM SIGCOMM had paper analyzing 10mbit ethernet ... with 30
station configuration got 8.5mbits/sec effective LAN
throughput. Putting all 30 stations in low-level device driver loop
constantly transmitting minimum sized Ethernet packets, effective LAN
throughput dropped to 8mbits/sec.

801/risc, iliad, romp, rios, pc/rt, rs/6000, power, power/pc posts
RFC1044 posts

posts mentioning ACM SIGCOMM Ethernet analysis The Fall Of OS/2 IBM Token-Ring, Ethernet, FCS IBM Mainframe, TCP/IP, Token-ring, Ethernet RS/6000 Mainframe TCP/IP, Internet, Ethernett, 3Tier Strange chip: Teardown of a vintage IBM token ring controller David Boggs, Co-Inventor of Ethernet, Dies at 71 IBM Downturn ARM Cortex A53 64 bit practical applications for synchronous and asynchronous communication ibm time machine in new york times?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM Token-Ring

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM Token-Ring
Date: 13 Feb, 2025
Blog: Facebook

re: IBM Token-Ring

My wife was con'ed into co-author for response to gov. agency request
for large, super-secure, campus like environment where she included
3-tier networking. We were then out doing customer executive
presentations on TCP/IP, ethernet, 3-tier, high-performance routers
and frequently getting misinformation arrows in the back coming from
SNA & Token-ring forces.

I had been con'ed into helping Endicott in the mid-70s with microcode
assists. The manager from mid-70s Endicott was then executive in
charge of SAA, large top-floor corner office in Somers ... and we
would periodically drop by his office to complain about how bad some
of his people were.

trivia: Early 80s, got HSDT project, T1 and faster computer links,
both satellite and terrestrial and some number of arguments with
communication group (60s, IBM had 2701 telecommunication controller
that supported T1, then move to SNA/VTAM in 70s seemed to cap links at
56kbits/sec). Was working with NSF director and was suppose to get
$20M to interconnect the NSF supercomputer centers. Then congress cuts
the budget, some other things happen and eventually an RFP is released
(in part based on what we already had running). NSF 28Mar1986
Preliminary Announcement:

The OASC has initiated three programs: The Supercomputer Centers
Program to provide Supercomputer cycles; the New Technologies Program
to foster new supercomputer software and hardware developments; and
the Networking Program to build a National Supercomputer Access
Network - NSFnet.

... snip ...

IBM internal politics was not allowing us to bid (being blamed for
online computer conferencing inside IBM likely contributed). The NSF
director tried to help by writing the company a letter (3Apr1986, NSF
Director to IBM Chief Scientist and IBM Senior VP and director of
Research, copying IBM CEO) with support from other gov. agencies
... but that just made the internal politics worse (as did claims that
what we already had operational was at least 5yrs ahead of the winning
bid), as regional networks connect in, it becomes the NSFNET backbone,
precursor to modern internet.

3-tier, middle layer, saa posts
360/370 microcode posts
HSDT posts
NSFNET posts
online computer conferencing posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

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